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Fandom Apps and Spurs ( ritarita and sharkbyte)


mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
fairyfawn fairyfawn

interactions :
Remus Lupin
The sun was shining brightly in the afternoon sky, The rays beating down on the rolling fields of the ranch. It been a tireless morning of mucking stalls, throwing out hay and a bunch of other typical ranch chores…. A ton of boring menial tasks. But it had to get done and Remus was always up bright and early to get a head start of things so He could go out riding or anything fun for the afternoon. As all the long boring but needed chores had been done. He had gone riding for about an hour with a happy hum. As He finally pulled up to the dismounting block but due to his height, He really didn’t need it easily dismounting from the equine. Before taking the extra lead and clipping it on to lead the steed back to the barn to get off all the riding equipment and put the mare back in her stall.

Once that was all done for the day, He let out a breath squinting as He looked up at the sky. “ Darn it’s so hot out…” He mumbled gruffly as He headed back to the main house where everyone who lived on or lodged at the Ranch was staying. It was a brisk walk back, only maybe a few minutes with how long his legs were. Being tall sometimes, Had it’s advantages! Not always though, A lot of the scars, He had came from running into things because He didn’t duck down in time, but that was a story for another day! He finally opened the door and walked inside quickly ducking into the kitchen to grab some water before He had planned to go up to his room. He mainly kept to himself other than the occasional outings with Lily when She dragged him out to do things. She was definitely, more of the social butterfly than He was. But they were good friends and Remus was quite fond of their friendship!

He had grown to appreciate her genuinely kind nature!

He had grabbed a cup and got some water before, He turned on his heel ready to go head up to his room and just sit and read for a good hour. But alas, A flash of red appeared before him pulling him into a hug. “ W-Oh G’d Afternoon Lily” He replied quickly with a laugh before the red-head glanced up at him with a smile and easily pulled away from the hug as She was aware that He wasn’t the biggest fan of surprise hugs. “ Good Afternoon Remus!” She replied cheerfully. “ Didn’t you have that date today?” He asked curiously. “ You betcha” She replied. “ I believe this was the 10th one….So I do think it’s time we get you set up on the app!” She teased lightly, though she was dead serious about that. The brunette raised an eyebrow and shook his head with an awkward chuckle. “ I am quite fine with my life the way it is!” Remus replied firmly but He knew that their was no arguing with Lily…..It was always a lost cause.

She grinned and held her hand out for the phone. Remus hesitated for a moment before finally handing it over. And Lily eagerly snatched it and pulled him to sit down and helped him set it up. “ You know I am never gonna look at this right….” He replied with a soft chuckle.

“ You never know Remus just trust me!” She mused lightly nudging him and handed the phone back to him when it was all set up. “ You will thank me later!”

coded by reveriee.
Sirius Black
hello black dog by matt maltese

It had started out as a typical day for Sirius. He had moved here from England and had settled in nicely. Yep. Sirius was settling into his new place nicely and things were good. Very nice. He was drinking coffee, plain coffee with no sugar or cream. Yeah. Plain coffee.

Listen, plain coffee is warm and delicious.

And then his bestie James Potter decided to drop by.

See, James loves dropping by unexpectedly and unannounced. What else would you be expecting from James Fleamont Potter? Just classic James things here. James sure is a silly, funny man. And lately, James had been telling Sirius about this dating app that he had downloaded and was trying out to find somebody.

James had used this dating app a bunch of times before going on multiple dates with some girl named Lily. Sirius has never used dating apps before. Yeah, it’s true. He hasn’t. Yep. This is Sirius Black’s first time using a dating app. Well, because James is pestering him to do so. “It’ll be super amazing! I met Lily and she’s so amazing! And I’m sure you’ll find someone amazing too.” Was James’ reasoning. A whole bunch of people use dating apps so it’s possible.

And like, Sirius has absolutely no problem talking to strangers. No problem at all. And James is insistent that Sirius gives it a try and see if he finds his match. Or whatever.

