Opinion Are you embarrassed to tell people you roleplay?


Elder Member
Maybe this is just me, but I do not like telling people that I role play. Most people assume that it is associated with dirty things, so they think it is weird that I do it. I typically try to hide what I am doing when I am typing a reply or even just refreshing the website (because of the giant RPNation banner). I feel so self conscious telling people about it, even my family. I just recently had to tell my boyfriend about it because he was worried I was cheating on him, and I have never felt more nervous. I'm just afraid of being judged for something I enjoy doing.

My question is, do you feel this way too? Why? Who do you feel comfortable telling?
Hmm... sort of.. I haven been trying to make friends IRL lately, so i tell them. One of the first things actually, because It's something, that despite doing idly, I love doing. So if they belittle me for it, i'd rather know fast before I find I like them for whatever reason and then they are cruel because I like books and writing.
Adults, not really. Because to them they do see it as "dirty" unless they know of DnD, then it's just dorky/nerdy and my family is full of "better have the tv on anytime football is on" so I am pretty hush hush about it.
either way i really dont like people over my shoulder with anything that I have up. so I will minimize my browser completely at times, or I have another random tab up that I quickly switch to when i know someone is walking up to me.
i don't really know why I feel this way. My husband obviously knows i'm an addict and is supporting of my quest to find RP partners because it furthers my writing. But pretty much anyone i get close to I have met through RP. I have problems speaking IRL, but online I chat up a storm, so it's easier for me. :)
I'm absolutely embarrassed and I have no idea why. Somewhere along the line, I learned to be embarrassed about my interests and while I'm getting better, I'm still far from over it. I've only told a small handful of people ever - I think three total - and I'm no longer friends with two of them (the two who shared the interest), so go figure. (The friendships ending had nothing to do with roleplaying though, haha)
People think they have an "invisible audience," as if what they do online is anyone else's business. I don't hide that I roleplay, but I generally don't talk about it either.

People don't care about what you do online. Some people are nosy and look over my shoulder, but I know no one will actually think anything of it. If they do, we have a bigger issue than how I choose to spend my free time.
I'm comfortable telling people I'm comfortable with. Usually my family and my doctors. Anyone else, I don't think I would.
I usually call it collaborative writing online. It's all about the wording. People don't know what that means but it's a word and then a productive hobby so they so "oh how cool!" and we leave it there.

No one has to know about my stash of vampire covens, pokemon trainer cards, etc. xD Outside of the hobby most people would judge. And it's okay to want to avoid that judgement. Lol.
I usually call it collaborative writing online. It's all about the wording. People don't know what that means but it's a word and then a productive hobby so they so "oh how cool!" and we leave it there.

No one has to know about my stash of vampire covens, pokemon trainer cards, etc. xD Outside of the hobby most people would judge. And it's okay to want to avoid that judgement. Lol.
That’s a good way of putting it. “Collaborative Online Writing” is something I’ll have to use.

I myself am personally really embarrassed about telling people. There seems to be (at least around me) a negative connotation to people about this stuff. They think it’s weird or sexual (since role playing is sexual to them... ugh). Very few people know I do this. I’ve told several people in the past I did (I had to take a break for awhile). No one other than my girlfriend knows I do it still.

But yeah, I tend to find it embarrassing to say I do.
I'm the same. One thing I've learned is that perception is a bish. I have a variety of friends IRL, but I rarely like to tell them about some of the things I enjoy doing. Once you tell someone something they are free to twist it in whatever way they please, sorta of like you mentioned earlier. I love roleplaying, and it can be called collaborative storytelling as well. It's a good escape. For me its a good way to let my bottled up creativity run free with like minded individuals. Idk why its such a taboo. LOL
Not really. I don't mind telling people I do so if they ask, as long as they don't take it the wrong way.
Not embarrassed by it, more like I just want to keep it private.
Oooh, y’all gave me some ideas with how to explain it. I’m not embarrassed to tell people, and I do, but for about three seconds they get real surprised at how uncharacteristically kinky I am.
I don't know anyone in my life who has any business knowing about my online habits. It's not something I simply sit down and talk about in normal conversation.
I'm really embarassed, cause if I mention roleplay or try to explain the concept, I think people will either assume it's childish or sexual. Even if I say it's "collaborative writing", knowing the people around me they wouldn't leave it at that and would try to dig deeper, and that's mostly what I'm afraid of, those after questions and stuff. When I shared I liked anime with my family it was a damm nightmare of an evening, so it doesn't help I have that kind of experience.

And as some have said, it's not like it's their business or they would have any interest in the activity.
Yes and no.

Primarily because the moment I say the word 'roleplay', their minds immediately fly to cosplay, so whenever my friends ask what I do, I basically tell them I weave a story with a bunch of other people online. o 3 o
It really doesn't come up in my conversations, but it has a few times and the way I think about it is this:

One of my friends agreed to light their nipples (male) on fire in exchange for something and post it on youtube.

Roleplaying is a harmless hobby.
If I had better friends I wouldn’t be embarrassed. But my friends and I are only friends for few reasons.
I usually call it collaborative writing online.
This is a good idea, I'm gonna use this one.

I haven't told anyone at all about it. I feel self conscious because of the thoughts that come up when someone hears "roleplay". My boyfriend doesn't even know and, although i'm sure he really wouldn't give a shit, I feel like I've been doing it for too long to be like "oh hey btw." Though I feel as if describing it as collaborative story writing is a good way to describe it.
Yes and no.

Primarily because the moment I say the word 'roleplay', their minds immediately fly to cosplay, so whenever my friends ask what I do, I basically tell them I weave a story with a bunch of other people online. o 3 o
Exactly. Same here.

Roleplaying is just not the best word. While a lot of people do portray canon roles with others, there is just as much original story writing and plotting going on here. So "writing" "collaborative writing online" etc it just saves time.

Honestly I'd like to say if anyone judges you for such a harmless, relatively intellectual hobby they aren't good friends. But I don't tell most of mine. Hell I haven't even used the word aroubd my siblings. I'd be eaten alive lmao.
I've always been super embarrassed about it!

Most people who know me well are aware, but it's definitely not something I tell strangers right away.

I don't mind if people think I'm a nerd, so it's not that. I make my other nerdy hobbies clear right away. Like you said in the OP, I just think it's something people won't understand and will think is dirty or bizarre.
As an avid D&D player, I find this issue kind of interesting. On one hand you have the forum posting and chat side of RP which is extremely weird to most people, but D&D has become socially acceptable in the mainstream so I just hide behind that fact that D&D is roleplaying when explaining it to people. And if they ask if I do other kinds of RP I will explain it to them at that point.
For much of the exact reasons people described, I'm not going to tell people I roleplay because, from what I believe, it's either going to be child dress-up or adult dress-up in their heads. Society, man.

But if someone wants to know if I'm into D&D or some other cool tabletop shit, then hell yeah I'm telling them! D&D is a real man's game (but that's because society is okay with that one. society, man).
However, I'd like to add, it depends on if you're just a casual dude or an aspiring writer. Society may not look at the basic stuff in a positive light, but some people write books worth of content here. Whole books! One day, some of us are gonna be millionaires off all that literature, just you wait and see.

So yeah, just say you're a budding novelist or some other such thing, and that you collaborate with others on books there. And if they ask where, they're getting a little too deep. Gotta keep your ideas to yourself and your associates if you wanna make that money.

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