Apocalypse 101


Needing 3-7 people who can be active and produce thoughtful, helpful, and meaningful writing :D \

Imagine this, you are home one night with or without your family when all of the sudden the tornado sirens go off. You step outside to hear them better and there is no wind, no rain, no clouds but scariest of all...no people, no movement, and no noise. All of the sudden you hear the familiar siren announce something you have never heard before, an evacuation notice. Almost as soon as the siren stops, you hear it. People screaming. Yells and shouts for help. You turn around to go back into your home and you notice that the neighbors you once knew as friends are attempting to EAT your family. Whats worse is that they already look dead. Who do you save? Who do you trust? What do you grab?

We are starting this at the point where you just turn around in the doorway. Something you might want to include are where you are((If not at home)), who is there, who dies, who lives, how do they live/die, and what you grab. You have just a few minutes to do what you need to do and take off to do whatever you need to do to survive. The goal here is for everyone to meet up in one way or another and find a way to survive I have a map in my head of various things and places so this aught to be good :)


1. No Godmodding, you can kill as many zombies as you want but NOT people.
((You CAN hit each other but if they decide to shake it off or take the damage is up to them, nothing devastating either!))

2. Obey the RPN rules and what-not, keep it PG blah blah blah.

3. You may create smaller less-critical scenarios if you want but if you are out-voted on a re-wind then we will go back to where it was before you initiated the event.

4. YOU ARE NOT SUPERHUMAN. This means you can carry as much as you normally could(Or you character could), run as fast as you or your character should be able to, and be able to do the things either you or your created person could. Whatever supplies you or the character could normally gather will be what is permitted.

5. Have fun, remember this is to be enjoyed, not destroyed







My Character:

Name: Alteriel Dedecanius

Age: 21

Appearance: 6'1" tall 280 lbs a little overweight but from the looks of him you wouldn't guess he'd be more than 250. Surprisingly fast for his weight. Currently wearing his Correctional Officer unifrom(Might change later) With a five-pointed star badge on his left pectoral area over his heart and his authorization card pinned to his uniform shirt's chest pocket. His uniform consists of black combat boots, long tan BDUs(reinforced cargo pants), a duty belt with various equipment(listed in Extras), a plain white undershirt, a tan long-sleeved button up shirt, and his black uniform jacket with the symbol of the prison he worked for on the left sleeve, and an american flag on the right sleeve.

Bio: Alteriel worked at North Central Correctional Complex and had a loving wife and daughter before the outbreak. While at work Alteriel received a phone call from his wife saying that someone had tried to break in and bit her. He told her everything would be okay and that he is going to head home immediately. After getting off of the phone he attempted to call the control room of the prison to open the sally port doors so that he could leave but the dial tone was DEAD. He hung up the phone then turned around to see a 7 foot tall 320 hulking inmate with blood dripping from his mouth. Alteriel immediately called for back up and stepped away from what he now understands to be a zombie. However, he tripped and fell backwards on his bottom. As he looked around he noticed that the inmates were all devouring each other in their cells and the ones who weren't were banging on the doors screaming like wild animals. His partner, Officer McKnight ran over to assist him. He struck the inmate three times with a PR-22 baton but to no avail. The inmate grabbed McKnight and took a bite out of his neck. Alteriel was just out of range when this happened and he saw this as he stood. He grabbed for his knife and jammed it into the back of the inmates skull. McKnight forced him to leave him behind so that he could go help his family and said that he would keep them back as best he could while he left. Alteriel rushed to the exit and got into his car and headed home. He saw a scene right out of a horror movie on his way there, everyone eating each other and running and screaming. He hadn't seen that much blood since the riots in Lucasville. He smashed through the front door to find his once beautiful wife ripping into his daughter's body with her teeth. He gasped and stumbled back to his car and took off, not having the heart to kill them, and not knowing that they were already dead. He is not sure what he is going to do next but he knows he cannot go back there.

Equipment/Training/Extras: He still has his handcuffs, FOX Pepper Spray(5.6 Million Scoville heat units), a .38 caliber handgun on his left hip with 3 speed loaders, a radio on his right hip, and his combat knife with a compass on the bottom in his right boot.
(I wasn't sure whether to actually write anything about her meeting the dead yet and thought I would just save it for my first post if I am accepted.) 
Name: Jennifer Peters but people just call her Jenny/ Jen.

Age: 20

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/self_by_angela_t-d4ftfdk.jpg.0c72f13b94ebc31ff45f630e4acf6a33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/self_by_angela_t-d4ftfdk.jpg.0c72f13b94ebc31ff45f630e4acf6a33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Jennifer lives with three housemates, all of which she met a university. She studied media and creative writing but dropped out when she managed to get a placement on a film as a runner. Being a runner she is stuck with all the lowly jobs, including fetching coffee and being screamed at by over paid actors and stressed out cameramen. She does have a few helpful skills. Firstly, being able to run which is a must in her job. Secondly, she knows all there is to know about Zombies from the sheer amount of fiction she has read and watched about them. Thirdly, she always has a plan for everything. Including her apocalypse plan. It is all sound in theory, seeing as she thinks about it quite a lot but would probably not be able to implement it if such an event occurred. Jen is a bit of a strange girl. Although she likes to hang out with girls, she feels much more comfortable around guys and doing guy things. She loves video games, films, pool, beer and rock music. The house mates she lives with are much less capable at everything than her. She being the more mature and able person in her life.

