Aquila Strike (Pokemon Gijinka Kingdom RP)

Jayden Kisubo

The Dread Wolf

    1. Please Follow all RPNation Rules and Regs.

    2. NO GOD MODDING. Every character will have a weakness, and they will react badly to some situations. This is the nature of life.

    3. All profiles must be approved before the character is posted in the rp.

    4. While this is not an advanced rp, I do ask that your try to keep to good grammar. Please use complete sentences and punctuation. Spelling doesn't have to be correct all the time but we need to be able to understand the post.

    5. You may cuss, just not in excess. That means you can't do this: "Oh, ****, No he ******* didn't. That **** is going to ******** get whats ******** coming to his ************ self." I will talk to you and give you a warning if I see something like this.

    6. Romance is encouraged. However, with that said, limits are in place. If the clothes come off, either fade to black or take it to pms. Also, this is not romance: boy "hi my name's John." girl "Oh, hello I'm Susie, I love you!" Boy "I love you too, Lets get married!" NO. THIS IS NOT ROMANCE!!!! I can understand if your character and another's have known each other for a while and have a established relationship, but please mention it in their bios.

    7. This rp is for everyone. If a character walks up to yours please at least acknowledge them. You may not have planned to rp with them but your cannot exclude them. I will give warnings if I see this.

    8. Everyone may have 2 legendaries and two megas. This being said, if a legendary is taken please don't throw a fit. I can help you find pictures for another. There will be more than one of each mega. Thats just a fact of life.

    9. No Legendary can be a Ruler. This is due to the fact that legendaries cannot reproduce in my rp. Sorry

    10. HAVE FUN!!!​
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Profile Skeleton

Please add Color and keep the Alignments!

Full Name

Nickname and Title

Picture here


►βasic ɨnformation

Age: Any age. My theory is that Gijinka age sort of how elves do so they can look young and be old. No 5 year old rulers though.


Please make these within reason to the pokemon

Weight: Same as above. An aggron is going to weigh more than it looks.

Gender: gender specifics are still in play. Legendaries can have genders though.






Where they live as decided by their type

Loyalty: Who they would die for.

►Ҏersonal ɨnformation


2 sentences at least


at least 1 paragraph or seven sentences


Something about your character that others don't know. That they hide from everyone.


3 minimum.


3 minimum​

►вattle ɨnformation


Up to 2


Up to 10


3 Max.


What is he or she good at?

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.

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Makina Shirogawa

Maki - Aquila General


"I've got a job to do and you're in my way. Move"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 24

DOB: 2nd April

Height: 5'2"(may change)

Weight: 51kg

Gender: Female

Type: Dark

Race: Absol

Mega: Can for short periods


Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Occupation: Training master in Vesperia

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: Aquila

??ersonal ?nformation


Makina is feared by many, yet instills awe on the very same people. She is cold and serious. She believes in being efficient and carrying out the task quickly. If something is not completed correctly the first time, she will retry until it is the desired result. She does not show sympathy towards much. Makina gives everything she does her full effort. This includes in battle. She will not hold back. However, she has a soft spot for children. Can't handle compliments.


Her mother died during birth and her father was an ailing man. He died before she was 2. With no other relatives, she was sent to an orphanage. The orphanage was over crowded and the food was enough to stave off hunger, but no more. Makina stayed there until she was 10. She became an older sister figure to many of the children there since she took more care of them than the owner did. At the age of 10, she was sent to work on the farmlands. She was grouped with some young boys who, instead of actually working, were constantly play fighting. Makina was left doing all the work herself. When she confronted the boys about it, they stated that if she could beat them, they would help. She agreed to the terms. She lost instantly. She insisted that they give her another chance. Every day, she would spar with the farm boys after she had finished her work. Her determination drove her to grow strong. Not long after her 14th birthday, she finally accomplished her goal. Makina's victory was short lived. One night as they slept in the modified cellars, a huge fire broke out on the field nearest them. By the time they had woken up, the fire had made leaving impossible. The group were trapped. "What happened that night is a haze. I do not know how it started, but it ended with a dead poochyena boy."

With nothing else to do anymore, Makina went to the city. Visiting her old orphanage,she saw it had gone downhill. The owner beat the children violently, leaving them half dead. For the first time in her life, Maki felt true rage. She broke through the study window where the owner worked. Before the owner was able to even say anything, Maki sliced his throat. While standing over the dead body, trying to come to terms with what she had done, a teen Sableye stood in the doorway. Apparently, that was her target. Thayet praised Maki's efficient dispatcher of the owner and invited her to join Aquila. Maki agreed and has steadily been rising in ranks since.

Maki decided that having ties within the kingdom would help in the future. She joined the Vesperia army. She gained her current title quickly. She has been offered higher ranks, but declined as she actually enjoys her job.


Claustrophobic, twitchy about fires.



Sweet foods


Her job



Symmetrical things


Small spaces


Spicy foods

Pointless things


??attle ?nformation



Magic bounce (Mega)


Perish Song

Razor Wind

Me First

Future Sight



Dark Pulse

Swords Dance

Shadow Claw



Blade seen in picture (She calls "Kiba")



High agility and stealth.

Master of her respective weapons.

Theme Song:

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Pamela Citrouille

Pumpky - Vesperia Councilor


"If you can't put on a smile, put one on a pumpkin''

??asic ?nformation

Age: 20

DOB: 30th of October

6 feet 3

Weight: 180

Gender: Female

Type: Ghost-Plant

Race: Gourgeist

Mega: None

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Advisor to Vesperia and Local Farmer


Loyalty: King and friends

??ersonal ?nformation


She is regarded as strange by her peers but has a rather happy and optimistic personality. She likes to smile and make others happy while at the same time enjoy herself. She is rather strong so she does everything from labor to pep talk to help someone smile and feel better. Though she does like making people smile she can be sadistic and becomes agitated when someone she doesn't know or like puts down a person she does like.


Born to a middle class family she had an average lifestyle. She tried to help others around town and though her help was little it made them smile. She continued this habit of going about helping people well into her teens and the long time of helping people shaped her into what she is today. The smiles and gratitude made her feel the same even without any rewards and due to her middle class parents, she was humble. One day the government didn't make the best decision and it made people around her mad and angry. For the first time in her life she went to the city to ask about the decision. She was ignored and pushed away making her mad. She then realized a good way to make more people happy was to help in the politics. Over the next years she gradually got into the government and became adviser to the king. She leaves the city every now and then to help people in her old village and even in the city too.


Lately she's been having weird dreams about people she hates... she is strangling them but happy at the same time.


Making people happy

Orange things



Rude or mean people


Sour foods

??attle ?nformation


Frisk-Can see any items an opponent holds

Insomnia-Can't be put to sleep



Phantom Force


Leech Seed

Razor Leaf

Shadow Sneak

Shadow Ball



Confuse Ray


Can carry a shield that basically looks like a pumpkin face


Caring for people, Farming, Defending people she loves, good judge of character

Theme Song:


Couldnt help but make one like this xD
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Thayet Arterius



"I stand for all of us. I am Aquila."

