Appropriate lyrics


Two Thousand Club
I occasionally get obsessed with song lyrics.

It just occurred to me that, dish and spoon reference aside, the lyrics to Supernaut are almost a perfect match to a solar as he ages from mortal to bored immortal to crazy fuck:

I want to reach out and touch the sky

I want to touch the sun, but I don't need to fly

I'm gonna climb up every mountain of the moon

And find the dish that ran away with the spoon

I've crossed the ocean, turned every bend

I found the plastic and the gold at rainbow's end

I've seen through magic and through life's reality

I've lived a thousand years and never found the key

Got no religion, don't need no friends

Got all I want and I don't need to pretend

Don't try to reach me, 'cause I'll tear up your mind

I've seen the future and I've left it behind
Any other lyrics that are good fits to Exalted?
wordman I've tried this topic a thousand times, always ending in failure... If you succeed, I shall RAAAAAGE.

Now for my contribution...

How is this for a Dawn caste?

[QUOTE="Iron Maiden]

You killed your first man at 13

Killer instinct, Animal supreme

By 16 you had learned to fight

The way of the warrior, you took it as your right

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel

Through earth and water, fire and wind

You came at last - nothing was the end

Make a cut by fire and stone

Take you and your blade and break you both in two

Break you both in two

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel - rolling on and on

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel

Sunlight, falling on your steel

Death in life is your ideal

Life is like a wheel - and it's rolling still


[QUOTE="Judas Priest]

The fathers son, thy kingdom come, electric ecstasy,

Deliver us from all the fuss and give us sanctuary.

Lead us all into arena, magnificent in death.

Well let us serenade the sinner, well follow in his step.

White heat, red hot burns deep, white heat red hot.

The fury songs, venomous wrongs so rich in tragedy,

An overture forever more to senseless victories.

Give to us this day of glory the power and the kill

So we avoid the wrath and all the almighty fire of

White heat, red hot burns deep, white heat red hot.

The heats hot burns a lot.

Who are not cut out to fight this day will surely fall.

The few who stand to take command forever and ever are men.

Prepare to fight, unsheathe your scythe a ghastly beam of ill

To slice the life with blinding light and seventh dimensional skill.

The centuries of dedication inherited till at last

From years of solar gladiation can only end in

White heat, red hot burns deep, white heat red hot.

The heats hot burns a lot.

Who are not cut out to fight this day will surely fall.

The few who stand to take command forever and ever are men.

White heat

Red hot

White heat

Red hot

Then there's this one... I'm not sure if it's Lunars or Night caste:

[QUOTE="Blue Ôyster Cult]

That night her kiss told me it was over

I walked out late into the dark

The misty gloom seems to soak up my sorrow

The further I went on

I felt a spreading calm

Then suddenly my eyes were bathed in light

And the lovely lady in white was by my side

She said like me I see youre walking alone

Wont you please stay?

I couldnt look away

She said

I love the night

The day is ok and the sun can be fun but I live

To see those rays slip away

I love the night

Theres so much I can show and give to you

If you will welcome me tonight

If only you had been there my dear

We could have shared this together

No mortal was meant to know such wonder

One look in the mirror told me so

Come darkness Ill see her again

Yes Im gonna go

cause now I know

I love the night

The day is ok and the sun can be fun but I live

To see those rays slip away

I love the night

I love the night

I love the night

This one for a Zenith... Could work for a Fire aspect too, though...

[QUOTE="Judas Priest]

Racing cross the heavens

Straight into the dawn

Looking like a comet

Slicing through the morn

Scorching the horizon

Blazing to the land

Now hes here amongst us

The age of fires at hand

Stand by for exciter

Salvation is his task

Stand by for exciter

Salvation bids to ask

Everything he touches

Fries into a crisp,

Let him get close to you

So youre in his trip,

First youll smoke and smoulder

Blister up and singe

When ignition hits you

The very soul of your being will cringe.

Stand by for exciter

Salvation is his task

Stand by for exciter

Here he comes now

Fall to your knees and repent if you please

Who is this man?

Where is he from?

Exciter comes

For everyone.

Youll never see him

But you will taste the fire upon your tongue

Hes come to make you snap out

Of the state that you are in

Looks around and make you

See the light again

So much self-indulgence

Results in shattered eyes

Predominant complacency

Leads to beguiling lies.

