Arcadia [Inactive]


The First Iron Warrior
Tinman submitted a new role play:

Arcadia - Who is good and who is evil? Time to find out who the real villains are

Arcadia, a land of technological wonders and progress, or at least thats what it once was. Arcadia is now nothing more then men and women fighting, hiding, and dying because of paranoia. After the great purges a thousand years ago it seemed technology had won its place over magic, They never thought what would come back to haunt them.
The First King, as he is known, set out upon the world to rid it of the evils of magic. The elves complied without bloodshed, their king was entombed in...
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As i awoke i found myself still in the carriage that my mentor and I were riding in, Master Cleric Downard had been the one to rescue me, heal me, and train me in the ways of healing. Today was going to be my last day under his tutelage for I would be receiving my companion today, an animal whos bond would further boost my magical healing and protective abilities. As we drew closer to the small village outside the walls i wondered what lay ahead, not the first magical gnome by far but i would prove my worth. The village was small compared to the city, as my feet meet the ground i felt the crunch of dirt beneath my feet for the first time in ages. Downard lead me towards the house of a man that he knew. "come now fink this man is an old friend of mine and will have a more then suitable companion" Downard was a bit of an odd ball at times and began talking to a man whom looked like nothing from the city, after blocking out their banter i heard the man call someone over. It was a young lady. "While my friend and I talk I believe she shall show you around" I then looked to the young lady, bowed my armored figure in a greeting and took off my helmet and introduced myself "Cleric Finkbrink Tosslespanner at your service, call me fink if you dont mind"
Halo was walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. Going into the city was dangerous, since nowadays there where plenty of Clerics and Paladins running around. He was sunk in thought, and flinched slightly when he realized he had heard "Cleric" from somewhere. He looked around, and remembered more of the sentence "Cleric fink..... at your.... call me.. don't mind.." He looked down the street to his left, and saw the gnome he thought the words originated from. He got a bit catiously, but he tried to not act suspicious, so he just continued down the street.

Today it was my duty to keep watch of the merchants quarter and our small outpost nearby. Things were as they were most days people buzzing past one another. I stood there and watched people trade, barter, and yell. The others were on a break at the moment and inside the outpost while i got guard duty out front. It seemed wherever I went not much happened... accept that one time, but oh well I liked the quite
Alvarian woke in his bed getting out of bed yawning as he woke sooner then usual. He slowly walked to his dresser begining to dress himself in his usual attire. As he Somewhat large mouse draining it of its life's blood, and putting it in a bag he had out back behind his home. Openning the door to the outside world he smelled the morning air breathing deeply. He locked his front door then proceeded to walk down the road which lead to his shop the "Rebels Goods" he looked ath the other houses, and stores as people who woke early began to go about their day. reaching his shop he unlocked the door stepping in then closeing it behind him. placeing hus hand in the doors frame he spoke a few words and a small rune pulse a bright blue before fading into a engraving in the frame. It represented the rune for warning which would let hime know if any person walking in was morer then they seemned to be. He smiled as he turned beginning to prepair his shop for any customers that happened to wonder in to his humble store.
Continuing down the street, Halo relaxed, as it seemed the Cleric wasn't one of the kind who can tell abnormals simply by their looks. He let his head fall backwards and looked up at the few still visible stars on the morning sky. Hadn't he looked back down at that exact moment he would've walked into a door, but due to that he looked around, only to see this wasn't where he was headed. He was just about to leave when he felt a faint glimmer of magic from nearby. He looked around and just managed to catch the last light of a small rune on a doorframe. "Rebels Goods" It almost seemed as if this person wanted to be purged. He thought for a moment, and then decided to try and warn this person about the nearby Cleric. He waited for a minute after the door had closed, then walked up and entered. As he entered the building he saw a man in a cloak, turned away from him. He opened his eyes in realization, but quickly surpressed the motion. He never tried to investigate what the rune did. This could be really bad. Perhaps he could still talk his way out of this if this person now knew.
Skyric had been trying to get an extremely stubborn goat into the paddock when one of the men called her over. Sighing, she released the goat, yelling something to a boy her age, and walked over to where some newcomers were. Strange. Not many outsiders come here. She thought.