??asic ?nformation

Age: 26

DOB: May 5th

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 100lb

Gender: Female

Type: Dark/Ghost

Race: Sableye

Mega: No

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Leader of the Aquila

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: The Aquila

??ersonal ?nformation


She is charasmatic and can normally twist anyone to her will. She will not take no for an answer and will do anything for what she believes in. She is ruthless to the point of almost being heartless when dealing with those opposed to her cause. She does however care for everyone in the Aquila.


Thayet was born and raised in the Aquila. Her mother was the general to the last Leader of the order and raised her to be great. Thayet started making a name for herself when she was 15 and had beaten the Second of the time at a throwing blade contest. She then talked two of the other members out of a death match a year later. That was when she realized the power of words and perfected her way of speaking. She began to collect friends after that. Either those not cut out four the assassin life and needed protection, or those who wanted to find her weaknesses. She didn't care. She felt powerful, and in control.

Just before she turned 20, disaster struck the Aquila. Her mother and the Second were betrayed by someone from within. When they went to go do a job, they were ambushed and killed. The Leader at the time was heartbroken and just couldn't lead anymore. It was soon a competition of who had the most followers for the next Leader. Thayet won against the boy who she later found out had betrayed them. She killed him as soon as she knew. Since her only family was gone, Thayet put all her effort into making the Aquila a strong, tight group. She began recruiting from the outside world and even saved a few people. She began noticing when she took over the Order that the council and rulers used her 'family' as tools and not people. It angered her. After alot of research and study, She approached the Council. We all know how that went....


Her red sash was her mother's. Thayet slipped it of her body before she was married to have a memento of her.


Plans that go right

Spicy Foods

Her Aquila



People without motivation

Sour foods


??attle ?nformation


Keen Eye




Shadow Sneak


Hone Claws



Confuse Ray

Night Shade

Shadow Claw



Hidden Blades

Poison Darts

Throwing Knives


Picking Locks


Can move through most walls and shadows

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.​

@Lazygout @Pumpkakun

You are both accepted. Lazy, could you just add some detail as to how she became the general for the Aquila. She could have caught Thayet's attention or saved by her. something to get her to that rank.

Also, I'm changing the move limit to 10.
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Estelle Ludani Arabiaear

Queen of the Shivering Isles


"The past is the past. If we don't change with the times, we'll be left behind and become just history."

??asic ?nformation

Age: Seventeen

DOB: December 21

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 126 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Ice

Race: Glaceon

Mega: Um... no.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Queen of the Shivering Isles

Kingdom: Shivering Isles

Loyalty: To the people of the Shivering Isles

??ersonal ?nformation


Estelle is a quiet young woman who takes her role seriously. She is open-minded, however, and doesn't understand the laws regarding men in the Shivering Isles. She is fiercely loyal to friends and family, and has no problem admitting it. She, however, has a rather intimidating, cold side to those that anger her...


Estelle grew up with the knowledge that she would one day be expected to rule the Shivering Isles. Ever since she was old enough to walk, she had been training constantly for the position. She was close to her mother, the queen, who actually taught her everything that she knows about the art of ruling. However, recently that changed- shortly after the Shivering Isles councilor was killed, so was Estelle's mother. One day, Estelle was looking for her mother, and found her in the study-or her body, anyway. She found an eagle feather at the scene- a hint that the Aquila was responsible.

When Estelle became queen, she made it her personal goal to find whoever was responsible for her mother's death, although it isn't particularly well-known. Since becoming queen, Estelle has taken her father as an adviser, which has caused some intrigue- some even suggesting that her father was actually pulling the strings behind Estelle's decisions as queen.


Estelle feels bad for the Aquila's situation with being turned down as a country. However, she also wants to bring her mother's killer to justice.


Cold Weather





Spicy foods


??attle ?nformation


Ice Body

Snow Cloak



Ice Shard

Mirror Coat


Shadow Ball


Water Pulse


Double Team






Climbing (Cliffs, walls, name it)


High Speed

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.

Jolin Savarta

Shivering Isles General


"I'm sorry... Did you need that? Well Not anymore"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 28

DOB: May 17


Weight: 174lbs

Gender: Male

Type: Water

Race: Empoleon

Mega: none

Sexuality: Asexual

Occupation: General of Shivering Isles

Shivering Isles

Loyalty: Shivering isles... Somewhat

??ersonal ?nformation


Jolin is very cruel and cunning in appearance making him a very effective general as he is feared by all soldiers he commands. He is violent when on the job and rarely shows any emotion except happiness when he's doing what he loves... Which is killing.


Jolin was born to a high ranking family in the Shivering Isles who had great expectations of their child... Until they found out he was male. The parents wouldn't allow it and instead hid his true gender from everyone and raised him as a daughter. As his life went on his parents taught him how to act ladylike and how to behave... But from the calm lady they crafted a violent male side emerged. He grew to enjoy pain and murder and became ruthless, but his reputation as a lady wasn't tarnished much to his parents surprise. The people who saw his act violent saw it as his destiny. They knew he'd make a great general and a great general he became. He showed impressive skill on the battlefield and gained audience with the ruler. The Ruler, or rather The Ruler and her Father,gave him his position as general and he has held it ever since.


The fact that he is male in a female dominant society.




Ice cream





Revealing clothes

??attle ?nformation





Aerial Ace

Fury Attack

Drill Peck

Swords Dance

Brick Break

Aqua Jet


Aqua Ring

Water Pulse

Double Hit


Sword that he always carries around with him (In picture)





Commanding soldiers

Theme Song:

(May add later when I have access to a computer that isn't total crap)


Cato Byron



"Oi! Quit bothering me! I already said no! Oh... Uh sorry... Wasn't expecting you"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 24

DOB: November 9


Weight: 185lbs

Gender: Male

Type: Fighting

Race: Lucario


Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Fighter/Aquila Second in Command


Loyalty: The Aquila

??ersonal ?nformation


Cato comes of as somewhat lazy and directionless. He tends to spend some time napping or practicing his combat skills. He, however, is a calm and slightly snarky fighter and always makes comments during his fights to distract his targets.


Cato was a violent child. He was always getting into trouble and always causing his parents great amounts of stress. His actions led him to The Hung where he was a prisoner of the game. When they began the game only one person was left standing after the round was over, Cato. The Gamemasters were astonished and instead of sending more people after him they let him go. At the time he was ten and already a great fighter and killer. He was asked to take part in multiple Hunts, 5 to be exact, over the years... He won all of them. But Cato wasn't the ruling type. Every time he won he gave his position away, saying he was only in the Hunt for the kill. He was approached by a member of the Aquila and was asked to join. He accepted the offer and has been taking down targets ever since, he has recently become the second in command of The Aquila.

