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Realistic or Modern Apocalypse - OOC

Sugar itself lasts 2 years, or so the Internet says; while dark chocolate can last pretty much a year and white and milk chocolate will last 8-10 months. And candy usually has a lot of chemicals mixed in it which could make them last longer. But I could think about something else if it seems too unbelievable.
As long as you make it believable, go for it.
hey AttackOnTak AttackOnTak would you mind not using gray text in your posts? i use night mods because it's a little easier on my eyes and it makes it really hard to see gray text without highlighting, which could make me miss important details since a lot of people like to use color/bolding to indicate speech. i'm sorry i don't want to tell you how to post your stuff, but i literally can't see it otherwise
hey AttackOnTak AttackOnTak would you mind not using gray text in your posts? i use night mods because it's a little easier on my eyes and it makes it really hard to see gray text without highlighting, which could make me miss important details since a lot of people like to use color/bolding to indicate speech. i'm sorry i don't want to tell you how to post your stuff, but i literally can't see it otherwise

No, nooo. It's cool! Should I go like... Darker or lighter?
What do you have in mind?
Seems like right now, adding too many survivors to the group is gonna screw with the dynamic of the RP, and it also seems like it'd be interesting to add other groups of survivors later down the road
Conflict between the two groups, was what I was thinking

basically i want to kill ally in an act of sacrifice

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