Stand by for exciter

Salvation is his task

Stand by for exciter

Salvation bids to ask

When he leaps amidst us

With combustive dance

All shall bear the branding

Of his thermal lance,

Cauterizing masses

Melting into one

Only when theres order

Will his job be done.

Stand by for exciter

Salvation is his task

Stand by for exciter

Here he comes now

Fall to your knees and repent if you please

Who is this man?

Where is he from?

Exciter comes

For everyone

Youll never see him

But you will taste the fire upon your tongue

Racing past the heavens

Straight into the dawn

Looking like a comet

Slicing through the morn

Scorching the horizon

Blazing to the land

Now hes here amongst us

The age of fires at hand

Stand by for exciter

Stand by for exciter

Stand by for exciter

Stand by for exciter

I'll post more if I remember them.
Abyssal Exaltations:

[QUOTE="Acid Bath]

A creature made of sunshine

Her eyes were like the sky

Rabbit howls like something old as we twitch to her lullaby

The scalpel shines in god's sunshine

Street lights whisper pain

Down here near the poison stream our god has gone insane

She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair

With blood on her hands into the sun she stares

She feels it die, I heard her cry (verse x2)

Like the scream of the butterfly

Sunshine a house in flames

She likes it where she gets it but it's never felt the same

Surgery in the house of dissection

When your candle burns out I will resurrect you

She runs through fields of daisies

Yeah it's just a shame that they eat their own babies

Who cares cause the air is free

When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?

There's blood on the moon and the summer is cold

There's love in the room but baby that's gettin' old

There's blood on my face sittin' on a dead shore

A highway of emptiness and I'm gettin' bored

There's blood on the moon as we plan our escape

The goddess in bloom, handcuffed and raped

There's blood in the bathtub, baby, murder the king

There's blood on the moon

There's blood on just about everything

Sunshine a house in flames

She likes it where she gets it but it's never felt the same

Surgery in the house of dissection

When your candle burns out I will resurrect you

She runs through fields of daisies

Yeah it's just a shame that they eat their own babies

Who cares? 'Cause the air is free

When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?

Something cold is forced inside her

A tear spills down her cheek

Stillborn songs of a dead dreamer

Hymns of the needle freak

With sunlight in her hair she smiles like she don't care

Her dreams are liquid blue

I cut myself again and again to remind myself of you

She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair

With blood on her hands into the sun she stares

She feels it die, I heard her cry (verse x2)

Like the scream of the butterfly (x2)

I met an angel with a sawed-off shotgun

Wanted by the FBI

We dropped some acid, killed our parents

Then we hit the road

Like the scream of the butterfly (x4)

I do have a habit of listening to video game music. This one is Sound of the Wind, from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, and seems to me to be appropriate to both Solars and Sidereals. Perhaps even to the Bronze Faction in particular.

Dreaming of the stars on high
That speak to me in secret sighs

Drifting on a breeze only I can feel and hear

Could it be the sacred wind?

It's calling me to now begin

To walk into the dark, carrying the light of tomorrow

Beating are the wings up high

Beyond the earth, beyond the sky

Come now, don't hesitate

Don't look back, we've got to go now

Don't fear

You'll be safe from now on

Morning sky watching over all

Deep inside so silently

My heart must beat

Deep inside of me

Memories flickering and shimmering on endlessly

Keeping close to the path

Morning sky watching over all

Moving over endless mountains oh so high

Walk into the light

Your heart will see the path and you will find the way

Just wait and see

Moving over endless sky oh so high

Tomorrow will follow

And it holds your promises today

Just wait and see
love that song, took me a stupidly long time to get hold of the MP3 when the game came out (due to the instrumental version and the one with lyrics having complelety different names and the one without lyrics being the only one listed in the credits, grr
My god, none of you have posted the Exalted anthem! Allow me to rectify this.

Come ride with me through the veils of history

I'll show you a God that falls asleep on the job

And how can we win, when fools can be kings?

Don't waste your time or time will waste you

No-one's going to take me alive

The time has come to make things right

You and I must fight for our rights

You and I must fight to survive

No-one's going to take me alive

The time has come to make things right

You and I must fight for our rights

You and I must fight to survive

*wall of awesome guitar riff*
actually, Muse tend to be pretty good for Exalted music.
This one might be more D&D than Exalted, but anyway...