He is constantly hassled to take the Ruler position, and every time he declines saying he's happy where he is.


Has a crush on The Aquila herself




Assassination contracts

Rock candy


Being bothered



??attle ?nformation


Inner Focus (normal)/Adaptability (Mega)



Aura Sphere

Bone Rush

Blaze Kick

Sky Uppercut


Close Combat

Stone Edge

Poison Jab

Bullet Punch

Heal Pulse


Bone Rush Bo Staff

Martial Arts

Blades Boots (His shoes hold daggers that he uses to stealthily dispatch targets)




Making people vomit (Bad Cook)

Theme Song:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Tsura Akatosh

Seer to the King/Queen


"In the deepest darkness, a glimmer of hope remains."

►βasic ɨnformation

Age: Twenty-three

DOB: March 21

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 135 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Psychc

Race: Espeon

Mega: Hm... I don't see one in the future anytime soon.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Seer

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: Her sister, but also to the people of Vesperia

►Ҏersonal ɨnformation


Tsura is quiet, but by no means shy. She simply prefers to keep her thoughts to herself most of the time, although will offer an opinion if asked or if she wishes to. She hates violence, and the fact that her sister fights for money, but she loves her sister so will tolerate it. She could be called 'mysterious' because of her quiet nature, but doesn't think of herself that way.


Tsura, along with her sister, traveled with her family as part of a gypsy type group of eeveelutions. They never stayed in one place, and she never had many friends outside her clan. One day though, she and her sister decided to leave and go on their own into the world. They were terrified at first and didn't get near the cities or any towns. When they did though, people who make fun of them for being gypsies. After a while they ran our of money and the such to use to buy food. Misaki got into a fight with a man over some food one day and beat him brutally to feed Tsura. From that day she began to fight for money. Tsura, meanwhile, a newly evolved Espeon, was learning how to control her psychic powers. Eventually, she met a Xatu who taught her what it meant to be psychic. It wasn't until a while later that she learned that he was the king of Vesperia.

It soon became apparent that, with training, Tsura was a more powerful psychic than he was. She could tell him things that would happen years in advance, in extreme occasions. The king made Tsura his official seer, and an unofficial adviser. Just a few months ago, Tsura had a vision of the late king's death and the new heir. Now, she must find the new ruler of Vesperia- while avoiding offers of a council seat.


When Tsura found out that the king was going to die, she said nothing about it, knowing that her sister would try to stop it.







Bitter Foods

Being Harassed​

►вattle ɨnformation



Magic Bounce


Calm Mind

Future Sight

Shadow Ball


Double Team

Dazzling Gleam

Morning Sun

Stored Power

Signal Beam





Seeing the future

Strategic mind

Theme Song:

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Yes. And so far everyone is accepted. I'm going to wait just a little longer so if you know anyone, let them know about this rp

Zachary "Zach" Ignatius

General of Idris


??asic ?nformation

Age: 27

"I'm older than I look, trust me."

DOB: August 18th

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 208lbs

Gender: Male

Type: Fire/Fighting

Race: Blaziken

Mega: "Most definitely."

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: General

Kingdom: Idris (The Mortal Instruments, anyone? >,....,<)

Loyalty: Anyone who is deserving of his trust.

??ersonal ?nformation


A man of few words, Zachary seems to exhibit a focused intensity, whether it be his smoldering gaze, his tight, powerful stance, or the general fiery aura that surrounds his form. He is usually a more calm and quiet type, with strong and wise virtues of his own. Unlike a lot of fighting and fire types, he's controlled, although his control over his mental and physical body is basically his blazing fury and fighting spirit being condensed into a more effective form, allowing him to release his anger and energy in combat, meditation, and training. Underneath all of his intensity and intimidation, is a kind heart, jaded and calloused from past strife, but the flame being as bright and as strong as ever. Hidden far beneath his bright core, however, lies a black ember that is forever burning, desperately wanting to be released and being on destruction and total ruling. Despite seeming calm, it is relatively easy for Zachary to get angry, although he doesn't scream and rage around, fire tends to erupt around his body, and his already intense eyes began burning holes into things...literally. At this point, you may want to run.


at least 1 paragraph or seven sentences


Despite his extensive loyalty to his steadfast kingdom, Zachary's soul has beginning to become corrupted and dark, craving to send all of Khalia into total darkness and damnation.


Combat and fighting


Fabricating battle strategies

Settling affairs out peacefully



Physical destruction caused by himself

Losing control​

??attle ?nformation



Speed Boost


Giga Impact

High Jump Kick

Flare Blitz

Brave Bird

Focus Blast

Solar Beam


Blaze Kick

Poison Jab

Night Slash


Bladed weaponry

Golden clawed boot attachments


Commanding others

Using practically any bladed weapon

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.​



Cordelia "Jay" Louanna Arabiaear

Princess of the Shivering Isles


"Stupid woman-based monarchy. Why couldn't I have been born a noble prince instead of a weak little princess?"[/color]

??asic ?nformation

Age: 12

DOB: July 21st

Height: 4'10"

Weight: 101 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Water

Race: Dewott

Mega: "Nope!"

Sexuality: "Umm...I like boys, I think?"

Occupation: Princess

Kingdom: The Shivering Isles

Loyalty: The Shivering Isles

??ersonal ?nformation


Cordelia, despite her rather regal name, is not what anyone would expect of a princess in the slightest. It is often thought that she is a boy, with a very boyish outward appearance as well as attitude. She is not very polite or ladylike, and swears that she will never be. She is very outgoing despite this, and loves to learn and practice the ways of the warrior. She hates the label of 'princess', and would rather pursue the occupation of the next general rather than feminine royalty. Her sister, Estelle the queen, is not a fan of Cordelia's far from proper behavior and composure, and honestly wishes that she could be more ladylike and refined in feminism, rather that assuming the role of a boy. She loves to play and do things that boys do, and is very tomboyish. Of course, being a princess, she is looked down upon for 'improper behavior'. Even though she is a water type, she tends to have a rather 'fiery' personality, with her own bits of young teenage rebellion against the prominent female-biased monarchy of the Shivering Isles. Cordelia tends to take offense to a lot of things, and is often easy to anger and will resort to violence rather quickly. She is constantly going out of her way to be noticed, sometimes forcing out erratic behaviors, only to become her own person rather than living in her sister's high-status shadow. She is often thought to be and act very childish, with her constant fidgeting to be active, as well as mere simple outward behavior of being slightly rebellious, doing her own thing, having selective hearing, having loads of energy, etc.


