*Appears in a swirl of plum blossoms.*


Good morning, everyone. It's been some time since I was here, but I ran a few Exalted games back when this was Pattern Spider and now I'm hoping to get back in the loop.
Khadavla said:
Good morning, everyone. It's been some time since I was here, but I ran a few Exalted games back when this was Pattern Spider and now I'm hoping to get back in the loop.
Welcome back to the site!

It is always great to see new users return. Just to recap a few things incase you had any questions as to what happened with PatternSpider, back in February was acquired by The Wayward Inn(the RP community we ran) we merged together due to so many members interacting in RPs and mingling on Teamspeak, it was getting overly difficult to maintain two seperate sites due to people wanting to game together :) .

You'll see many improvements across the board and the archives can be found here(Already found some of the games you ran if you want to use that material for anything).

If you ever need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other staff members, a list can be found here.

Once again welcome back and I do hope you enjoy your stay :) .
We- e- e- e- elcome to the Dome, friendo. My name is medelsvensson and I do not play Exalted. But fear not! We still have about 651203928 Exalted players left here, so pick one and try your luck!

See you lators :)
medelsvensson said:
We- e- e- e- elcome to the Dome, friendo. My name is medelsvensson and I do not play Exalted. But fear not! We still have about 651203928 Exalted players left here, so pick one and try your luck!
See you lator
When you say left here, you make it sound like you are trying to get rid of them ><
This is an official statement from the government of Sweden: Medelsvensson does not want to get rid of the Exalted players, he likes them and thinks them should keep doing what they're doing.

Silly Medel is silly.

Welcome, Khadavla, from one PS-er to another! You'll probably see more of the familiar faces (avatars) as you get used to everything.

Feel free to browse the 'Our Roleplays' forum and check out the great games we have running right now, also why not swing by the RP Discussion and check out some of the Interest Check threads. RP Discussion is a good place to gauge reactions to game ideas, but it's not a necessity. While you're there, why not pop your name on the 'Roll of Storytellers' and/or 'Players Seeking Games' threads. If you are wanting to resurrect or even start a new game, feel free to post your intent in the RP Submissions Forum and one of our friendly Admins (probably me, I'm trying to level up!) will gauge the interest in your submission and see to your requests.


Captain Hesperus

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