Arpe-Red-Gee is the Computer's Friend

Well, I could probably GM for people, since there's not exactly much to it but make the Troubleshooters go through hell. :D
I recently got a piece of communist propaganda pdf of this game, and could perhaps be convinced to die for the Computer.
I've never heard of it myself... it sounds interesting though. If I don't end up running the live game elsewhere in this forum, I might be interested...
If we can get a couple more folks, that would be good, and I can get a forum requested... the rules (that you're allowed to know about) are pretty simple, gatherer.
Gatherer, it's a dystopian future where a tyrant computer runs everything, where even the other players are against you, and the GM is out to kill you at every tu- *ZAP!*

*is reduced to a pile of ashes*

*A new clone exits the cloning vats*

The Computer is your friend, and we are his Troubleshooters. We make things better for Friend Computer. Isn't that great?
Just for the record: Yes, it's a backstabbing and treacherous game where life expectancy per clone can be measured in less than a session. But it's meant to be a change of pace and good light-hearted fun.
Please note that Blackadder's statement is perhaps treasonous in content, and definitely not true! Life here in Alpha Complex is wonderful and happy, and Friend Computer keeps us safe. Anyone who is not having a wonderful, happy life will be shot as a traitor. Anyone who is not being kept safe by Friend Computer will be shot as a traitor. And remember, have a wonderful, communism-free day!
Is that an indication of interest Chaka? And actually, I could go with 4 people, I'm just waiting to see if we can get a fifth.
while I have a great fondness for paranoia, two games is my limit right now - I'm running two campaigns IRL as well. If something really jumps out and grabs me I might submit something, but as it is I'm just not able to invest the time.
I shall use some Google-fu and possibly some darker skills and get back to you on this... after I also do a time management survey and see if I can really commit to it. I'm playing in 2 games and might be moving a third from tabletop to live chat, complete with changing out a few characters on the way (or possibly just scrapping it entirely and starting a new game, depending on how many players will carry over from tabletop).
Friend Computer, I saw Chaka drop his daily Happiness Pill earlier today. I'm just doing my citizenly duty and making sure he requisitions a new one. He DID request a replacement, didn't he? He didn't? I wouldn't want to say he did it on purpose, because that wouldn't be very citizenly of me, but it is awfully suspicious...
I am thoroughly amazed at the thought of this game. I want to play very very much. What playstyle are you leaning most toward? I'm liking them all, but really... even playing it "Straight" it seems like it can't help but be funny (although it's a dark-funny in Straight games)... I think I'm liking it the most - just complicated enough to allow for wiggle room, but still pretty fun and fast-paced, not a ton of rules and such.

Am I right that this "Paranoia XP SP1" is the right rulebook? It's the newest edition I could find...
So, I located Paranoia: Troubleshooters. It appears to be exactly the same book, reordered just a bit. Supposedly there are parts changed in chapters I didn't read, though, but I'm not even remotely curious about that. I would submit to the Famous Game Designers that maybe there should be a page break between the stuff that is Clearance Red and the stuff that is for the High Programmers, though, like there was in the older book, to prevent any unintentional treason. It looks so incredibly fun, which is good, since fun is mandatory ^_^

I would be interested in playing Paranoia. I've heard of it but never played it before. Since knowing too much about the rules is treasonous, hopefully that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Don't worry about high clearance sections. Just don't ever mention them to the GM in the actual game. Seriously, game rules says OOC comments can be considered just as treasonous as IC comments. This is a game that requires a lot of trust between both players (as we will probably have opposing goals that will involve killing eachother), and the GM (Who is, actually against you, and not in the perceived way that happens in other RPGs. This time, the GM actually wants to kill you. As often as possible. And even a few times extra for good measure. No dice roll required.)

This is why I'm asking for the number of clones. I, personally, have never played, but witnessed Paranoia games, and, for new players, have been told high-to-infinite clones is best. Infinite meaning within reason (I.e, an army of bodies to thwart the GM eventually will run out, but simple backstabbing and slips of the tongue won't make me permadead)
What this means is, if, for some reason, even if you roll perfect, if the GM says you miss, you miss. Don't argue, or you die. On the flip side, Rule Zero is always in effect. An asshole GM doesn't get players. blackadder is decent enough though where I doubt this'll be an issue
haha, well, if you have 30,000 clones, he can just have your memory bank wiped anyway, the clones are worthless. To you, at least - I'm sure they'll sell on the black market to some other traitor who needs a new identity fast and doesn't mind having your ugly mug...

yeah, it should be fun enough. Betray before you get betrayed, serve the Computer loyally (when it's watching), remember to buy new clones when you run lower than 20 or so... Fun is mandatory. Experimental equipment is Fun. Experimental equipment has been found to be only [REDACTED]% more likely to cause the death of its operator than regular equipment. Troubleshooters likewise only have a 27,000% higher rate of clone turnover than IR-level citizens... (that number is actually in the book. I'm thinking these Troubleshooters must have crazy-good violence scores if that few IRs are getting hit by stray laser fire... not that I understand how a violence score affects accuracy or anything. *shifty eyes*)

EDIT: I forgot how little of character creation can be done without rolling. I picked stats via the point buy method in the book (can of course redo this by a different method if that's what we go with), picked common specialties... and realized there's nothing else I can pick until after I've been assigned the stuff I don't get to pick. Still, I'm started, assuming Blackadder is so generous as to allow the point buy method. I'm thinking about tics.... I have a good one, but I'm not sure it'll get approved, as I don't think they're supposed to change between clones and it'll only work on the first clone :( we'll see, I suppose, as it is only Blackadder and Friend Computer who can say for sure. Hail the High Programmer, serve the Computer.

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