Cordelia Louanna Arabiaear lived a rather normal life, for royalty that is, with loving parents and an older sister who was thought to become her role model. This never happened, however, as she never felt that true modeling connection with her sister whom was six years older. She never found herself to be so quiet and accepting of the kingdom's rules, but did side on the personality traits from her sister, Estelle, such as an undying loyalty to her loved ones, as well as being against the woman-ruling laws and taking on the easily angered temper. Cordelia was always out and about, loving to be out in nature and being very physically active. She found herself a knack for fighting in both sword and fist, and refused to be like the 'proper' and stereotypical female royalty in the Shivering Isles kingdom.

When of age, however, Cordelia's mother let her choose a middle name for herself, the previous queen understanding her daughter's more boyish behaviors. This brought upon the name "Jay", and she prefers to be called that rather than anything else.

Recently, her mother's life was taken by some extremist group that the girl hadn't understood because of it being a couple years ago, and her eldest sister assumed the throne of queen. Better Estelle than herself, Cordelia thought, never wanting to be part of the feminist rulers. If that would have happened, however, she would form a governmental strike to change such gender establishments and make and establish a gender neutral form of government where there were no stereotypical roles such as king and queen.


Cordelia strives to find out this mysterious assassin group that had killed her mother, but in a non-hostile way. She wants to meet them and perhaps make some kind of change to the governmental system.


Combat training

Being active

Learning about governments/other nations


Dressing up

Being a princess​

??attle ?nformation



Shell Armor


Razor Shell

Iron Tail


Air Slash

Night Slash

Fury Cutter


Focus Energy


Wooden staff



Physical/agility tests


Finding her way out of negative situations

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.​
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Seeker of Ideals


"There is only so much you can see before you have to change it, or die trying."

??asic ?nformation

Age: Really, Really Old....But look to be 28

DOB: November 7th

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 250.

Gender: Male.

Type: Electric/Dragon

Race: Zekrom

Mega: If you would like....

Sexuality: Just Arkay

Occupation: A wanderer

Kingdom: Eldrid

Loyalty: Arkay.

??ersonal ?nformation


Talos is a very emotional guy. When he feels something, he feels it strongly. He is very adamant about his morals and his search for the Ideal world.


Talos and Arkay lived very happily together for hundreds of years after the split from the one dragon. He didn't think anything was wrong with their relationship and never even had a hint that Arkay was unhappy. That was until she asked him the question that shocked him. "Is this right?" At first he'd thought she was talking about the food they were eating or something else. Then she expressed doubts about whether they were supposed to be together in the sense that they were or if it was wrong. She said they should see other people to make sure. Talos lost it, he thought she had someone in mind when she said it. He almost destroyed their house and everything around it before he just flew away. He was angry and very confused. He couldn't understand what she had meant by their relationship had been wrong.

He went as far away as he could. Ending up in Elswer, he did many things he now regrets. He bought women, and men, drank until he passed out, burned a forest to the ground, and even tried to fly through a snow storm just to see if he could get hurt enough to die. He did all of this trying to see if he could forget the other half of the person he once was. He got into some horrible fights, getting many scars. It never worked. He's finally stopped doing those things and is heading back to Eldrid to talk to Arkay...


Talos has done everything from getting very drunk to almost dying to forget Arkay. Obviously, it didn't work.


Adult things,






Arguing with Arkay,

Sour Foods​

??attle ?nformation




Draco Meteor

Thunder Punch


Bolt Strike

Fusion Bolt


Shadow Claw

Dragon Claw

Steel Wing

Shock Wave


Two twin Swords that fit together at the hilts to create a dual blade.


Talos is actually a very good singer, but hates singing infront of people.

He writes his own songs

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.


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Lillianna Shale

Lilly, the Aquila Spymaster


"Protect what matters with everything you have, or you'll have nothing, and deserve it."

??asic ?nformation

Age: Twenty-six

DOB: June 15

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 100 lbs (hollow bones)

Gender: Female

Type: Normal/Flying

Race: Pidgeot

Mega: Mega Pidgeot

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Innkeeper/Aquila Spymaster

Kingdom: Caelia

Loyalty: Aquila

??ersonal ?nformation


Initially, Lillianna can be seen as a friendly, open young woman who runs a very successful inn-slash-tavern. In truth, she is a no-nonsense woman who is firm in her beliefs and won't tolerate laziness. She knows the price of failure in her line of work, so strives for her information to be as close to complete as possible. She is fiercely loyal to the Aquila, although it won't show... in public, at least.


Like many others, Lillianna was born into the Aquila. She was raised to be a great fighter, but she also had a certain knack for uncovering secrets. When Thayet was charming most of the Aquila, she was learning how to get information form others... subtly, that is. She soon became as good of an information gatherer as she a speaker. When her mother was killed, it was Lillianna that brought her the information on who the traitor was. After all, it wouldn't do to have an assassin of assassins. She supported her fully when she began to work as the Aquila. It seemed only natural that she became the spymaster after uncovering the traitor.

Since then, Lillianna had made an inn as a safehouse of a sort for Aquila members and as a base for her informants. It has become successful in a business of itself, as well.


Lillianna knows of Cato's crush, but won't say so. She also has an intense fear of being unable to fly one day.




Discovering Secrets




Unprofessional workers​

??attle ?nformation


Keen Eye

Big Pecks

(Mega) No Guard


Air Slash



Feint Attack




Heat Wave

Sky Attack

Arial Ace


Throwing Knives





Fast flier

Surprisingly stealthy

Good listener

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.​


Seeker of Truth


"People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up."

??asic ?nformation

Age: Old enough- looks to be somewhere in the late twenties

DOB: November 7

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 143 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Dragon/Fire

Race: Risheram


Sexuality: ...Unless you're Talos, it's as unlikely as a Magicarp evolving into Arceus.

Occupation: Battle/Sword Instructor

Kingdom: Eldrid

Loyalty: Talos

??ersonal ?nformation


Arkay is an honest person, as one should be able to tell by her species. She cannot physically lie, and so is rather truthful, even sometimes so honest that it comes across harshly. She is very loyal to those she cares about, although she might not say as much, she will show her feelings though her actions. She is often considering intellectual and moral questions, even if her life would be easier if she didn't.


Arkay lived in Eldrid with Talos for many centuries after the split of the dragon that they once were. They were romantically involved, and Arkay was happy with the relationship... that is, until she started looking at the relationships of other gijinka. In their terms, Arkay thought that they were comparable to twins. She thought about this for quite a while before asking Talos if he thought that there was anything wrong with the relationship as it was. She worded it badly, so he misunderstood. He was angry, and looking back on it, Arkay couldn't blame him. He then left. Arkay didn't follow, thinking that he'd likely consider what she said later on.

When he was gone, Arkay focused on first repairing her house, then on finding the answer to her question. She couldn't bring herself to try to catch the attention of another, so she decided to focus on her question in different ways. She spent much time talking to others about right and wrong, even other ledgendaries, before she realized that nobody could help her determine if it was yes or no. When she came to this relization, she returned to her home and stayed, knowing that Talos would return. She occasionally sent out messengers to see if they could find him, but they never did, so she stopped sending them.

