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Digital Artfight prep: The panicking


Just cause I read worse don't mean it ain't cursed
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See, I had the horrible idea to try and draw an OC as a transformer (again)


And this is the timeline of that adventure. Beginning with: The previous iteration Jettison version 5, previously a F-101 Voodoo
Transformers jet V5.png
Upon deciding that I didn't like the Voodoo, I switched Jettison to the F-111 Aardvark and began sketching.

Part 1: base sketch (purple) and exaggeration of the shapes (blue)

Part two had the face sketch which took me four hours alone


Part four had the torso, which took less time than the face, but not by much. This is where I also started to implement a color code for my sketch.

Green = Underlayer/helmet (because I was intending to do the whole thing in green before I realized how bad of an idea that was
Red = Plates pulled directly from my aircraft ref
Blue = The stuff that usually appears on transformers that doesn't really go on their alt
Purple = Modified airplane plates

Part five, arms and waist, took. So much less time than literally any other part (primarily because it was mostly greeblies)

And then I stopped drawing for 3 days because I moved on to my least favorite section: Legs. I have never had a good time drawing robot legs. I hate doing it, I never manage to do them right, it's just a mess. BUT I DID THEM. I don't like them, but I did them

So here I am. Mostly done with the legs. For the most part. I still have to tweak them, but now I get to do semi-live updates because I have nothing better to do and also maybe, maybe someone here will have an idea. Please give me ideas this inanimate object is slowly eating my sanity
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Both legs are in and we have a haphazard wing-sketch. Next thing I gotta do is detail and lining, but that's a tomorrow-me problem

initial lineart took longer than I thought mostly because I got stuck on the eyes for so, so, so long

Details and some more extras have been penciled in as well as the start of coloring
Transformers jet V6.png

And, after far far far too long, he's done
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This is so sick!! I always adore seeing how people create their tf ocs since you’re essentially designing two different entities. He looks so cool and I love the glowing effect on his wings!
This is so sick!! I always adore seeing how people create their tf ocs since you’re essentially designing two different entities. He looks so cool and I love the glowing effect on his wings!
Ty <3

and yeah, lol. I've never really been good at vehicles or people, so drawing a transformer is like a 1-2 punch of pain. Jets and tanks are at least easier because they have a lot more to work with than cars
Was anyone going to tell me that artfight was in like 2 weeks (when I began this journey)? No, but thankfully the server pings when the theme is announced, so I had 10-ish days to prep for artfight. With... 4 characters to update totaling 8 different refs... yaaaaay

Before I had the thought to make this thread, I managed two of them, arguably the most difficult, being Jade and Amethyst


V4 Jade human.png
V4 Jade feral.png

View attachment V6 Amethyst human.jpg
View attachment V6 Amethyst feral.jpg

By far what takes the longest is their stupid wings, and their color palettes, but thankfully my next two are bat-winged. Right now, I'm just trying to get their fullbodies done before I work on any supplementary material (dentition, eye closeups, etc) but good god if I manage to finish these it'll be a bloody miracle

And this is where I stop for today. The lineart's mostly done, all that's left is to make her feral form, but since I haven't decided whether or not her wing membrane's going to be opaque or not, I can't clean up the wings yet

I'm still not sure whether or not her wings are going to be opaque or not I guess we're winging (snrk) it
V6 Cobalt feral.png
V6 Cobalt human.png

Finished her in the wee hours of the morning and decided that she gets to wear her pajamas everywhere because I don't know what she'd wear

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