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Apocalypse!!! Ahhhh! D:


Hyydra here! I'm looking for a handful (As in 1-4) of RPers who are interested in doing a small group Post-Apoctalyptic RP! ^^ This will be modern times, so it will be like so~

Zombie Apoc

The Last of Us themed

Modern world without technology (Most of it, certain things are still availabe)

Now, Rules!

-No one liners. Give me at least a paragraph or something. Try. Seriously.

-Have fun! I want this to be an energetic and happy time, where we all get along ^^

-No Godmod/Mary Sue/Gary Sues- just, blegh

- At least post a day (Unless there will be something I must- MUST- be notified of, then we can pause the RP ^^

-We WILL Go in a sequence of orders, such as I go first, then soemone else second, and so on.

- When someone wishes to leave, or the RP dies, Let me know! Seriously, I don't want to be sitting here all day hoping for something that won't come.

And that's pretty much it! ^^ Post on here if you're interested, I will gladly be open up for ideas/chats/ so on.
I would like to roleplay. I haven't done a Apocalypse roleplay in awhile, it seems fun!
Awesome! ^^ Great! Now we can start this RP! I will advise though, this will be in PM, so Conversation RP
Of course! ^^ 
Alright, can you please go through your character and give it a little more effort please? I don't mean to sound rude, but I want you to try and make this char instead of just make it within five minutes.

Sorry I'll try harder!

Hyydra said:
Of course! ^^ 
Alright, can you please go through your character and give it a little more effort please? I don't mean to sound rude, but I want you to try and make this char instead of just make it within five minutes.

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