Artifact review


Unlucky Member
So in my game there will be a bunch of artifacts tied into elements.

Here is one of them:

Speed 5, Damage 10L, accuracy +2 defense +3, rate 2, magical material bonus: orichalcrum (not included), an attuned user being able to use five motes to invoke a sphere of water to surround the user, who is completely unimpeded by it's presence, except that it is not breathable.

This Water Sphere gives the wielder a +3 cover bonus to both DVs, in addition to doubling their movement rate. The water supports his weight fully and flows around by the user's thoughts, allowing him to ignore any difficult terrain, and allow him to climb easily climbed areas like ladders and ropes without using any limb to do so at his full movement rate. The water is infused with healing essence, negating any poison that is exposed to the water, and healing the user's wounds at a rate of 1 bashing per minute. It cannot heal lethal or aggravated injuries. In water, the benefits are the same, except that the movement rate modifier is times five instead of two. Again, the user's attacks and defenses are completely unimpeded by this water bubble, and this extends to attacks made against people outside the bubble but in water.

I am not sure about the healing 1 bashing per minute, perhaps a longer time might be more reasonable.
I was also going to add the effect that it can allow the bubble to engulf a larger area (only usable in water) and transport it threw water quickly. Like it can engulf many people, not just one.

,<--hide responses to this part please

what do you think?
Rialle said:
I am not sure about the healing 1 bashing per minute, perhaps a longer time might be more reasonable.
Consider the following hypothetical artifact power: at the end of combat, the artifact heals all bashing damage.

Now think about how your games usually go. Do you care about tracking minutes after a combat is over? Most people don't. So, effectively the power in your artifact is functionally identical to the power I just mentioned. That's either the effect you want, or it isn't. Bear in mind that exalts naturally heal bashing damage at a rate of one box per three hours anyway.
That does sound reasonable, but bashing not lethal. Also I was thinking it could be used to heal others, but only someone they have a positive intimacy toward (dont want them going around healing everybody, this is for an npc btw), and possible at at mote expense. What do you think?
wordman said:
Rialle said:
What do you think?
In my own campaign, bashing damage happened so rarely that it probably wouldn't have mattered either way.
This is true, what do you think about the other effects of the artifact? I just want to make sure that it all make sense you know? The idea is that it is a 3 or 4 dot artifact. I am not sure what to classify it as.

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