Arkay felt the need to do something productive while she waited for him to return, so she became an instructor of sorts. She began teaching some gijinka how to fight with a katana like she does, and some she trained in the art of battling. It gave her a sense of accomplishment and gained her many loyal students over the years, and although she still missed Talos like she would miss her right arm, there was little he could do about it until he decided to make his presence known again to her.


Arkay started comparing her relationship with Talos with others because she knew that he would want children at some point.






Deep water (can't swim)



??attle ?nformation




Fusion Flare

Blue Flare

Ancient Power






Dragon Pulse






Can tell when others are lying

Able to play many instruments, from the lute to the harp.

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.​
Rosalind Sabreur

Swordswoman of the free

Art source. By ????100)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.bd8c4bee99c1269bfdf80a73e06801b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48289" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.bd8c4bee99c1269bfdf80a73e06801b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Freedom isn't a privilege but a right that all deserve from the moment they're born. "

??asic ?nformation

Age: 25

DOB: January 2nd

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110 lb

Gender: Female

Type: Psychic/Fairy

Race: Gardevoir

Mega: Able to for a short period of time (art source)


Sexuality: Asexual

Occupation: Aquila intelligence officer

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: The Aquila

??ersonal ?nformation


Rosalind is very calm and level headed no matter what kind of situation she's put in. She always thinks before she acts and cautions others to do the same. She can be rather protective of her comrades and always puts their safety before her own. She has morals very dear to her and a strong belief that all living things should be treated equally to one another.


Rosalind was born into a family of Aquila members as an only child. She began her training to become an Aquila by her parents at a fairly young age. It was actually her father who taught her what she knows today in sword fighting. Although she was capable in battle, her mother saw her intelligence as far too important to go to waste. After her mother decided this, she was allowed to focus more on her personal studies on the history of the kingdoms and tales of legendaries and other important figures. Once she became old enough, Rosalind was able to become an official member of the Aquila and went to become an intelligence officer. Since then, she has mostly been a part of planning and secret operations for the Aquila.


Rosalind has discovered where the legendary gijinka, Jirachi is hidden.



Fortune telling



Loud places



??attle ?nformation



Pixilate (Mega form)



Dream eater

Draining kiss

Magical leaf

Disarming voice

Future sight



Stored power

Calm mind


Sword (Pictured)


Expert sword fighter

Excellent memory

Theme Song:

Shadows of the Night

Tara Aerbellator

Scout Tara

(Art source, by ????100)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/flygon.jpg.40ff64e1c3a549daa7bf1ec530cfb9f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/flygon.jpg.40ff64e1c3a549daa7bf1ec530cfb9f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I can handle anything you throw at me! I am a girl from Pachama after all! "

??asic ?nformation

Age: 19

DOB: April 14th

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165 lb

Gender: Female

Type: Ground/Dragon

Race: Flygon

Mega: "Ugh I wish!"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Aquila scout

Kingdom: Pachama

Loyalty: The Aquila

??ersonal ?nformation


Tara is a highly optimistic and enthusiastic most of the time. She's very energetic and quick to think in battle and tries her best to use these to her advantage. Tara is practically fearless, willing to take on any kind of opponent. Her quick nature can also be a flaw as it tends to lead to impulsive actions in a fight.


Being born into the kingdom of Pachama, Tara's life hadn't exactly been an easy one. She was pushed around by her older brothers and sometimes even her own father, due to the ways they were taught to treat women. She learned early on in her life how corrupt everything in both Pachama and the other kingdoms were. Since then, it became her dream to change the world and make it a happier place for everyone. Coming across the Aquila was pure luck to an outsider like her, and having this happen to her led her to believe it was fate. During a battle, Tara saved the life of the intelligence officer Rosalind, flying her to safety from a fatal attack. The gardevoir was more than impressed by her quick and intuitive thinking, and found her to be a useful member to their cause. Rosalind managed to get Tara approved for joining the Aquila, allowing her to become a scout and be able to fully use her skills.


She can actually be very insecure due to living in a kingdom where she was constantly treated as less of a being.


Sour food


Playing sports



Biased Gijinkas

Being belittled

??attle ?nformation





Dragon tail

Earth power


Hyper beam


Dragon rush

Rock slide

Dragon claw



"My fists!"

Dart Rifle


Tara's very agile, both on land and in the air

Theme Song:



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Misaki Akitosh

Azrael, Champion Fighter


"I won't hurt you first, But I will get the last hit."

??asic ?nformation

Age: 23

DOB: March 21st

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 150

Gender: Female

Type: Dark

Race: Umbreon

Mega: No

Sexuality: Hetero

Occupation: Fighter/Bodyguard

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: Tsura and Vesperia

??ersonal ?nformation


She is quiet, yet intense. When someone tries to make fun of her heritage she get angry and will fight at a drop of a dime. She will also protect her sister if needed. She is quite smart but doesn't show it alot.


Misaki traveled with her family as part of a gypsy type group of eeveelutions. They never stayed in one place, and she never had many friends outside her clan. One day though she and her sister decided to leave and go on their own into the world. They were terrified at first and didn't get near the cities or any towns. When they did though, people who make fun of them for being gypsies. After a while they ran our of money and the such to use to buy food. Misaki got into a fight with a man over some food one day and beat him brutally to feed her sister. From that day she began to fight for money. Her sister didn't like it but they could find anything else. Tsura was just coming into her powers as an espeon and had many issues. Luckily she found a teacher in the form of a Xatu. Azrael was happy for her sister and kept watch over them both during the endless meditation they went through. Once the Xatu found out that they were homeless, he told them to stay with him and 'forgot' to mention he was the king of Vesperia. When he appointed Tsura as his Seer, Azrael took up the spot as her personal guard. She has found great pleasure in booting anyone who approached her sister about the council.


Azrael was once told that her tarot card abilities stem from a really old relative who is said to inhabit the bodies of the newer generations




Her sister


Most people

Sitting Still

Her other family

??attle ?nformation



Inner Focus


Sucker Punch

Foul Play

Shadow Ball

Quick Attack

Dark Pulse







Her Body



She reads Tarot cards and can Dance

Theme Song:

Radioactive-Imagine Dragons​

Alastair Arabiaear

Shivering Isles Advisor


"Politics are just the lies told to the public to rile them up"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 38

DOB: January 1st

Height: 5'11

Weight: 180

Gender: Male

Type: Ice

Race: Glaceon

Mega: No

Sexuality: Hetero

Occupation: Advisor

Kingdom: Shivering Isles

Loyalty: Estelle

??ersonal ?nformation


He is a silent man who is rarely seen away from his daughters. He is very attentive and strong willed. He doesn't like to upset the balance that has held the Isles together so far. He is chivalrous and fair.


