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Fandom Are Teen Wolf fans still active??


New Member
Hey hey hey!! As the title says, I’m a big Teen Wolf fan, the MTV show not the 80’s movie... Anyways, I’m looking for some roleplays set in this universe. But, before all of the fun let me introduce myself (and my rules I’m sorry in advance). So, yeah, I’m Tulsa and I’m 22, I’ve been roleplaying for about ten or so years. Okay, now onto the rules, I know they can be boring but pls read them :,).


FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV. I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me. As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off. I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple. I will play side characters if we need/like, but I only do one thread. I hope that makes sense lol

LENGTH;; My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies anywhere from 1-3 paragraphs,usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving. I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit.

PLOTTING;; As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down. It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it. Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask! This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl.

REPLY RATE;; Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered. Due to Covid, I’m available almost all day everyday so I’d love someone who’s able to do quick, but also literate replies! I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day.

I think that’s it for all of the formalities, so onto the fun stuff!

So, like I said, I’m really interested in Teen Wolf right now. I have an entire other ad for the rest of my fandoms lol, so this one is purely for my fave show! Currently, I’m looking for two pairings, one of which has always been a favorite of mine and many others and the other is somewhat canon divergent I suppose.

The first pair I’m interested in is none other than Stydia, they were my first otp and I’d love to give a go at playing Lydia Martin again since it’s been so long since I’ve played her. As for plot ideas for Stydia, I’m really open to anything, but perhaps something set at their high school reunion? That’s all I’ve got off the bat lol, so we’d have to brainstorm for sure!

The other couple I want (and am craving so incredibly bad) is Derek and Paige. Now I’m sure Paige doesn’t sound too familiar considering she was only in one episode, however, she was Derek’s first love in the Highschool flashback with him and Peter if you remember. She did die, unfortunately, but I’ve rewritten a few things to bring her back as a music teacher at Beacon Hills during S3(or really whenever we’d like to set the plot). I have a character description for her AU version if you’d like more info of course, but if you’re even just curious pleaseeee let me know, I want to play her so badly! The basic plot premise I have is that Paige has no memories of Derek but when he sees her he’s confused and shocked cause he’s believed her dead all these years...

Soooo yeah! I’m also fine with playing onsite as well as disc*rd so feel free to comment or PM me if you’re interested in anything!

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