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Ahsan sucked his teeth, standing at a small rise separating his living room from the long, well-furnished hallway. In fact everything in his large house was well furnished, but for some reason the young master had spent the whole day obsessing over the living room. His servants and maids watched from the sides in silence, inspecting him and perking up at the slightest sign of him deciding to speak (which always ended up just being a false alarm, as he would slouch a bit and continue inspecting the room instead of voicing his thoughts). Although someone who just walked in and had the situation explained to them would assume that Ahsan was trying to make the house look perfect for his new bride, those people who waited on him hand and foot since he was a young child knew better. This was probably the only room he would let his new bride in all alone. Ahsan was very stuck up and had made a list of all the things that his new wife was not allowed to touch. Ahsan's mother became angry with him and demanded he rip up the list and at least try to treat this girl better than the ones who rejected him. This was her last chance at wedding her son, because according to Indian standards after the age of 18 he was too old to be married to anyone worthy of carrying the family name. Ahsan Vashuki was deeply offended by this and about three servants were fired after being asked to step in between his argument with his mother. She won, as usual, and left him to fix up the house for her.

Ahsan nodded once and spun on his heels to face his servants, the tails of his pressed, button down white shirt spinning along with him. One maid played with her dress, itching to fix the shirt for him, but stayed silent as Ahsan finally demanded a group go outside with him to greet the new wife. Following him was a maid, a gardener, the head chef and Ahsan's butler. The idea of sharing his butler and childhood friend with this new girl made him heave a sigh in annoyance, but knew he couldn't do anything about it. His friend rested his elbow on Ahsan's shoulder, something that he did when they were kids and his father was Ahsan's father's butler. He brushed his friend's shoulder aside and blocked out his encouraging words. Whatever he had to say didn't matter. Apparently this girl was poor. While Ahsan was honestly interested in meeting someone who lived life differently from his own, he was also worried. What if she had an opinion about things? What if she didn't know how to clean? What if she was hideous? Of course, Ahsan's mother said he was setting himself up for a loss to begin with since his idea of the perfect wife was a gorgeous, silent one who only listened and cleaned. Neither of those things were necessary because of the amount of people working for the Vashuki family to begin with so that meant...Ahsan shivered....they would have to spend quality time together.

The welcoming party stopped at the front gate of their large manor, only a measly traditional Indian fence blocking his large house from the houses of the middle class families living around him. There was a slight cloud of sand blowing in from the street and Ahsan crossed his arms over his chest to block out the cold September air. "Will she hurry up?" Ahsan muttered, his friend giving him a hearty chuckle.

"We just got here, dosta!" He laughed, holding up his pocket watch so Ahsan could see his reflection. "Besides, I don't think she'll want to see this when she gets here."

Ahsan sniffed, unsure of what his friend meant. He had wavy brown hair that grew out to just above his shoulders and curled every which way. His eyes, which almost looked a dirty yellow color, always had a cold feel to them. It was all topped off with a small, button nose he inherited from his mother (and that he hated being teased about). Besides that he was a pretty average looking fellow. "Speak for yourself." He snapped at his friend, leaning his forehead against one of the fence poles and waiting impatiently for the girl he was supposed to call Mrs. Vashuki from here on out.
(Whoa! :o That is a long intro! Give me a minute...or reply. I'll try to figure out I should begin)

(Still, Yay! ^^ It's finally posted!) 
The young female bride let out a quick and nervous sigh as her mother and grandmama prepared her with their best trinkets for this grand day. The girl was only age of about thirteen years just barely, the idea of marrying some stranger at least five years ahead of her wasn't exactly what she pictured in her future. Being be-wed at this age was perfectly normal in their country; Arranged marriages were the only way to start off their sons' and daughters' relationships with other. Sometimes the two would perhaps grow fond of eachother, but usually they weren't especially close. Rarely ever would they fall for eachother. It was mostly just a duty. Not necessarily their choice.

"Kailash, stop moving! You're going to ruin your perfect hair." The girl's mother complained as she tried to pull herself away from them as they fiddled with her locks and her outfit.

Kailash was the young teenager's name. Even at the time that she first opened her eyes as a small infant, they believed that her large sky blue eyes seemed to glow or even description of sparkle like a crystal; Which was they chose this unique name for her, meaning crystal.

Kailash grumbled under her breath as her grandmama ran her fingers through her long waist-length brown hair. It was practically as dark as black but still including a nice dark brown shade. It really showed off against her lovely copper brown skin tone. Not exactly "drop-dead-gorgeous" or "beautiful" but she was still quite pretty.

Once her higher family members finished placing small beads in one long small braid along side her face, letting the rest simply flow down her back, her outfit was rather simple too. It had a bit of elegant look with the flowly white sleeves and rings lined around both her ankles and wrists. Another sigh was released from her mouth, though her mother and grandmama clapped happily and formed sweet smiles across their faces. "Come, come! We must hurry along now! He is already awaiting for your arrival!"
((OOC: Cue nervous chuckle...yeah my first posts are pretty long. I didn't pour my heart into this post here though, so don't mind it too much.))

Ahsana pulled his sleeve back to glance down at his watch and sighed. A full ten minuted had passed and the cold was beginning to get to him. He wrapped his arms tighter around his chest and cringed as he held back a painful cough. He had asthma and used this to complain about the weather and whatever else came to the young master's mind as he stood shivering in the cold. His asthma was mild and attacks were extremely rare occurrences, but it wasn't uncommon for Ahsan to find the smallest reason to complain. His friend and loyal butler knew that he was just nervous about his new wife's arrival and didn't blame him. It was normal to be nervous, as he was nervous for Ahsan. He knew Ahsan would not like it if he found out his friend was nervous about him but he couldn't help it. Divorces were practically unheard of in India, and if it just so happened that he wasn't the most fun person to be around. As long as his new wife was someone who could deal with him, or even make him respect her, then they would be alright but...that didn't seem likely. Ahsan was a royal pain in the-

"I think that's them." Ahsan moaned, his forehead still against the gate. He was looking out towards the street and off in the distance were a couple of moving dots. Everyone in the welcoming party straightened up for the arriving party of women, except Ashan. Apparently the idea of his entire future walking towards him wasn't all that appealing to him, as not much else was.
Kailash's eyes skimmed slowly across the faces of the group as she stepped out of the mini sand storm cloud, looking over the strangers before her. She tried to point out the man that had been arranged to spend the rest of his life together with her. It wasn't that difficult to see that only two of all of them were actually young, as in Ahsan and his childhood friend, but she still couldn't tell which one it was of the two. Ahsan seemmed a little better put-together and dressed, sorta scary looking too.

She bowed her head politely as her mother officially introduced her to her family. She couldn't help but find herself glancing around at all their outfits, their house, everything. Everything was so much more efficient. More appealing too. She twirled one of the ends of one of her locks of hair feeling slightly nervous. Her height was rather short for the average girl, plus these people were at least a head taller than her, at least. With a flip of her hair and a tiny smile, she tried hard to hide her awkwardness.

(Sorry for late reply!)

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