arranged marrige (little*dreamer and meli-chan<3)


Logan sighed and clenched his teeth running a hand through his longish tousled hair he was only 19 and already has to get married 'hell no' he thought. his parents just told him this. //flash back-in his dads office at a law firm// "sit down son" his father said. he sat and asked "whats up?" he said a little qorried he never got called to come over here unless its important. "as you know we are the worlds second best law firm in the country but we want to be number one so we offered the number one company to combine our companies together and help eachother so that we can be sucsessfull together." logan nodded "we figured what better way to merge our company's together than marrige?" logan sprung from his chair "what!? no you cant do this!" his father gave him a serious death glare that made him shudder "you can amd you will...." //end of flash back// and now here he was waiting to meet the girl who 'ruined his life' "she's already late least she could do is try to come in time" he mutterd
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Janie stared at the door, inside was her future, inside was her fate. Inside she would find out what was in store for the future and what wasn't. Inside was him. Someone she had never met before, but had too spend the rest of her life with wether she liked it or not. Right now she was outside and everything would remain the same here. She wouldn't have to decide if she liked him or not. If she didn't like him, maybe it would make it worse. She wouldn't just have too marry someone she didn't know, she would have too marry someone she didn't like. Was that worse?

She sighed realizing all this waiting had made her late. She finally opens the door and steps inside and looks over at the man who she would soon be calling husband.
logan looked up his bright green eyes were sharp with hatred not towards her but this situation he stood up revealing his tall lean muscular but no bulging figure he flipped his long wavy hair out of his eyes. that were now not showing hatred but looked a bit sad "hey are you?..." his deep smooth voice trailed
Janie nods her head slightly and walks over too him slowly. She looks him over with her grey eyes shyly. She bites her lip nervously, "I'm I'm Janie" she says in her soft voice. Looking down her orange colored hair falls into her face. She fiddles with her fingers nervously in habit.
"im logan" he said amused she was cute hell give her that and that lip biting made her look even cuter. "listen.. we have to do this we have no choice, but im not just gonna start acting like were a couple and be all lovey dovey. i need to know you first. im sure you agree." he said holding his hand out for her to shake. he was going to try to like this girl but if it didnt work out then he wasnt marying anyone.
Janie takes his hand "Yeah" she swallows "yeah" she agrees. "What would you like too know?" she asks him. She drops her hand back by her side. She lifts her head looks at him. He was handsome and he was being nice, but it was just a first impression. She did want too get too know him better and was anxious about the information, not sure what too expect.
he gave her her best smile showing his perfect teeth. "not in this stuffy room" he said "lets go to the cafe across the street its les tense" he didnt want to come on as an ass so he was being as nice as possible
Janie nods "Sounds good" she replies and turns walking toward the door. She stops in the doorway waiting for him. She wasn't sure she wanted too have the conversation in public, but then again it would give her something to focus on.
he opened the door for her "ladies first" he said waiting for her to go out the door. he was trying hard though he has always been a gentleman and felt strongly about women
Janie walks outside "Thank you" she replies acknowledging the kindness. She follows him too the cafe taking a seat. She wets her lips "So, what do you want too know?" she asks again.
She sets her hands on the table and chews on her lip thinking. "Okay, well I enjoy writing. I write in journals and sometimes stories that I never get around too finishing."
She nods "Maybe" she replies not sure if she wanted anyone too read them. Janie brushes her hair behind her ear. "What about you?" she asks
i like music" he said "i play the guitar,bass,and piano and i also sing a little" he shrugged. it wasnt much of a big deal anyone can learn that but it takes a smart creative person to write a story
Janie nods "I don't know anything about music." She rubs her arm with the palm of her hand a little uncomfortable. "Is there anything else you would like too know?" she asks unsure how too continue.
he chuckled at how nervous she was "first of all relax i dont bite okay?" he said with a reasuring smile as he flipped his hair out of his eyes again "what type of stories do you like?" he said looking at her "i like to read in my spare time but i havent found a good book actualy" ((mornin
Janie watches his flip his hair out of his eyes for the maybe third time. "You could cut it" she suggests. "Your hair I mean. Then it won't get in your face." She thinks over the question. "I like fantasy adventure books. The ones where they have too fight monsters." 
(Top of the morning too you as well.)
he laughed and nodded "i could cut it yeah. but i like it long. " not much comment on a little thing like his hair so he knew she was attentive and observant. "i like mystery's. keeps me thinking and it also helps a little with my training"
She listens too his laugh, he seemed so comfortable about this whole thing. She wanted too join with him and pretend it was any other date, but she couldn't. She still felt scared, not scared of him exactly, but about having too give up everything she knew and be with him. What did being with him mean, did she have too move in with him, did she have too do what he said? What if there was something about him, she didn't know about, like that he was a murderer or something. No, her parents would never let her marry a murderer, but that's the thing about murderers, they could be anyone. She placed her hands back on the table trying not to fiddle with them. She was being silly, wasn't she. "Mysteries are boring, they skip the good bit."
he shrugs and nods "your right but you cant have two pepole in a romance novel meet then admit their undying love for eachother the next day. thats what makes a book. the boring parts are needed to get to the good part" he said simply the girl seemed nervous and distracted "whats on your mind? you look distraught"
Janie looks down at her hands "I'm not ready too be married. There is this big pressure for it too work out right? What if it doesn't? And does all this mean I have too move in with you? I don't want to give up everything for someone I don't know, even if it's you." she stops biting down on her lip realizing she was rambling. She takes in a deep breath and swallows "Sorry" she mutters.
he feels a bit sorry "janie.. relax okay i m not ready for this either. were taking things slow and if it dosent work out and we cant even think of having a realation ship than we wont. ill talk to my dad and we will not marry if we dont want to. technicly they are still arranging things were not even engaged basically so what matters right now is that we see if we can possibly have a future together and you know what if somone special comes along in your life while we are doing this than no one can stop you from going with him" he asured her that every thing will go as fast or slow as she wanted "and if they do force us to move in together. i will make sure we have seprate rooms and bathrooms. and everything you need for privacy."
Janie looks up at him. "You act like we have complete control over what happens. From what it sounded like too me is we are getting married wether we like it or not." she disagrees shaking her head.
"they can force us but they cant stop us from fighting them" he shrugged casually "ill go to court against my father. i have no problem doing that" you could tell him and his father dont have much of a relationship

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