[Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas


New Member
Name: Dante Rosas

Day Zero Profession: Unemployed.

Background: Dante is a bohemian with self-confidence issues. Born in January 1st 1992, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He's a vegetarian since, at age 14, he started growing a part from his authoritarian father.

Fathered by a policeman and a loving yet, submissive, housewife. Dante fled his house at age 16 after a big fight with both his parents since, his mother, out of fear, agreed with his father. He lived with a friend while looking for a job. He managed to get one and rented an apartment with a friend.

Dante spent most of his time drawing, reading and, writting. He never wanted to study anything as there were no long-term goals in his life. He worked mostly helping friends in different areas, where he learned much of his skills and knowledge of construction, carpentry and cooking, among other things.

Altough he held conversations with his mother through the phone, he visited his parents after 3 years of the relation's severance. The emotional reunion was abruptly cut by his father's agressive acusations and Dante's threats of leaving the country for good.

He bought the first ticket to the US. After several stops, the airplane arrived at Chicago. He's been trying to make a living ever since, jumping from job to job. He rarely makes it through to the end of the month. As of June 21st, he's unemployed and deeply reviewing his life choices.

Appearance: Around 1,70 mts tall and 65 kgs. He doesn't keep much track of it. 20 years old. Slim build. He keeps his body healthy through a no-alcohol, no-drugs, no-meat diet; and a homemade workout routine he's consistent enough with. He's got short black hair, facial hair between a full beard and a stubble, white skin color and dark brown eyes.

Contrary to what his "bohemian" status may imply, he dresses in a normal, casual way. The usual shirt, blue jeans and pair of running shoes is his most common aparell. Still, he wears whatever is still clean among the messy pile of clothes.


First-Aid: 2

Medicine: 0

Languages: Spanish (Mother language) & English (fluent)

Perception: 3

Unarmed: 0

Melee: 0

Ranged: 0

Firearms: 1

Electronics: 0

Explosives: 0

Handyman: 2

Science: 0

Urban Survival: 1

Wilderness Survival: 1

Inventory: The contents in his backpack: His Apartment Keys, Cellphone, a pocket Flashlight , two sketchbooks, a notebook, 2 different sized mechanical pencils, a 4B pencil, a blue pen and an unread book, "Sophia's World" by Jostein Gaarder, a wallet with $50 in it and a spare shirt.

(This are the actual contents of my backpack. I can show you a picture! xD )

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