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LORE TBA (second tab in this page contains important lore to keep in mind)
ROLES, RULES, and OVERVIEW are found in the Interest Check. Questions may be asked in the Interest Check.
Curse: (describe it in detail, please!)
Backstory: (details are optional!)
- You can edit this sheet as you please as long as it covers the same general information! Please don’t remove parts, but you can add as you please, and you can also split things up into little parts to make them easier. You don’t have to use fancy code, but you can if you want to.
- You’re allowed to use art or a faceclaim to depict your character, but make SURE you have permission to use the image and credit appropriately!
Artist: Yusuf Sabqi - CURSESThe gods gave curses based on what an individual feared most. If a person feared ghosts, they were cursed to have ghosts wreaking havoc in their life until their death. If a person feared sunlight, they were cursed to be exposed to the sun. If a person feared monsters in the night, they were cursed to be hunted down by shadowy creatures at nightfall. Curses can impact not just you but also your surroundings. Curses can (and will, if you don’t live your life well) lead to your death. If you are cursed with the girl from The Ring, you’re not the only one seeing her or the only one who can die by her hand. If you are cursed with sandstorms chasing after you wherever you go, you won’t be the only one buried under 10 metric tons of sand.
Curses may not always be active. Though there are some curses that are present at all times, most curses appear to have an aspect of randomness to them. For example, if you’re doomed to have a deadly pursuer at nightfall, the pursuer will not be present every night. There are times when curses go dormant for months to years. Some curses appear later in life. Curses may worsen or evolve depending on the individual’s current worst fear. Curses may even change entirely if the individual begins to fear something else strongly enough.
Curses take form in the bloodline. They are genetic and can be passed down to the next generation, although mutations may occur, leading to stronger, weaker, or completely different curses. The curses may also skip a generation entirely. A curse may evolve to match your character’s current main fear. A curse may combine with another curse; however, to keep things relatively simple, you can think of a child having a 50% chance of inheriting their father’s curse and a 50% chance of inheriting their mother’s curse. You can go as crazy with curse genetics as you’d like in the OOC, but let’s try to keep things as standalone for your character as possible.
A curse can be anything. That’s right—anything. It doesn’t necessarily need to be detrimental to your character. A curse could be as harmless as butterflies constantly trailing an individual because their ancestor had a phobia of butterflies. Try to keep things interesting—or, better yet, funny. If it makes sense that your character’s ancestor could be afraid of something enough to be the basis of the curse, chances are, you’re good to go. Your character will most likely be accepted regardless of what their curse is.
SANCTUARY CITIESA few centuries after The Great Cessation, when resources began noticeably diminishing, groups of people with less lethal—or “good”—curses began hoarding resources and viciously defending them. As a result, these groups grew in number and began constructing tall, metal walls to keep unwanted elements away. Centuries later, the resource-rich (compared to the rest of the planet, at least) areas gatekept from the outside world were labeled “Sanctuary Cities.” In these areas, science has prevailed, allowing them to capitalize on and multiply what life and water they have. Cities keep themselves free of curses by only allowing those with minor, harmless curses into their cities (although they typically refuse to let anyone in unless they’re of high status or incredibly capable, as the testing process to ensure the individual is not badly cursed is expensive) and ensuring no children are born to bring a dangerous curse into their walls (or, in other words, employing eugenics). Many Cities have contact with one another, for trade and to keep track of current ongoings in other parts of the world.
Cities often send specific, specially-trained groups of people into the barren wastelands to scout for more resources or to trade with another City. Outsiders, such as bandits and some Towns, often intercept these City units for information, resources, and hostages.
Towns are often ransacked by nearby Cities, mainly to eliminate competition for resources and to take what they have. Cities’ focus on ransacking and eliminating towns outside their walls got amped up after an event where multiple towns had teamed up to invade a major sanctuary in an attempt to take it over (an event otherwise referred to as The Siege). Now, most patrols sent out of sanctuary cities are typically told to destroy towns that have grown too large on sight.
TOWNSTowns are mostly found within strips of land that aren’t as barren as the rest of the world. They are usually established next to land that can be made arable with enough time and above an underground water source that is tapped into via a deep well. Towns form for community and to protect stable sources of food and water. For order and organization, towns often have “laws” and enforcers of the law. Nearby towns keep in contact with each other for trade and protection, or they may have rivalries with each other.
Towns have an incredibly American frontier aesthetic to them, with many elements of futurism and fantasy. Nearly all have electricity. Most buildings in towns are made of metal, stone, and mud, as wood is not a common resource.
Towns are threatened by nature and by man. Outlaws will attack towns for their resources (or, in some very strange cases, just to cause trouble). Cities attack them for their resources and to eliminate competition.
Artist: Daniil Silantev - PASSAGE OF TIMEPlayers can decide in their posts how much time has passed. Each post should mention a month and day (preferably, this month and day will be at the top of the post in bold). One week or more time-skips must be discussed with one of the hosts involved.
The story begins on January 1st, 2797.
OUR TOWNThe town played in the RP will be named by the Mayor, i.e., the player of the Mayor. Possible names will be brainstormed in OOC.
IMPORTANT EVENTSFurther details will be discussed in OOC.
THE GREAT CESSATION The event when the Gods abandoned the planet.
THE SIEGE During a terrible drought and a burst of disease, a group of towns came together to try to force themselves into a City. It ended catastrophically for the towns. The City was unharmed.
Artist: Brian Patrick Tagalog
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