Poetry Arafor -When no one Listens




When no one Listens When people don’t listen you feel like you’re dead, All you want if for them to hear your voice before you tear the hair out of your head. You look around to see if someone agrees with you but no, There are ******* dead and lifeless as snow. They act like they don’t have a mind and can’t process ****, You just want to go around and punch them and throw a fit. You see the corruption and no one else appears to get it, Why are you the only one to understand this? I think if things don’t change losing your mind is all that you can do, You might as well give up and pack it away and relax and take off your damned shoes. Do something to fix this before we all die on the inside, Two chances of hope came in and slipped by. Someone else please say they understand before I cry, Please someone say they will help me before my last sigh. You guys can help but you just sit back and watch, I wonder if you have any brains or if you just ******. This is my call of help from me to you and please understand I need it, I can’t do anything without you and you can help everything fit. Put the pieces back together and start over all day long, We can rebuild it into something good and something no one will ever forget.

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I have to say that this is true... Good job Arafor.

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