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Fandom Arcane Viktor/Jayce AU?


Hey all, I've been watching Arcane and am now looking for something rather specific. I'd like to do a Viktor/Jayce AU set either in the modern age, or the Atomic Age/Cold War. Viktor and Jayce would still be close collaborators who pioneered some major scientific development (maybe nuclear related). I'd like this to be a slow-burn, angsty thing – maybe Viktor is somewhat obviously in love with Jayce, but won't admit it out loud, while Jayce denies his feelings for Viktor (and perhaps altogether denies that he has any romantic/sexual feelings towards men) and pursues other women. I'm also thinking that, as Viktor's physical health deteriorates, Jayce becomes more involved in Viktor's life, just helping him out with things he can't do independently anymore.

This AU could be overtly and subtly political. Subtly political in the sense that Viktor and Jayce are navigating homophobia/a shitty healthcare system/academic bureaucracy/etc. Anndd it could be overtly political in that they're directly dealing with the political implications of their discovery/invention, and Cold War or modern politics. I'm thinking Viktor would be Russian and Jayce would be American, and this would primarily be set in the US.

I want to play Viktor, so I'm looking for someone to play Jayce. Ideally we'd add a bunch of side characters too though, who can be of varying degrees of importance.

Then, just a little about me, and what I want from you, just to make sure we're compatible...

  • 22 years old, she/her
  • ~10 years RP experience
  • I consider myself advanced lit, responses range from 400-1000 words typically
  • I try and reply a few times a week, but sometimes life gets in the way
  • Big fan of OOC chat and being friends with my RP partners. Let's geek out over our characters and story!
  • I love dark and angsty themes (I have no limits really), but definitely want some fluff and wholesomeness as well
  • Prefer Discord, but PMs are okay too
  • 18+ years old
  • Give me something to work with in your replies. I'm not a stickler for word count, but I'd appreciate at least 3 substantial paragraphs per reply (but obv quality > quantity)
  • Ideally you can respond at least twice a week, but life gets in the way, so just lmk if you won't be able to reply for a bit
  • You also want to geek out over our characters and story!
  • Contribute to developing a plot with me
  • Mature enough to handle more serious topics, like mental illness, physical illness, homophobia, etc.
I would absolutely love to do this with you!!! I think my geekiness will work well for you and plus I love jayce x Viktor and I'm more than happy to play Jayce. slow burns and angst is something I write as a hobby so that will come easily to me.
I also always do my best to keep the story alive, I'll most likely reply everyday, if not it is probably because my exhaustion had caught up to me.

If you are still interested I'd love to do this with you :)
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