Jen has a survival bad tucked away in her wardrobe at the back. She knows a few moves of ju jitsu and self defense. She has no weapons as of yet but will grab along the way.



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Name: Fey Darious

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Miss-Mosh-girl-sexy-face-cute-angel-beautiful-blonde-amazing-women-pretty_large.jpg.44cfdeb0ca046ea331806aaea571dc3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Miss-Mosh-girl-sexy-face-cute-angel-beautiful-blonde-amazing-women-pretty_large.jpg.44cfdeb0ca046ea331806aaea571dc3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bio: She was eating supper with her mother when the alarms went off. Her mother went outside to check it out, only to disappear with a blood curdling scream. Fey, not knowing what to do, quickly sized the situation and locked herself in the house deciding heart brokenly her mother was gone. She quickly filled her bag with canned food, water bottles, clothes, and other items before climbing out the window and onto the roof and going to the garage, before taking off on her motorcycle with a baseball bat. 
oopsies hehe)

Equiqment and such: canned food, water bottles, her bag, notebook, pencil, matches, and a all purpose knife.....oh and her steel baseball bat.



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I like it! Both of them! Accepted. We can start if you guys feel ready or if you want to wait on more people! :)
Here's my character~!

Name: Ambrosia Whemple

Age: 16

Appearance: Ambrosia is a lithe girl of 5'4. Her hair is parted to the side, and cascades down her back to her hip in loose, deep red curls. Her eyes are forest green, an almond shape, and have a peculiar gaze that easily reveals her curiosity. She burns easily, seeing as her skin is alabaster in color, but she only has a few light freckles scattered tastefully across the tops of her cheeks. Her usual clothes consist of mid-thigh-length denim shorts, a lavender blouse, and silver, strappy sandals. She doesn't wear jewelry, save for the pearl ring she wears on her right ring finger.

Bio: Ambrosia is a high school student who excels in forensics and history, and has a mental library filled with esoteric facts. She grew up in a well-to-do family that had a long history of lawyers and doctors, but her personality hardly ever shows it. She's filled with curiosity and sneakiness, and she generally comes off to people as being free-spirited, head-strong, and often careless.

She had been resting in bed after a bad day of school when the sound of sirens startled her, causing her to fall out of bed. She heard her mother scream, and shouts of alarm issue from her father. As soon as she ran down the stairs, she found-- peering out of the open door-- that her parents were gone. As she was about to set foot outside the door to look for them, several screams from all around the neighborhood rang out, and Ambrosia fled back to her room, hear pounding, and she knew that something horrifyingly wrong was happening.

Equipment/Training/Extras: A backpack filled with a few clothes, water bottles, some granola bars, $200, and a lighter. In a side pocket of said backpack is a Swiss Army knife and a revolver that was her father's.
We need some men in here, and how do you know I'm not superman?


Name: Lukas Emilson

Age: 24

Appearance: Lukas is 5'4 and has a small build, good for dashing around unnoticed. Short, messy brown hair, Lukas used to have it shaved off but it grew back in during the apocalypse. He doesn't have those amazing chocolate brown eyes, nor does he have those gorgeous doe brown orbs, Lukas has shit brown eyes. He's been wearing the same thing he was wearing since this whole thing had started, camouflage cargo pants tucked into black army boots, black wife-beater, and a black water proof jacket.

Bio: Lukas grew up in the big and busy city of New York. As a child, Lukas was the top of his class in both academics and physicality. But, all that wasn't just natural. Lukas studied hard and practised all day to get to the top. All that just to please his mother. They weren't the richest of families, nor the closest, but Lukas still loved his mother very much. His father had left her because he found a better and richer woman, he had left his mother while she was pregnant with Lukas. The family was down deep into debt and Lukas's mother was juggling fives different jobs to keep the family afloat. Lukas would clean the little apartment they had and cook the meals for him and his mother so that she didn't have as much things to do. Growing up, Lukas promised his mother that he would get them out of debt. And he did. Right when Lukas turned legal to get a job, he jumped at the opportunity. Because of all the time he was at his job, Lukas's grades began degrading (oh god so punny). He was now down to the Top 10 and just barely making it. The teachers were concerned for Lukas and arranged a parent teacher meeting with his mother, who, of course, couldn't make it because of all the jobs she was doing. But, she still heard of it and made Lukas quit his job to focus on school. And so, Ms. Emilson, Lukas's parents never married, was now juggling six jobs at a time. Lukas's grades went back up and tipped the scales, although, his mother was dying from exhaustion. Literally. One night Lukas got a call from his mother's 4th job saying that she had died from over exertion. Lukas rushed over to the hospital just in time to see his mother being brought out from a room. Struck with grief, Lukas saw that she was holding a large packet. Gently slipping it out of her hands, Lukas opened the paper packet and saw money. So much money that it would easily bring the family out of debt and pay for his college tuition. With tears streaming down his face, Lukas chuckled darkly. The family had been out of debt for some time, but his mother was still working overtime to pay for the rest of Lukas's future. If only she knew that his future would be a dark and gory world.

