Other Apocalypse Lore


New Member
(Preface: this is for my developing post-apocalypse discord server, anyone above 18 is free to join, just message me :3)

"It's been years since the apocalypse started, somehow those things are still shambling around like nothing had changed, groaning and calling out for 'help'... All they want is a new victim"

The world has fallen, presumably. Nobody has come to help from the outside, no radio signals have been heard since the outbreak. Infected shamble from place to place, foam constantly frothing from their gaping maws as they ignore the constant rot that invades their bodies. The only sound in this stillness is the occasional groan or strained plea that erupts from destructing vocal cords, a constant reminder of what was.

Even so, nature has rejoiced in the downfall of humankind; Retaking its lost land with its overgrown weeds and flora. The skyscrapers that once touched the sky have mostly crumbled, with animals and plants seemingly dancing over the rubble together as they watch humanity's final days.

Through all of the decay, there are survivors. People who try to cling onto what they can until a miracle arrives, something that can rebuild or save the ones they can. Some have unique talents; Doctors, those with military experience, even some who are good with mechanisms or weapon experts. While they are rare, they are invaluable to the few groups that remain scattered. While most prefer to work alone, some do try to stay together in tight-knit groups, using numbers for safety and companionship.

Most of the time, usually people would see younger people who were born into all of this, somehow learning to adapt and survive. Many die, but very few do manage to reach something close to adulthood. Maybe they can be the hope many try to look for.
Even after the body fully decays, it becomes something... Different... Something inhuman, almost indescribable...

Instead of "normal" features, the skeleton of what was once human has become bent and elongated, bones cracked and melded back together with a strange tar-like substance that emanates from the bone's pores and swirls around the body, covering it. This strange substance moves like its alive, keeping the bones underneath moving as it recreates a body from what remained, pulsing like a heartbeat.

The way it moves is unnaturally stiff; Broken, contorted, almost stop-motion-like movements. Despite this, they're unnaturally fast, moving with a terrifying speed that leaves very few alive to tell the tale. Bones click together as it snaps from place to place, creating a haunting melody that echoes throughout its environment

The world around it has become more corrupt, not even nature can claim the lands these things touch. Decay is all these creatures know as they wander the quarantine zone, no longer seeking things to eat, or seeking... anything, really....

When it spots you, your best hope is to not move until the beast leaves you alone, but that doesn't always work; It's empty sockets staring through your very soul as it waits for the chase to begin

From there it's a game of chance: It can either leave you alone, when there you can run away and hopefully not find another one, or it'll attack. From then, hope you die, because you'll become one of them if you don't.

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