But like, Sirius is such a party person and usually that’s how he meets other people, not dating apps. Susie loves to party of course, how could he not? Parties are amazing and a great way to meet other people. Dating apps? Meh. But James seems to have had success with the app. And James seems pretty insistent on letting Sirius try it out.

If James could find somebody on a dating app then so could Sirius! Sounds nice.

Speaking of parties, when’s the next party? Sirius would very much like to go of course.

James inched forward, holding his hand out and trying to take Sirius’ phone away from him. It took a while, but Sirius finally relented and let James take the phone to download the dating app. Knowing James Potter, he is going to make Sirius’ profile cheesy. Because James himself is cheesy. It took a bit but James finished with the dating profile and handed the phone back to Sirius.

So like… is Sirius supposed to wait until someone messages him? Or at least matches with him? Is this how it works? Or should Sirius start matching with people?

“Have fun with the app!” James spoke with a dorky grin. “And please let me know if you find somebody, I’ll be dying to meet them.” Of course he would be. Classic James. James would be pestering him about it and who he matched with. “I’ll keep you updated.” Sirius promised him.

Sirius gave James a grin and he looked down at his phone. Does he wait or go ahead and start swiping?
º º code by ditto º º
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
fairyfawn fairyfawn

interactions :
Remus Lupin

Remus was a bit unsure with why Lily was so insistent on him trying this app. He was fine just going on about his days just on the ranch. Like it would be nice to date and all…..but He wasn't the most social person and talking to someone you've never met before was a bit of a challenge for him. He let out a sigh. Listening to the red-head as she was showing him how to use the app.

“ So basically you swipe left if you don't like and swipe right if you do and then if you both swipe right its a match and then just one of y'all has to message for the conversation to begin” Lily explained with a smile. “ You will get the hang of it! She replied with a hug. “ I got to get back to getting my chores done but, you know where to find me if you have any question!” She winked towards him before scurring it off leaving Remus just sitting there.

Remus blinked slowly looking down at the phone letting out a sigh as He sipped at his tea. Picking up the phone and staring at it for who knows how long. “ What in tarnation am I doing….” He mumbled as he kinda just was poking around what Lily set up for him on the profile. At least she kept it simple and truthful for him. That was good. He was a little amused at some of the pictures she choose from his phone. He didn't have many of himself….he wasn't a very photographic person in his own opinion….but they were decent at least.

It was only a matter of time before He ended up starting the process of reading profiles and pretty much only swiping left for awhile. Those folks just seemed boring or judgemental and He did not need that. He was content with his life and didn't want the extra stress of negativity....He did that to himself enough on his own..

Only a short time past....that a profile popped up that while reading it piqued his interest. Raising an eyebrow slightly as He made the quick decision to swipe right. " Nothing will probably come of this anyone" He mused finishing his tea with a humm and taking the cup of tea and slipping his phone into his pocket to go head up to his room to relax for awhile.
coded by reveriee.
Sirius Black
hello black dog by matt maltese

Using a dating app surely won’t hurt. It could be fun! Who knows, Sirius could meet somebody. James did. And if James can, then Sirius can. Sirius should give it a try! Besides it seems like he doesn’t have a choice in the matter since James is already setting up his profile. And he’s curious to see what James had done to the profile.

James was still lingering around so Sirius decided to take this opportunity to ask how the dating app works exactly.

“So like, how does this app work?” Sirius inquired after James had given him his phone back. How does one go about using the app? This is his first time using this app after all. And obviously he doesn’t want to figure it out for himself. Nope.

“Well,” James cleared his throat, “if you aren’t interested in someone, you swipe left but if you are interested then you swipe right, if the other person swipes right on you then it’s a match and you can start messaging.” James explained.

Well, that seems easy and simple enough.

He decided to look through his dating profile first to see what James did to it. Something cheesy, no doubt. Not that Sirius is complaining or anything like that. Not at all. James most likely had a cheesy dating profile himself on this app. Sirius looked through his dating profile, seeming content with how James had set it up for him. It looks great.