Even more surprising, was that one of them was a Gnome. "While my friend and I talk I believe she shall show you around" Her tribesman had said, motioning to Skyric. She opened her mouth to say something -along the lines of 'why do i have to?'- but closed it and shook her head. "Come on, i'll show you the paddock." She started to walk away, motioning with her hand for the Gnome to follow.
Alvarian stopped in his steps as he senced the rune had sent a shock through his spine. Calmned he slowly turned with a smile at the stranger who had walked into his store. He sligtly bowed his head " Greetings fair traveler how might I assist you" he said as he straitened once more looking the fellow in their eyes.

This young lady seemed to not want anything to do with outsiders much. this place was far more tribal then a village. "so how is it here? life in your village i mean" I asked her as we walk a little ways "I have been out of the city only a few times and its so different out here, so much fresh air"
Skyric shrugged. "I love it here. Much better than the city, though I've only been there a few times, and never for longer than a couple of days. We go there to trade and find buyers for the occasional animal. And yeah, the air is much, much fresher out here than in the city. We don't really use any technology either." She said, the goat from earlier coming into view. "Oh come on now, dude, do we have to do this again?" She said, her question directed at the goat. "Look, there's grass and water and things to hit in the paddock, so just. Get. In." She said, grabbing the goat by the horns and pushing.

as we came close to the paddock she started pushing a goat by the horns into it. I hated goats, something about there beady little eyes bothered me, it's like they are born evil and want to eat your soul. I shuddered a little bit thinking about it. "so what animal do you happen to have here?" i asked her looking a little into the paddock.
Halo closed his eyes for a moment, reaching out and trying to figure out the effects of the rune. It was a simple rune, and being this close to it made it easy. He opened his eyes and looked at the stranger "I see. An aura rune. Specificly made for finding out who's who. These used to be standard back in the day." He took his hands out of his pockets and leaned on the counter. "You might want to be careful. I saw a cleric just a couple of minutes ago. Any half-good cleric could sense this place." He looked at the man for a couple more seconds. "... You are the first vampire I've seen with magic, except for me."
Alvarian thought on what this man told him then smiled as he heard what he called him. Putting a health potion on a shelf faintly glowing red he looked at the stranger" A vampire yes but not fully" he said as he stood faceing the stranger. He smiled " Oh i know fairly well a decent cleric could sence that rune, but with proper shielding" he said as he looked up a very faint glow of red slightly alluminated the room as runes all over shined " They would simply feel off" know looking at the man.
"Yeah. Not a real vampire. You... Smell of fur. Like a dog." He didn't mention it further, but he looked surprised. "And alchemy's been outlawed aswell, have you forgotten?" Halo looked at the assortment of potions for a moment. "I'll see you around. I don't feel safe here." He opened the door and stood in the doorway. "See you." And he left.
Alvarian smiled and waved fairwell to the man then finished setting up his shop then went behind the counter and sat on a chair.Tapping on the counter he contimplated his thoughts as he wondered"What to do now?" then pulled out a book on alchemy, and started to read.
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Finally managing to make the goat move (AKA picking it up an throwing it into the gate and shutting it) she turned back to Fink. "We have this guy," She looked accusingly at the goat. "And a few of his brethren. Stubborn types, that's for sure." The goat bleated, almost like it was embarrassed at being picked up by her. "Oh yeah, my name's Skyric by the way." She said, pulling a carrot seemingly out of nowhere and feeding it to a female goat.