Close the door, put out the light
You know they won't be home tonight

The snow falls hard, and don't you know

The winds of Thor are blowing cold

They're wearing steel that's bright and true

They carry news that must get through

They choose the path where no-one goes

They hold no quarter

Walking side by side with death

The devil mocks their every step

The snow drives back the foot that's slow

The dogs of doom are howling more

They carry news that must get through

To build a dream for me and you

They choose the path where no-one goes

They hold no quarter

They ask no quarter

The pain without quarter

They ask no quarter

The dogs of doom are howling more...
And, should you be sojourning in the Wyld, this might be more appropriate...

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly

I'm crying

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come

Corporation t-shirts, stupid bloody Tuesday

Man you've been a naughty boy, you've let your face grow long

I am the eggman

They are the eggmen

I am the walrus

Goo goo ga-choo

Mr. city policeman sitting pretty little policemen in a row

See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they run

I'm crying, I'm cry...

I'm crying, I'm cry...

Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dogs eye

Grumble like a fishwife, pornographic priestess

Boy you've been a naughty girl, you've let your knickers down

I am the eggman

They are the eggmen

I am the walrus

Goo goo ga-choo

Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun

If the sun don't come you get your tan from

Standing in the English rain

I am the eggman

They are the eggmen

I am the walrus

Goo goo ga-choo ga-goo goo ga-choo

Expert expert choking smokers

Don't you think the joker laughs at you? (Ho ho ho, hee hee hee, ha ha ha)

See how they smile like pigs in a sty

See how they're snide

I'm crying

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower

Parliamentary penguins singing Hare Krishna

Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe

I am the eggman

They are the eggmen

I am the walrus

Goo goo ga-choo ga-goo goo ga-choo

Goo goo ga-choo ga-goo goo ga-choo ga-goo

Choo choo choo...

Everybody ha ha

Everyone ha ha...
(sorry for the triple post, but they wouldn't let me edit together...)
agh, I cannot get over how much I consider muse NOT exalted.

the video for knights of cydonia follows rule of cool, but their music blows

in my opinion
well then we have another of these "differences of opinion" I seem to inspire lately

I only Like one song that muse did and I can't remember what it was called (the one with all the military personnel dancing on the table in the vid)

and possibly the one with all the melting wimmins in the hotel room (again, can't remember than name or if it was even muse)

This post wasn't like the Batman conversation where I was chastising you for your opinion, this time I was just stating mine which just happened to be at odds with yours but had nothing to do with each other.

I usually respect opinions, but there is just something about deviating from source material... I can understand altering canon, which doesn't really bother me; but when you change the fundamentals of a character then I just can't stand it. I find it highly disrespectful. I thought Will Smith's "I am Legend", and to a lesser extent "I, Robot", was an atrocity. If it hadn't claimed any affiliation with a book that it had only cursory relations too I wouldn't have minded.

I apologize, my peacemaking turned into ranting. You may return to your regularly scheduled thread.
well I robot's alright, considering you realise it has nothing to do with the book I Robot (the name was just tacked on, Ironically it was tacked on to aasimovs book too, he wanted to call it something else) and completely goes againts the 3 laws as set out in any of the short stories in that book.

I agreed with I am legend, despite having not seen it or read the book (I found out the differences less than an hour ago) and I completely agree with you, but it was apparantly the result of caving into to the focus groups, which is no excuse.

if you're interested though the original book ending is one of the deleted scenes on the DVD (so I hear)
I have seen the alternate ending, it is not the original book ending. It would be impossible for them to get to the original book ending from where they were.

Since we are off-topic. In order for them to get to the original ending, the girl and the boy(whom they added) would have to turn out to be part of the people living with the disease sent to spy on him. The reason they were spying on him was because some of the people he would kill during the day (not exactly one of Smith's habits) were some of the people living with the disease(this group was left out of the movie). This rag-tag budding civilization of diseased people would then come with a strike force and kill the vampire that has been plaguing Smith (the closest to Ben Courtman, another really interesting part they omitted). He would then be taken to their makeshift capitol, interrogated, and when he is about to be put to death he would see the fear in the faces of these people and know what he was, forever they would tell their children of the man who walked in the day and killed them in their sleep and he would say to himself "I am Legend".
ah, ok the cracked article didn't go into that much detail. I'd ask if the book was any good but now I know the ending...

