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Fantasy Ard-Mhéara: The Witching Hour (Casting Call/Interest Check)


Junior Member
The Witching Hour
Ignoring the word's of your obnoxious lil' brother
"Kill or be killed!"
Spill the words from your mother.
I'll lay awake for a while.
I'll leave the light on a while.
But you...
Couldn't last a life time! Caught between here and the days of it,
Carving their names into your arm.
With every wish.
It's hit or miss!
"I told you so." I measure distance in lines. Departing the rest of my life. But you,
you, you...
You had better things to do. But you, you, you... You had better things to do!
Liar, liar, liar liar. Liar, liar, liar, liar. Liar, liar, liar, lie away.
Pray for us all, pray for us all, pray for us all, pray for your soul. Pray for us all, pray for us all, pray for us all, pray for your soul.
  • File
    I have come to acquaint myself with a man's odd phrasing. "My Lord has many mansions." He was a old kindly physician. Well versed in his craft and slept a lot. The gentlemanly sort and he sought to build me up back when I lost everything.

    I walk the path of a twilit road. As he did before me. Many swore he was helpful while other's thought him some crazy old person. He gave me many tools to help those across the "mansions" he spoke of. The thing I wish he told me sooner was how many shadows reside in the dark. If I had known that then, maybe... I guess that will just have to be a story for another time.

    How do you feel about the unexplained stories through out history? Hauntings, abductions of the lil green men variety, the odd way that people go mad in the dead of night? Normal people might find it terrifying... Maybe my brain doesn't function on the same wavelength? I guess that's why I walked the Twixt in the first place. Me and others like me. I, was not the beginning and I surely won't be the last.

    Speaking of the beginning, let me start from there...

    I was a normal college student in a city in Wisconsin. Hillvale wasn't big, rather it was a tourist attraction being right near the coast of the lake that divides the U.S. from Canada. It had enough wild life in the moutains, and evergreen forests that were on the out skirts of town to keep the locals fed when hunting season came around. Beaches near the lake for summer enjoyment and fishing. Enough coffee shops to keep the busy bodies, and students that walked the streets during the day from dropping during their day to day life. What happened one night stopped our once peaceful economy dead in it's tracks, however. The thickest fog on record had come rolling in over Mother Superior that even our brightest lighthouse couldn't pierce. That night people went missing in droves. The local government should have been on red alert... They just wrote it off instead. So much for public service.

    So a bunch of the citizens took on some vigilante justice. The lighthouse after that day went dark and was all but abandoned. That seemed like the best place to look. I never viewed myself as a "Velma" to lead the Scooby gang to the clues. It had to be done, of course this loop had gone on many times before. If not done by me, than who? Would it it have been you? Well... Let's find out at the beginning of this new loop. Together we'll fix it this time, yeah?

code by Nano
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Tentatively interested. I look forward to the lore. Would you prefer realistic or drawn/anime style pics for characters?
Character Creation: If you guys could make two in this format. I would appreciate it. One to be shown here and the second shall have some added things for reasons that will be shown when we deal with the Twixt stuff. I need that one sent to me in a message.

Name: Self explanatory.

Age: 18 and above

Race: This will be applied in both instances in different ways. First of which is just your standard. The second (This one you'll need to keep hidden. So this gets sent to me.) is for the twixt. Fantasy races and creatures are in this realm. Elves, Fae, Vampires, Werewolves, you get it.

Occupation: What you do to pay bills. Your skills in this regard may serve purposes in the Twixt. Maybe you work as a doctor. You may be able to save a life. A mechanic? Maybe a vehicle can be fixed for a quick get away. A Witch and you studied the occult. Maybe you can tell me what writing on the wall means.

Skills: Any skills that can be used by the person. Occupational, Race related, Maybe the element gives you an advantage? Stuff related to like powers don't post openly.

Element: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, the four base building blocks of magic. Let's get to the one you're curious about. What does Spirit do? Spirit is a secret which will be introduced when we're in real danger and I'll introduce the mechanic at the time. Until then focus on the base four elements.
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Character Creation

Appearance not in twixt.


Appearance in Twixt


Name: Kinsey Yeou

Age: 21

Race: Asian Decent/Fox Spirit/Shapeshifter

Occupation: College Student


Hand to Hand Specialist: Kinsey is a recreational boxer. She won't need a weapon to throw down if the need arises.

Medical Training: First Aid is something everyone should know. However, Kinsey is a bit more proficient in that regard. She could serve as the team's field medic.

Crystalline Solid Transformation: Kinsey is capable of changing her outer layers of flesh into materials much more solid. Serving to make her armor for protection. This isn't just Crystal like the name implies either. Crystalline matter can be stone, diamond, metal, etc. Anything hard.

Weapon Transformation: Along with her formidable defense she is capable of turning her own limbs into melee weapons. Blades, clubs, maces, etc.

Kitsune Physiology: She sports tails and ears reminiscent of a Japanese fox spirit yokai. She can hear things reminiscent of canines and can even sniff out stuff similarly. The real thing here is that multiple tails means multiple limbs.

Element: Earth

Normal Appearance : She sports a pair of headphones she carries everywhere. Brown hair and eyes serve her normally tired expression to keep her from being noticed. A black leather jacket, over a sweater, jeans, and boots.

Slight change while in the twixt is longer more neopolitan colored hair. Those headphones become real ears and tails come as a matching set. Nine to be exact that she keeps neatly tucked away in a single braided mesh.

Backstory: Don't really need one. This is intended to be your hero origin story anyway.
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