Sirius looked through the app, swiping left on a whole bunch of people. Nobody seemed to be catching his attention or interest. Is this app a waste of time? Well, maybe not. Just got to find someone who catches his interest. Yeah. Sirius will find someone! He sure will. Hopefully today, though. Sirius looked down at the screen, swiping left on a bunch of people before stopping on one. Oooo cute person. Hehe. Remus Lupin.

He didn’t bother with looking at the profile of the person because he does not have time for that. Nope. Must swipe right immediately. No time for looking at profiles. Sirius was quick to swipe right and….

It’s a match!

Sirius Black has matched with Remus Lupin.

Apparently they had swiped right on each other. Nice. And Sirius is going to be the first one to message! So brave and bold of Sirius Black. He let his thumbs hover over the phone screen, wondering what he should type.

“Hey there cowboy.” Sirius giggled at what he wrote, finding it cheesy but extremely charming. Yep. Here’s to hoping that Sirius will get a reply back! Sirius sent the message before exiting out of the dating app to put his phone away for now. Sirius Black is very charming and smooth. And brave.

Okay, the message was sent and now Sirius just has to wait. He’ll finish up his coffee while he waits.

Sirius set his phone down on the counter in favor of picking up his cup of coffee to finish off while he hopefully waits for a response. Hopefully something comes of this.
º º code by ditto º º
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
fairyfawn fairyfawn

interactions :
Remus Lupin

Remus on the other hand hadn't been paying attention to the phone as He sipped his tea looking out the window as He drank the warm liquid. It had been quite the productive day and He had a good time riding this morning. It overall had been a good day! The dating app bit hadn't been expected but hey! It will be okay!

Little did Remus know that a match had happened while He was staring out the window. When He finished the tea, He moved to go place the mug in the sink before turning to go grab his phone to go back to go upstairs to try and read. He picked up the phone to put it back into his pocket with a hum. But when He glanced down at the screen. Noticing a notification from the app.

He absolutely did not expect anything to come from it. Nope not at all!He didn't think that He was much to look at or that intresting but this proved him wrong, He guessed.

When He decided to open the notification to see what it was. He blinked in suprise at a match and a message. Raising an eyebrow curiously as He opened the message from this Sirius Black. He recalled reading that profile. The profile just as cheesy as the message. Causing his cheeks to flush just a bit. He was a bit amused to say the least. Letting out a small chuckle at the unexpected opener!

Thinking for a moment to try and think of a decent response. Kinda glad Lily had gone off by now. Less awkward that way. Yeah! It was! Taking a deep breath as He typed in response. "Well Howdy do" Playing along with the whole cowboy comment.
coded by reveriee.
Sirius Black
hello black dog by matt maltese

Sirius was pretty confident in the message that he had sent. Come on, ‘hey there cowboy’ is pretty smooth and confident. And all Sirius has to do is wait and see if the person is going to respond. Hopefully. Because listen, Remus is pretty cute. So you know, Sirius is hoping that this goes somewhere. But for now, Sirius shouldn’t be worrying about that right now. His phone is not on silent so if he gets a notification then he’ll hear it. Right now is coffee time. Maybe it’s a good thing James had been so insistent on Sirius trying out this dating app. Though Sirius will just have to wait and see, you know? But Sirius’ heart is over the moon right now if that makes sense. This is like leg bouncing, fingernail biting inducing for Sirius Black.

Sirius was settled on the couch with his coffee. He probably wasn’t going to be swiping on anyone else on the app; he might end up doing so but again… he’ll have to wait and see. Even if the dating app is leg bouncing inducing out of anticipation.

Sirius’ phone buzzed and he was reminded of the dating app and the fact that he had sent someone a message. He was quick to leap up to scramble for his phone, getting his hopes up of it being from the dating app. Not to mention Sirius almost spilled a mug of hot coffee after leaping up. It is! Remus replied! Sirius opened up the dating app before heading over to the messages between him and Remus to fully read the message. As far as Sirius can tell, at least he’s hoping he’s right, Remus didn’t seem bothered by Sirius’ bold opening message of “hey there cowboy.”

That's good.