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"so Sky, lets see all of the animals you raise here." this would be the first time seeing an abundance of animals that wernt rats. the city was bustling with rats more so then people somedays.
Halo heard a bit of commotion from where he was earlier. He quietly chanted "Curiosity killed the cat.." over and over while walking back there. He noticed the gnome from earlier, talking to a stable girl, as far as he could see. He took a seat on a nearby bench, leaned back, crossed his arms and observed the scene quietly.
Skyric led the Gnome around a bit, gesturing to various pens and fields. "We have, or can get, pretty much most animals, minus the recluse, extremely violent, or off limits ones. In the village itself, we keep mostly tamed animals or ones that help provide for us. Sheep, cows, horses... Goats." She said goats with contempt. "That kind of thing."

She turned and stopped walking. "We never raise animals for meat. We prefer eating animals that can fight back..." She trailed off slightly, her eyes narrowing at the sight of another unrecognizable face.

Quickly turning back to Fink so as not to bring attention to the other outsider, she continued her tour. "As for selling and breeding animals, we have cats, dogs, rodents, a few reptiles, birds, and i think someone had a pond with some fish but that was a while ago. Fish aren't really practical..." She shrugged.

((Sorry for late reply))
Nisha entered the city heading to the merchant quarter. It had been awhile since she was last in the city now returning for a job. She had recently been and paid and now needed more work. However she did not this area of the city very well. After a moment of mingle around she noticed a Paladin watching guard. She had always been rather indifferent of them and the Clerics. Keeping her hood up to hide her ears she walked over. "Hello sir, might you know of a pub nearby?" She asked him. She hoped he wouldn't be the kind to meddle in her business, some Paladin's felt the need to do that and those were generally the ones she had a strong distaste for.

all of a sudden a woman came up to me with a hood on, I naturally didnt like people with hoods it looks shady. I pointed down the street even though my gut says stop her. "yes miss there is a pub down the road and to the right" most people who went to the pub were harmless and others might have something planned. I might have to keep my eye on the pub today.


As we walked I eventually found something interesting. "Whats that thing?" I asked as I pointed to a small orange animal off into the distance. I had never seen one before and it looked kind of like a dog... but it wasnt a dog. "thats the one I think i want" I told her as I continued to stare at it, as if I were to look away it might vanish.
Squinting at it, even Skyric could not make out what it was. "It kind of looks like a fox from here, cause of the colour... But... I have no idea." She stared at Fink for a moment, then waves her hands. "Well? Lets go get it!" She said, taking off at a running start towards the orange creature.

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holy smoke she ran fast, that and she was taller then me so she went faster then me already. I sprinted trying to catch up behind her. "Whats a fox?" I asked as I got a little closer to her. whatever this animal was I liked it, it seemed so soft and friendly like a giant warm animal pillow... I hope it dosent bite. (Its a fox by the way. he just has never seen one)
Skyric whistled. "Wow, I haven't seen a fox in ages. They're in the dog family, by the way." She bent down and stuck a hand out to the fox, who jumped back and made a few high pitched barks at her. "Shh, come 'ere little guy, I won't hurt you." She said, her voice suddenly surprisingly soft. The creature still growled at her, but took a tentative step forward. "Here, you want some meat?" She pulled a price of raw meat from seemingly nowhere again (lots of pockets), and held it out for the fox. Carefully sniffing it, the fox shot forward and grabbed it, pulling back to safety right after. Standing up again, she turned back to Fink. "You're lucky. We almost never see foxes, and if we did we'd keep 'em till we found another to breed them, but, since your friend is a friend of the village, you can have the little fella if you want." She said, turning back to see the fox chewing happily on the meat a few feet away. "I don't suggest tryin' to pet him quite yet though, at least not 'till I deal with him properly."

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Halo sighed. Whatever these people were doing it seemed rather pointless. He'd seen a couple foxes before, though they're unusual, but otherwise this was rather dull. He was bent on seeing if anything else was going to happen though, he just had to wait. He pulled a small book on entomology out of his leather bag. "This is going to take time, isn't it?" He thought to himself with a jawn.

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