Alastair grew up in a well-to-do family. Even as an eevee he was told he'd follow his fathers footsteps and be a glaceon. His marriage to Julia was arranged before she became queen. At first thats all it was. Then Estelle came along. He grew to love his wife and their children dearly. Since his wife's death, he has been in mourning despite many attempts of the women from the noble court trying to "snap him out of it." His daughter recently put him in the position of adviser to her. It caused an uproar due to his gender. He tried to decline multiple times but she had sound reasoning. He was the only one there through Julia's entire reign. He was the only one that could finish her tutelage.


Alastair has had many attempts on his life since his appointment, but he hasn't told anyone.


Ice cream


His Daughters



Loud Noises

Annoying women​

??attle ?nformation


Snow Cloak

Ice Body


Icy Wind

Ice Shard



Mirror Coat

Ice Beam

Frost Breath


Water Pulse

Shadow Ball


A rapier



He likes to watch others

He plays piano

Theme Song:

Every who hasn't been is now accepted.

Rin Tsukaya

Hiry? no H?seki


"You wanna play~?"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 19

DOB: July 7th

Height: 6'6

Weight: 178 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Dragon

Race: Dragonite

Mega: -

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Elder Princess

Kingdom: Eldrid

Loyalty: Family; Kingdom

??ersonal ?nformation


Rin is a bright and happy girl, who prizes having fun and playing above all else. While she does take some things seriously, they tend to sit on the bench in her list of priorities. Rin likes to wander off during important events, her motto being play first, work later. Basically a procrastinator. But if it matters to her, she's hardworking and stubborn. She enjoys teasing and playing with others who stop by, and hates to take responsibility, but if it's important, she will step up. Along with her playful front, is a hidden shy side. She tends to seek approval from her parents and those around her, but isn't sure what to do to gain what she seeks. It's part of the reason she skips out on events. Because she isn't sure how to behave properly and gain the approval and respect her parents have.


When Rin was a little girl, her life was normal until she was five years old. It was the middle of the night when she was sedated even though she was asleep. She was taken out of her home unknowingly and was about to be killed when she started to wake up, to her attacker's surprise. Startled at the sight of the men around her, she unknowingly used Protect, and scrambled away, but not before getting slashed across the heart, leaving her a deep scar.

Crying and bleeding, she ran away, her defense move still around her. She ran and hid, crying herself to sleep. She was then missing for two days before she was found by a random passerby. They took care of her wound and she left their home with directions on how to get home.

Upon arriving back at home, she was heavily guarded for the next two years straight before she started to act and dress the way she does now. And all this time, she's managed to hide her scar from her family.


Was almost killed as a child, scar over her heart is hidden by clothes




Revealing Clothing


Lots of Water


Childhood Attacker

??attle ?nformation


Inner Focus




Heat Wave

Dragon Claw

Dragon Rush

Fire Punch


Draco Meteor



Fire Blast


Twin Daggers




Theme Song:


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Diana Tsukaya

Princess of the Eldrid Kingdom

Art source, by ????100)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.97cccc0de4c1a8704b4c105f532c0fcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.97cccc0de4c1a8704b4c105f532c0fcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Don't even bother trying to burn out this star!"

Age: 18

DOB: September 28th

Height: 4'11

Weight: 105 lb

Gender: Female

Type: Dragon/Flying, Dragon/Fairy in mega form

Race: Altaria

Mega: For short periods of time

Art Source



Occupation: Princess of Eldrid

Kingdom: Eldrid

Loyalty: Eldrid (May change)

??ersonal ?nformation


Diana is very dramatic and enthusiastic about what she does. She be seen as over confident sometimes, but still has a bit of modesty in her. She's very stubborn and almost never changes her mind once she's made it. Despite her royal status, Diana is known to be fairly kind and giving towards those of lower status in society.


Born into the royal family of Eldrid, Diana's life has been fairly easy for her. Early on in life, she learned that being the younger daughter of her family meant that it would be very unlikely for her to become queen one day. Although she cannot become queen, Diana isn't bitter towards her older sister about it. In fact, she's known to be friendly towards her. Like the rest of her family, she's unaware of the traumatic event that occurred to her sister during her childhood. Nowadays, Diana finds interest in the Aquila, a mysterious group she found out about from a meeting her parents had with the council that she heard in on. Aside from wanting to find out more out about the Aquila, Diana has become a hopeless romantic and wishes to find someone to be with.


Diana refuses to ever be the one to make the first move on another. She's afraid she'd look pathetic if she so much as tried to.


Star gazing

The performing arts



Following orders


Stuck up people

??attle ?nformation


Cloud nine

Pixilate (Mega form)




Dragon Breath

Sky attack

Disarming voice


Perish song

Dragon Pulse

Fury attack

Natural gift


Bow and arrow


-Excellent at acting

-Fairly agile and fast flier

Theme Song:


The wish granter

(Art source, by ????100)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/44184483_p1_master1200.jpg.d4934e55c4d1c737de812c01a8483612.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/44184483_p1_master1200.jpg.d4934e55c4d1c737de812c01a8483612.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"You can wish for anything you want, well within reason of course!"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 3,000

DOB: "I'll go with December 31st!"

Height: 4'8

Weight: 95 lb

Gender: "I wasn't born with a gender, but I think female is the one for me!"

Type: Steel/Psychic

Race: Jirachi

Mega: "Nope!"

Sexuality: Asexual

Occupation: Legendary

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: "Depends I suppose!"

??ersonal ?nformation


Jubilee is very energetic, curious, and naive, especially for a legendary Pokemon. She seems to want to make friends with everyone even those with practically opposite personalities compared to her own. She's very forgiving and will do anything to protect those she considers to be her friends. Her innocent nature can also lead her to be easily used by others.


The last time Jubilee saw the modern world was over 2,000 years ago. One of the few things she can remember from that time was her caring friends. Jubilee had been abandoned as a baby by her biological parents and was raised by a family with a Mr. Mime and Gardevoir and their two daughters, a Mime Jr. and Ralts. Her adoptive parents could tell from early on she was a unique race of gijinka. It also didn't take long before Jubilee learned of her special powers as the wish granting legendary. Her sisters both thought her abilities were incredible and often had her use them while they played. When she got older, Jubilee finally discovered what she was meant to do as a Jirachi.


Jubilee misses her adoptive family a lot, but continues to act happy around others.



Making friends

Sweet tea



Bitter food


??attle ?nformation


Serene grace


Doom desire

Zen headbutt

Double edge


Last resort

Cosmic power


Helping hand

Future sight





Jubilee is very flexible and agile

Theme Song:



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Chinatsu Arikawa

The Lost Queen


"What...? Where?"