His fingers hovered over his phone screen, trying his best to figure out what to say to Remus in return. Sirius doesn’t want to ruin this, because it seems like something might become of this. Should Sirius say something bold and confident again? Or maybe not? Now that Remus had messaged him, Sirius was trying to make sure to say the best things. Besides, Remus seems really nice too.

Maybe Sirius can just say something casual, you know? Something casual but conversation going of course. Just something to keep the conversation going. He thought for a moment before starting to type up a response. 'Drinking coffee to wake up besides talking to you. You?' That sounded nice right? After all, that's what Sirius is doing right now. Surely this'll get a long conversation rolling because Sirius is genuinely interested in Remus.

The message was sent.

Now, Sirius was setting his phone back down and now all he has to do is wait for a reply.
º º code by ditto º º
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
fairyfawn fairyfawn

interactions :
Remus Lupin

Remus was albeit a bit amused by the cowboy comment right off the bat. Thinking his own response and it was absolutely good enough! No need for it too be all fancy at all for it..just a simple response. He placed his phone back down for a moment with a happy humm going back to finishing up his still hot tea. He had worked hard on the ranch that morning! And now this was such a nice moment to relax.

Though He wasn't expecting a response and yet got one! So who knows what could come from it!

He certainly didn't. He wasn't entirely sure what Lily was getting at recommending this app to him. Like yes don't get him wrong it would be nice to meet someone but he was busy always on the ranch. Ranch life was no sunshine and rainbows.

But He managed! And this Sirius seemed nice and interesting and maybe things could come from it. He is remaining positive of course! Yes, Remus is! It didn't take much more time before the buzz of a new notification popped up on his phone a He picked it up again. Popping in his passcode and opening back up the app again.

It was a new message from Sirius!

He blinked slowly opening the message. Taking a few moments to read and sit with the message for a few moments. Remus needs to think of a well formed response after all! Needs to make a good impression after all! Yeah!

He could admit to himself the other was real cute and the last thing, Remus wanted to do was make an entire fool of himself!

He took a breath with a small hum. Finally starting to type a message. " Sounds like you had a quiet morning, which is nice....Mine was very eventful......But hey I got to go for a ride which is at least fun. But anyways don't wish to talk yer ear off....Uhm....Any fun plans this week?" He typed with a nod. Yes. That was good enough yeah. It continues the conversation so He put his phone down back on the table and finished up his tea as He waited for a response.

coded by reveriee.
Sirius Black
hello black dog by matt maltese

Sirius had finished off his coffee by now and he was eagerly awaiting a response from Remus. Remus is very cute and seems very nice so maybe, hopefully, this is going to go somewhere. At least Sirius was hoping so! Thank you James for showing Sirius this dating app. Because now perhaps this is going to go somewhere. Hopefully. Besides, Remus didn’t seem bothered by Sirius’ bold opening message. That’s good, right?

The two might need to talk a little more before Sirius could actually see whether or not this might go somewhere. That sounds like a good plan, right? Hopefully! If this does go somewhere then Sirius is going to have to tell James about it eventually. After all, James is the one who got Sirius to use this app. And already on the first day of using it he has found someone! Knowing James, he’ll want to know everything. Yeah, that’s James Potter for you.

For now, Sirius has to be patient in awaiting a response from Remus. It’s no use staring at a phone screen anticipating a notification from the dating app. Nope, that won’t do at all! Sirius should be keeping himself busy and relaxed! No anxiety over awaiting a response here. Even if it is kind of anxiety inducing because you never know what the other person is going to say. Remus does seem genuinely interesting and nice so maybe Sirius won’t have to worry too much! Yeah! Sirius is pretty confident in this. How could he not be? From what Sirius has seen on Remus’ dating profile, the man is absolutely stunning and gorgeous. And handsome! And, well, other compliments too!

He finally set his phone down on the counter, deciding to just leave it be and check it when he hears the familiar ringtone of a notification. Sirius, worried? Never! He is brave and bold! Besides, it’s time for more coffee! More caffeine to get the day started after all! Sirius can busy himself getting more coffee while eagerly waiting for a response. Ah, he could probably talk to Remus all day if he could! He’s going to remain hopeful and optimistic! That’s all he can do right now, right? Just gotta be hopeful that this is going to go somewhere!