(you didn't spoil it, aforesaidmentioned cracked article did)
Usurpation, perhaps?

[QUOTE="Judas Priest]

They laughed at their gods

And fought them in vain

So he turned his back on them

And left them in pain

Now here come the saints

With their banners held high

Each one of them martyrs

Quite willing to die

Wake the dead, the saints are in hell

Wake the dead, theyve come for the bell

Cover your fists

Razor your spears

Its been our possession

For 8,000 years

Fetch the scream eagles

Unleash the wild cats

Set loose the king cobras

And blood sucking bats

Wake the dead, the saints are in hell

Wake the dead, theyve come for the bell

We are saints

In hell

We are saints

In hell

Were going down

Into the fire

Were going down

Into the fire

The streets run with blood from the mass mutilation

As carnage took toll for the bell

Abattoir, abattoir, mon dieu quelle horreur

For a time is was like second hell

Saints in hell

Saints in hell

The battle is over, the saints are alive

How can we all thank you, we felt so despised

Saints in hell

Saints in hell

Saints in hell

Saints in hell

Saints in hell

Saints in hell

Come on, Cthulhu... post a few yourself.
The original Righteous Devil at the end

[QUOTE="Avenged Sevenfold]

He who makes a beast out of himself

Gets rid of the pain of being a man

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.

I tri-ie-ied to drive all through the night,

The heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights.

No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).

Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.

My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).

No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

As I-I-I adjust to my new sights the rarely tired lights will take me to new heights.

My hand is on the trigger I'm ready to ignite.

Tomorrow might not make it but everything's all right.

Mental fiction follows me; show me what it's like to be set free.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).

Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.

My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).

No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

I'm sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.

Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem.

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.

These eyes won't see the same, after I flip today.

(guitar solo)

Sometimes I don't know why we'd rather live than die,

We look up towards the sky for answers to our lives.

We may get some solutions but most just pass us by,

Don't want your absolution cause I can't make it right.

I'll make a beast out of myself, gets rid of all the pain of being a man.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).

Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.

My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).

No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

Another Usurpation one...

Five to one baby, one in five
No-one here gets out alive

You'll get yours baby, I'll get mine

Gonna make it baby, if we try

The old get old and the young get stronger

It may take a week and it may take longer

They've got the guns but we've got the numbers

We're gonna win yeah, we're taking over

Come on!

Your ballroom days are over baby

Night is drawing near

Shadows of the evening

Crawl across the years

You walk across the floor with a flower in your hand

Trying to tell me no-one understands

Trading your hours for a handful of dimes

Gonna make it baby in our prime

Get together one more time

Get together one more time...

Hey come on honey...

Go on home and wait for me, I'll be there in just a little while...

Get together one more time...

Tool said:
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.

Well miss him. (2x)

Were gonna miss him (2x)

So long.

We wish you well.

You told us how you werent afraid to die.

Well then, so long.

Dont cry.

Or feel too down.

Not all martyrs see divinity.

But at least you tried.

Standing above the crowd,

He had a voice that was strong and loud.

Well miss him. (2x)

Ranting and pointing his finger

At everything but his heart.

Well miss him. (2x)

Were gonna miss him (2x)

No way to recall

What it was that you had said to me,

Like I care at all.

But it was so loud.

You sure could yell.

You took a stand on every little thing

And so loud.

Standing above the crowd,

He had a voice so strong and loud and i

Swallowed his facade cuz Im so

Eager to identify with

Someone above the ground,

Someone who seemed to feel the same,

Someone prepared to lead the way, with

Someone who would die for me.

Will you?

Will you now?

Would you die for me?

Dont you fuckin lie.

Dont you step out of line. (3x)

Dont you fuckin lie.

Youve claimed all this time that you would die for me.

Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?

You had alot to say.

You had alot of nothing to say.

Come down.

Get off your fuckin cross.

We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.

To ascend you must die.

You must be crucified

For your sins and your lies. [sic]

I prefer this for the usurpation.

Now the day has come.

We are forsaken this time.

We lived our lives in our paradise,

As gods we shaped the world around.

No borderlines we'd stay behind,

Though balance is something fragile.

While we thought we were gaining,

We would turn back the tide, it still slips away.