►βasic ɨnformation

Age: 30

DOB: March 20

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 110 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Grass

Race: Leafeon

Mega: -

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Ruler of Aimatia

Kingdom: Aimatia

Loyalty: Her Home

►Ҏersonal ɨnformation


Before her accident, Chinatsu was a kind and caring ruler, who sought to do what was right by everyone. She wanted her kingdom to be full of peace and happiness shared by all. She was extremely diligent and hardworking, trusting those around her to support her decisions and come to her if they disagreed with something she had decided. She was a just ruler and dealt with everyone fairly, very rarely becoming angry.

After her accident, Chinatsu was a complete wreck. She could hardly remember her own name, and had frequent fits, be they fits of anger, delight, sadness, etc. She'd been gravely injured and though she was healing, no one was sure how to fix her mental state. She continued in this ever changing emotional state for two weeks before there was a glimpse of her former self. These moments have become more frequent throughout the years, but still not as often as some of her advisors would have liked. Most of her time now is spent as a kind and sweet yet confused Queen who has no idea how to perform her duties.


Chinatsu had never thought much of her life. That she hadn't done anything important or anything that would make her stand out. That's why she was chosen as the next ruler of Aimatia. It's also why she was so shocked at being chosen. As strange as it was, Chinatsu quickly settled into her new role, enjoying doing her best to make her country as best as it could possibly be. She was loved by almost all and highly regarded by all except a few.

Chinatsu had never entertained the thought of having a traitor among her midst, thinking that everyone was fine with how she was ruling things. No one had ever complained or commented, and things seemed fine to her. Nothing suspicious. But it was the exact opposite. One of her Advisors had been greatly upset with the previous Ruler's successor and had planned a coup d'état with those who were interested in what the Advisor had to offer.

The attempt at an overthrow failed, the Advisor and his conspirators captured. But it was at the cost of Chinatsu's memory. She'd been fighting to protect her legacy and home and had been gravely injured and left to die. The healers continue to believe that she had unconsciously used Synthesis to start the healing process on herself, because otherwise, she would have died. Upon her awakening a week later in the infirmary, Chinatsu had no clue who she was and where she was. She remained this way for two weeks going back and forth between clueless and a spectrum of other emotions. It was rather random when the Queen regained her mind, and the healers rejoiced, but it wasn't to last. Her memory was gone two days later.

Chinatsu's life continued like this for another year. With another Advisor in place, they worked diligently to keep the kingdom stable and they did well, but it was entering Chinatsu's second year of mental problems when the kingdom suddenly started to work like it had before. Every time something important needed to be cared for, Chinatsu was in the right state of mind to continue her duties. No one ever thought it strange. Just a blessed miracle that their Ruler was still strong enough to do her job.


She is not as crippled as others might think. She knows her mind completely.









►вattle ɨnformation


Leaf Guard



Leaf Blade

Solar Beam

Giga Impact




Energy Ball

Last Resort

Magical Leaf



Bow and Arrow

Small Dagger



Theme Song:

Zoetrope - Nagi Yanagi
Daiki Yama

King of Caelia


"Fighting brings honor, Being deceitful brings shame"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 34

DOB: December 11th


Weight: 600lb

Gender: Male

Type: Fighting

Race: Hariyama

Mega: None

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: King of Caelia

Kingdom: Caleia

Loyalty: Caelia and comrades

??ersonal ?nformation


Daiki is very peace loving despite his appearance. Although he likes peace he can be angered by the way one acts and behaves. He often will yell and sternly lecture them about their ways and if they continue to do so he will want to punch them. He is protective of who he likes but also tough. If one of his friends got into a fight he would not help unless it was life and death. He believes one should try to solve their own problems with their own power.


When he was born his mother was always tough on him. As soon as he could punch a wall he was forced into hard training with his siblings. His mother would give them intense workouts, laborious chores and a lot of protein rich foods. If one would make a mistake she would beat them and tell them to do it over again. If more than one of them made a mistake they would all fight each other so only one would not get in trouble and she beat the rest. When the Hunt was being held she trained Daiki even more and when he entered the arena he was more powerful than all the other contestants. His mom instructed him to either beat all the other contestants or kill the hunted. Daiki chose the first and beat every single contestant but he did something that made his mother mad. He would not kill the hunted. Growing up being beaten up every other day made him dislike killing and he did not want to kill the hunted. For 5 re-hunts in a row he'd stop all the contestants and the judges decided to let him be king for having great strength and a kind heart, now he is bored within his own country. Conflicts arise with other kingdoms and the Aquila are targeting rulers so now he begins his travels to seek the whereabouts of Aquila and possibly have some fun.


Respects and fears fierce older woman




Children and Old people






Killing and Violence

??attle ?nformation



Poison Jab

Force Palm

Body Slam

Bulk Up

Smelling Salts

Arm Thrust

Heavy Slam

Smack Down




His fists, gauntlets and a hammer


Punching, Fighting, Training, Negotiating peace, Intimidation

Theme Song:

Jayden "Jade" Mortem

Heir/King To Vesperia

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Gijinka-Hydreigon.jpg.d233a2ecc3c3d75b92fe50845c6104c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Gijinka-Hydreigon.jpg.d233a2ecc3c3d75b92fe50845c6104c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Nature has a peaceful chaos. Everything has its purpose and isn't out of order no matter how crazy it may seem. Its all so beautiful."

??asic ?nformation

Age: 20

DOB: December 21st

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 230lbs

Gender: Male

Type: Dark/Dragon

Race: Hydreigon

Mega: No....

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Florist/ King of Vesperia

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: Vesperia

??ersonal ?nformation


Jayden is a quiet and shy guy who just loves the peace and chaos that nature provides. He enjoys the look on a person's face when they find the perfect flowers. He is also a very curious person who loves to learn


Jayden was actually a pretty normal kid. He was the result of a relationship that didn't work, but both parents wanted him to stay with them. So he spent half the year in Vesperia and half the year in Eldrid. One time while in Eldrid with his mother, he was trapped in a cave in that caused him to develop severe claustrophobia. Or thats what he thinks it is since he never actually told anyone about his aversion to enclosed spaces. He kept going between parents after that until he was old enough to make his own choice. Then he moved to Vesperia and purchased a huge shop with an apartment above it. He turned it into his florist shop and made sure it had enough room to keep him from having panic attacks. Now he spends every day tending to the gardens he grows there.


  • Jayden has severe claustrophobia but doesn't show it.


  • Flowers
  • Quiet Places
  • Learning


  • Crowds
  • Orange colors
  • Deserts

??attle ?nformation


  • Levitate


  • Tri Attack
  • Dragon Rush
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Flash Cannon
  • Dark Pulse
  • Draco Meteor
  • Earth Power
  • Steel Wing
  • Flamethrower
  • Shockwave


  • Chain Whip
  • Twin Athemae


  • Growing things

Theme Song:

Up to 5. Its not a requirement but it helps us get to know your character.