Sirius just needs to keep the conversation between him and Sirius rolling. Not let it get too awkward. Nope, awkward conversations here just won’t do! Not at all.

As he was making more coffee, he heard his phone notification ringtone. A possible reply from Remus! Sirius was quick to run back over to where he had left his phone and he opened it up to read the notification. Thankfully it is a notification from the dating app! Yay!


Sirius read the message and he wondered what to reply with. “No please, you sound like you’re amazing to talk to. You can talk my ear off.” Smooth Sirius. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too weird!

Plans? Well….

Sirius began to type up another response, “well there’s a party this weekend that I want to go to. Are you a party person or nah?” Sirius typed before sending the message.

Now it’s back to waiting.
º º code by ditto º º
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
fairyfawn fairyfawn

interactions :
Remus Lupin

The waiting was honestly the hardest part of this whole thing, Remus wasn’t the most excited about the waiting, it was quite nerve wrecking but hey! The best things are worth the wait! Yup! That is a true statement. Yup! It is! But things seem to going fine so Remus had nothing to worry about! Right? Right?! This Sirius fellow seemed quite interesting and was holding Remus’ attention and definitely had his curiosity! So hehe! It was a wonderful start!

Things were already seemingly going well and who knows truly what may happen but He was choosing to remain positive! Positivity was the way to go of course! Just see where this conversation leads yeah! He didn’t expect to match with someone right away, absolutely Remus did not! Hopefully all will lead to good things….He already knew that Lily was going to be hassling him soon to see what had transpired thus far But He wouldn’t say much anyhow….Why is this anyone else’s business.

He was fairly confident in the message that He sent. It was simple yet good in his opinion yep! Besides He wasn’t super familiar with how these apps worked and was trying his best here. Ranch life was oh so much easier than all this social media nonsense. Well maybe not nonsense but it is confusing as hell and hard to understand at times. He put his phone down after sending the message , patience was something He knew He had have for this. No one was on their phone constantly right? Right! He had to be cool about it and just go with the flow of course! Yup! Besides He found Sirius quite interesting and well no compliment can really pin point how exactly He thought of the other so far. All of them fit it seemed. But for now he’d play it cool cause who knows what is going to happen?

It would all be fine and dandy right? Yeah! He could be patient and just see where things lead! It would be perfect! Yep it would be! He can be patient. Remus let out a sigh stepping away from the phone as He went back to go reading his book. Yes, the wonderful thing of reading…..Yes reading a good book is a good distraction after all! Yup! It is! Things are already going well and He could only hope it would remain that way as He kept reading along awaiting the response from the other. Yeah……keep focus on the book till you here the notification.

He read in silence as He awaited the notification tone on the phone. The wait seemed to be the toughest part as He kept looking up from the book towards the phone trying to patiently await the notification. Normally Remus could get quite lost in the books but this seemed to be quite a struggle. Yup! He was quite enjoying the conversation the two had been having and wanted to know where this would lead. But He’d just have to see where things went yup!

He blinked slowly when the notification came through as a smile creeped it’s way back on his face. Slowly placing down the book with a soft humm. Before moving to go pick up the phone, unlocking it and viewing the message, Yup another notification on the dating app from Sirius. Remus smiled a bit. Eyes scanning the message as He thought about what to say. Finally clicking on it to type a message.

“ Well I wouldn’t want to intrude really……I appreciate it though…..But truly you are very easy to chat with and I barely know you…that is a compliment, hopefully” He began to type with a soft smile. Albeit a little awkward but still smooth yeah

Definitely not as smooth as the other though!

“ I don’t think I even look like a party person…..But never really been to enough to really answer that….I do treasure the quiet moments on the ranch though….oops don’t mean to keep going on a rant” He decided to send it there to not annoy the other placing his phone back down so He hoped that He didn’t mess things up.

coded by reveriee.

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