Our time has run out, our future has died,

There's no more escape.

Now the day has come,

We are forsaken,

There's no time anymore.

Life will pass us by,

We are forsaken,

We're the last of our kind.

The sacrifice was much too high,

Our greed just made us all go blind.

We tried to hide what we feared inside.

Today is the end of tomorrow.

As the sea started rising,

The land that we'd conquered just washed away.

Although we all have tried to turn back the tide,

It was all in vain.

Now the day has come,

We are forsaken,

There's no time anymore.

Life will pass us by,

We are forsaken,

We're the last of our kind.

Now the day has come.

We are forsaken this time.

Now the day has come,

We are forsaken

There's no time anymore.

Now the day come.

The day has come.

The day has come.
Reminds me of Solars

Queen said:
Here we are, born to be kings
We're the princes of the universe

Here we belong, fighting to survive

In a world with the darkest powers


And here we are

We're the princes of the universe

Here we belong, fighting for survival

We've got to be the rulers of your world


I am immortal

I have inside me blood of kings (Yeah, yeah!)

I have no rival

No man can be my equal

Take me to the future of new earth

Born to be kings, princes of the universe

Fighting and free, got your world in my hand

I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand

We were born to be princes of the universe

No man could understand

My power is in my own hand

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

People talk about you

People say you've had your day

I'm a man that will go far

Fly the moon and reach for the stars

With my sword and head held high

Got to pass the test first time, yeah

I know that people talk about me

I hear it every day

But I can prove them wrong 'cause I'm right first time

Yeah yeah

Alright, let's go, let's go

Haha! this man fly

Bring on the girls

C'mon C'mon C'mon!

Here we are (here we are)

Born to be kings, we're princes of the universe

Here will we belong

Born to be kings, princes of the universe

Fighting and free, got your world in my hand

I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand

We were born to be princes of the universe
More usurpation for you:

[QUOTE="Iron Maiden]

There's a darkened sky before me

There's no time to prepare

Salvage a last


But no regrets from me

Maybe I'll be back some other


To live again just who can say

In what shape or form that I might


Just another chance for me

A hurried time no disgrace


of racing to conclusion

And wishing all my life away

No-one can stop me


Time is up it couldnt last

But there's more things I'd like to


I'm coming back to try again

Someday maybe I'll wait till


No more lies

No more lies

No more lies

No more


They're all sitting at my table

Talking tall and drinking


Their time is up just like me

But they just dont know it


So just a word of warning

When you're in your deepest


There's nothing you can hide from

I've got my eye on you


clock is fast the hour is near

Eventful past is everclear

My life is set

the time is here

I think I'm coming home

No more lies

No more


No more lies

No more lies

A hurried time no


Instead of racing to conclusions

And wishing all your life


No-one can stop me now

Time is up it couldnt last

But there's

more things I'd like to do

I'm coming back to try again

Someday maybe

I'll wait till then

No more lies

No more lies

No more lies


more lies

No more lies

For a possible Gold Faction view on the Prophecy...

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity
Calculate what we will, will not tolerate

Desperate to control all and everything

Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen

Clutch it like a cornerstone

Otherwise it all comes down

Justify denials and

Grip them to the lonesome end

Clutch it like a cornerstone

Otherwise it all comes down

Terrified of being wrong

Ultimatum prison cell

Saturn ascends

Choose one or ten

Hang on or be

Humbled again

Humbled again

Clutch it like a cornerstone

Otherwise it all comes down

Justify denials and

Grip them to the lonesome end

Saturn ascends

Comes round again

Saturn ascends

The one, the ten

Ignorant to

The damage done

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity

Calculate what we will, will not tolerate

Desperate to control all and everything

Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen

Wear the grudge like a crown

Desperate to control

Unable to forgive

And sinking deeper



Sinking deeper



We're sinking deeper

Saturn comes back around to show you everything

Lets you choose what you will, will not see and then

Drags you down like a stone or lifts you up again

Spits you out like a child, light and innocent

Saturn comes back around

Lifts you up like a child

Or drags you down like a stone

To consume you until you

Choose to let this go

Choose to let this go

Choose to let this go

Give away the stone, let the oceans take and transmutate

This cold and fated anchor

Give away the stone, let the waters kiss and transmutate

These leaden grudges into gold

Let go, let go, let go....

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