Arbor has fallen, where will you stand?


One Thousand Club
Alex Miller's cold gray eyes swept over the town quickly before he finally felt at ease. He allowed himself a moment of pure contentment before he felt his gut sway and he felt nauseauted. There was so much for him to do now. It was overwhelming and the dead old man at his feet surely wasn't helping.

"Guards...? Guards?" Miller cried out timidly and the giant oak doors swung open to reveal two lanky young men waiting at the door. This was the moment of truth. The guards glanced at him and he relished the surprise that snuck onto their face. He wasn't supposed to be there and he watched as they raised their weapons.

"Chris is dead... Inferno is dead." Miller told them calmly and motioned to the body lying at his feet in a crimson puddle, "I guess that makes me leader of Arbor now doesn't it?" The younger looking guard paled at the sight of their leader lying in a pool of his own blood. The other man wore a petulant expression and Miller felt a sense of wariness creep through him. He had snuck by their defenses and killed their leader. He was waiting for their next moves... to deem whether or not they would choose to strike him in retaliation for claiming Inferno's life or if they would accept their new leader. His fingers trembled cautiously watching their movement as they dragged the body from the room.

Miller couldn't tell where they had put the former leader of Arbor before they came back. The younger guard entered the room and promptly fell to his knees with his hand clenched in a fist across his chest. He was surrendering himself to his new leader.

"The other guard... Grant. He's gone, he left... he won't obey you." the youth nervously prattled and Alex smirked looking down at the kneeling youth with an expression of pity.

"You have made the right choice...?"


"Marcus. Your first duty is to bring the superhero Siren. I have an announcement to make to Arbor."

"Yes, sir." Marcus rose to his feet and dashed out of the room. Miller knew that he wouldn't be able to keep Marcus as a guard because clearly he had failed, but he could use the youth for awhile before letting him go. Miller rewarded those who obeyed him. Grant on the other hand... he would have to be hunted later.


Marcus returned with the superhero Siren at his side. He herded her into the large office and wisely shut and locked the door behind her before she could realize that Inferno was not standing before her but the notorious villian Bloodmist, or Alex Miller.

"Where's Chris? What are you doing here Bloodmist?" she roared and Miller raised a hand.

"Your power is ideal for this moment. You can broadcast thoughts and images with your mind and create destructive shockwaves with your voice-"

"You don't have to tell me what I can do." she snarled defensively.

"I need you to submit a message to the citizens of Arbor. This is what I want you to say," Miller cleared his throat hoping that he wouldn't have to use force with Siren, "Chris Pitrinski is dead. Inferno has been killed. Arbor has fallen. Inferno has enforced a lax policy, if you have powers in the city of supers then you may do what you wish. If you want to be bad then go ahead but if you want to be good then help save the town. This doesn't work. Your new leader is Alex Miller. Your new choice is whether you choose to support me or not. If you support me and have powers meet me at the observatory in four hours, we will discuss the new rules in Arbor and your new duties. If you don't support me... well then you better leave or hide.... whether you have powers or not. I will find you and you will suffer." he concluded and Siren paled. She seemed to look rebellious but she complied and broadcast his message throughout Arbor.

"Thank you Siren. Your assistance was appreciated. You also have to make this choice, but I will give you time to make this decision. I hope to see you at the observatory in four hours." Miller murmured and she was ushered out of the door by Marcus who appeared just as pale as before the message had been broadcasted to his mind. Miller waved a hand to the boy and he understood the message and he slunk out of the room leaving Miller alone once again.

Alex glided over to the window once again and surveyed the town of Arbor. He had given the question now what answer would the town give him? Would they support him? Would they help him hunt down those foolish enough to rebel against him? Where would the former heroes and villains stand now that he had stripped them of these titles and proclaimed himself ruler?

(All characters mentioned can be played except for Alex Miller. You can play Marcus and Grant the guards or Siren. You can make up characters of course.)

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