Arcana - Would you be interested? [POLL]

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For those of you who don't know, there are a number of "arcana" associated with Tarot cards and other related practices. The MAJOR Arcana are (feel free to just skim):

  • The Fool
  • The Magician
  • The High Priestess
  • The Empress
  • The Emperor
  • The Hierophant
  • The Lovers
  • The Chariot
  • Justice
  • The Hermit
  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • Strength
  • The Hanged Man
  • Death
  • Temperance
  • The Devil
  • The Tower
  • The Star
  • The Moon
  • The Sun
  • Judgement
  • The World

Okay, I know that's a long list. But, each of these arcana has a personality type, a set of values, of strengths and of weaknesses, associated with it. I'd find it so very interesting to engage in a role-play which has participants build a character around one of the arcana, as a Guardian.

And by Guardian, I mean Guardian of the Arcana. The idea's in development still, but the basic thing I'm after is a bit of a fantasy Court Intrigue story - so a wee bit of mystery, I suppose, mixed with some Slice of Life, in a vaguely medieval setting - which is heavily rooted in Tarot, astrology, etc - all the stuff we don't necessarily believe in but which we often can't help thinking about.

So each character would be the Guardian of their particular arcana. I haven't worked out the details yet - and obviously I'm going to have to figure out a logical way to narrow down the arcana because 22 characters would be waaayyy too much for me.

I'm hoping some of you are interested though. Let me know in the comments/poll if you are - and if you have any advice on how to make the idea a little more feasible.
Sounds interesting :)  
Hey, I was doing some thinking on your concept, and I had an idea...

If you dislike or wish to tweak my idea, there are no hard feelings. I understand c:

I was thinking that the whole tarot cards concept would be renamed as a "Family Curse", or simply a "curse", where people are the embodiment of their chosen Tarot card. From there, if you are to accept your destiny as representation and Guardian of your card, you are then given a secondary "form". This form can range from any creature of supernatural or fantasy, and is your new "essence" as the guardian of your card.

...Just a thought~

Oh and also! I found this great site with information on all the cards you've listed! I'll link it to you so you can see it (just scroll to the bottom of the linked page and you'll see it). And I see you're trying to narrow down the cards, but if you read the definitions, many say almost the same thing.
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Thank you so much for the input Madi! I really appreciate it! A family curse would be a little too Fruba for my tastes, but I will definitely toy with the idea of it being something forced on them rather than / in addition to being an honored position of influence. It sounds very Persona. Thanks for the link!
I really like this idea actually. I could see them being the Guardians of some sort of ancient magic or something... Very secret society shit. Either way you decide to go with this I'd be down to be involved. =)
This looks really interesting! I would love to be involved in this, albeit I'd need to learn a bit more about the Arcana; I only remember them from Yu-Gi-Oh GX! So yeah, sign me up!


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