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The Lunar Guardian


"Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as the goddess Selene?"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 5,000

DOB: December 15

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 165 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Psychic

Race: Cresselia

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Wanderer ; Does small jobs to make money

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: Goddess Selene ; Vesperia

??ersonal ?nformation


Elara is a calm and sweet girl who is friendly to all and never judges. She likes to float around and talk to anyone she meets, telling them about her interests and inquiring about theirs. While she can be serious, it isn't often seen, and she's barely ever mad at anyone, preferring peace. She delights in using peaceful tactics to engage with others unless absolutely necessary, in which case she would give her life for a friend.


Long, long ago, Cresselia used to roam the land, enjoying the view of the moon from anywhere she spent her time. It was this way for two thousand years until she was captured and sealed away in a mountain. It wasn't until a hundred years ago that the seal faded and Elara awoke. Confused as to where she was and what happened, she made her way back to Vesperia where she learned what had changed with the world, quickly settling in to her new life, even though she knows nothing beyond her name.


Retains no memory of her life before her awakening in the mountain.


Moon ; Dusk ; Water ; Music ; Drawing


Spiders ; Storms ; Anger ; Clouds ("Only when they cover the Moon of course")

??attle ?nformation




Future Sight





Dream Eater

Psycho Cut

Zen Headbutt

Giga Impact

Lunar Dance


Spiked Boots ; Throwing Knives


Drawing ; Bringing peace between others

Theme Song

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]


The Lunar Guardian


"Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as the goddess Selene?"

??asic ?nformation

Age: 5,000

DOB: December 15

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 165 lbs

Gender: Female

Type: Psychic

Race: Cresselia

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Wanderer ; Does small jobs to make money

Kingdom: Vesperia

Loyalty: Goddess Selene ; Vesperia

??ersonal ?nformation


Elara is a calm and sweet girl who is friendly to all and never judges. She likes to float around and talk to anyone she meets, telling them about her interests and inquiring about theirs. While she can be serious, it isn't often seen, and she's barely ever mad at anyone, preferring peace. She delights in using peaceful tactics to engage with others unless absolutely necessary, in which case she would give her life for a friend.


Long, long ago, Cresselia used to roam the land, enjoying the view of the moon from anywhere she spent her time. It was this way for two thousand years until she was captured and sealed away in a mountain. It wasn't until a hundred years ago that the seal faded and Elara awoke. Confused as to where she was and what happened, she made her way back to Vesperia where she learned what had changed with the world, quickly settling in to her new life, even though she knows nothing beyond her name.


Retains no memory of her life before her awakening in the mountain.


Moon ; Dusk ; Water ; Music ; Drawing


Spiders ; Storms ; Anger ; Clouds ("Only when they cover the Moon of course")

??attle ?nformation




Future Sight





Dream Eater

Psycho Cut

Zen Headbutt

Giga Impact

Lunar Dance


Spiked Boots ; Throwing Knives


Drawing ; Bringing peace between others

Theme Song




The Lost Legendary

Ruler of the Seas

The Unfinished Story

The Turning Tide


"If this world was built for all to inhabit, the land, the sea, the skies; then why do some seek war?"

??asic ?nformation

Age: Older then he looks. Lugia, or Luc, has been around since the seas were filled. Hundreds of years.

DOB: February 11th

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 476 Lbs

Gender: Male

Type: Psychic and Flying

Race: Lugia

Mega: None

Sexuality: Demi-Heterosexual

Occupation: Blacksmith. Lugia was an Adviser for some time, but after the Aquila's intervention he has distanced himself. Not out of fear, but needing time to think.

Kingdom: Caila

Loyalty: Luc is lost, at the moment. The new found news of an Aquila threatening the council startled him, but the idea they spread was something to at least hear out. Luc is wise, but he is not sure who to join yet. As a legendary he is well known, so his unclear decision has made rounds around the kingdoms. Many have come to try to sway him, but none have succeeded yet.

??ersonal ?nformation


Luc can be considered wise, thoughtful, and humble, a pokemon who is accustomed to the stereotypes of being old. Luc is well traveled, well informed, and up to date, which means he is wise with lessons from his past, but knowledgeable with events of the current. Although he is quiet about himself, Luc believes in rising things to their full potential and to help people succeed. All in all Luc is a gentle, quiet, and modest pokemon, and his wise, smart, and intelligent mentality has led people to really understand why he is a legendary.


Luc has been around for some time. Long enough time to see the world, completely. Long enough to have his name in all the kingdoms somewhere. And long enough that at some point he had a daughter. That is another story, as that was too far in his past to care for now. Luc settled in Caila, after his many adventures and such. Due to his legendary status and long life, the King assumed he was worthy enough to be an Adviser. After spending a few decades in this position, the Aquila appeared with their violence rebuttal to the council's ruling. This sparked a new era, in which Luc was lost attempting to learn his side then he was his duties. He took his new attitude to his remote home on top of a mountain, content with the solitude he deserved and needed for the moment.


Luc hasn't been to the sea in over ten years. In fact, Luc hasn't left his home in a year. The latter is obvious, as people bring him supplies and such, but a Lugia not going to the sea is too absurd for him to tell anyone.

Afraid of fires, or, at least being on fire.











-Life Without Meaning

??attle ?nformation





Future Sight



Weather Ball


Rain Dance

Hydro Pump



Sky Attack





Hand to Hand Combat



Can Play Many Instruments

Theme Song:



Jason White

The President of Elswer


??asic ?nformation

Age: 20

DOB: August 1st

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 100 Pounds

Gender: Male

Type: Normal

Race: Furfrou

Mega: None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: President

Kingdom: Elswer

Loyalty: His country.

??ersonal ?nformation


Jason is the President of Elswer, and as such he is the one to win the popularity contest. This means Jason is a gentleman, a kind and gentle soul to all he meet. He is also a stubborn and confident man, believing in his opinions hardheartedly and willing to fight for them too. Not to mention that he wins the popularity contest, but he also wins as a politician; Jason is cunning and perceptive. All in all he is a great president, tactician, and man.


Jason was born in Elswer, raised in Elswer, and has always lived in Elswer. His parents were mighty politicians as well, but they have long since retired and are no where in Jason's life. Anyways, Jason grew up happy, athletic, and strong, raised to be something big. When this came in the form of a political device by his parents, well he was more then happy. They used him, placing him for an adviser and using his young tongue to pass on their opinions.

Jason learned of this, and decided to reinvent himself with his own opinions, listening to himself and leaving his parents in the past. Now Jason rules, his own mind, heart, and soul in the job.


-Regrets losing contact with his parents.

-Is afraid to relieve any of his opinions, for fear of being controlled again.


1. Elswer

2. Debating

3. Gardening

4. Kids


1. Arrogance

2. Wrong doers

3. Aquila

??attle ?nformation


Fur Coat


Baby-Doll Eyes



Sleep Talk



Take Down


Giga Impact











Theme Song:

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