Equipment/Training/Extras: The zombie outbreak had started while Lukas was at work, training to become part of the SWAT team. It took some time for the zombies to get in, for they had fire power. Grabbing as much as he could carry, Lukas left the training camp with a few comrades. They watched from afar as the place was overrun with walkers. A few months later, all of Lukas's comrades had died and Lukas was left alone to survive by himself. He dropped most of the guns to lighten the weight in his car (which is almost out of gas), so Lukas uses a crowbar and/or Glock17.
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Name: Marshall Demonian

Age: 21

Appearance: Marhsall has light blond hair that hangs loose around his face, usually laying right above his baby blue eyes. Marshall has a thin, yet muscular build which helps him scoot through tight spaces and ward off the 'living dead'. He is 6'0" tall and has a surprising weight of 146 pounds. He was originally 159 but he hasn't eaten since the zombie apocalypse started. His outfit usually is about the same every day: his favorite maroon beanie, grey tank top, and khaki cargo shorts. He was dressed for the mall when the apocalypse began.

Bio: Marshall hasn't had a horrible life like some people; it was average. When he was a kid his parents were always away because of their business trips, because of being the Demonians, that wasn't too out of the ordinary. His mother had a whole line of Demonian clothing, accesories, and perfume. His father was a director for all genres of movies: sci-fi, fantasy, realistic, superhero-based. You name it, he's directed it. Thus because they were always away, his older brother was depressed and angry towards everyone. He had 'emo' issues and was always in the bathroom, sobbing or yelling at himself for doing so, but that never helped anything. Eventually, Ethan killed himself. His parents were late to the funeral because of the movie his dad was directing. Marshall knew how his brother felt. Through the years he got over it, having babysitters of all kind coming to watch and live in their house.

Equipment/Training/Extras: Marshall hasn't recieved much training. He met a man on the road when the invasion started and he taught Marshall vital things that could either save him, or not. He taught him how to use a pistol, knife and shotgun: all of which he handed to Marshall. The man was bitten and Marshall got away with the weapons. He has the knife in its sheath, pistol in his back pocket and the shotgun in hand. He nevr goes anywhere without them.

((picture down below))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/untitled.png.2cd47a9215acf65d466ca98260d513b5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/untitled.png.2cd47a9215acf65d466ca98260d513b5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ian Jacob Drake

Age: 17

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/guy.jpg.cce12efa999054fcb8770f15e54d524f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4790" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/guy.jpg.cce12efa999054fcb8770f15e54d524f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Ian's mother died shortly after giving birth to him, his father was a military captain so he lived on various army bases through his childhood until he was 13. His father was out one day and was gunned down by terrorists. He was put into foster care and grew close to his foster parents, however the evening the siren went off they were killed in a few moments by a large mob of zombies. He took what he could with him in his black rucksack and left the house, knowing it wasn't safe. Since that he has become cold and hostile towards others, feeling that anyone he gets attached to will just end up dieing and cause him more pain, but he still wouldn't leave someone to die and would help if it was needed, however he makes sure to slip away again as soon as he can. He can be very dry and sarcastic in the way he says things

Equipment: some bottles of water, canned food (from a winter supply his foster parents had for emergencies), a long hunting knife ( something his dad gave him a long time ago) and a bow and roughly 24 arrows and a multi purpose pocket knife.

Training/Extras: very fast, has some defense/military knowledge from being around various bases, skilled at archery and can make his own arrows, very athletic/agile



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And now, here is the Character~

Name: Preston A. Bushman, his child-hood nickname being "P-boy." Kind of embarrassing.

Age: 17 years of age. Is soon to turn 18 within a couple of days.


He is 6'0'', being at normal height. Or at least that's why Preston thinks. His Father being 6'6'' and well, his Mother 5'2'', but let's just forget about that. He weights a 160 pounds, being slim and tall. He seems weak, being skinny and tall. But to tell you the truth, he's pretty good at fighting. He had some muscles, having a four pack, working on a 6 pack. He's tough and can take a couple of blows, and can jump pretty high. He uses his height and slimness to his advantage. He can squeeze in tight spaces and climb well, he can reach really high, and can jump like crazy. He is a Monkey.

Bio: Preston was the middle child. The odd ball. Having two older sisters, Olivia and Isabel, and two younger brothers, Joaquin and Desmond. His older two sisters have already moved out, and Preston doesn't know where they are now. One was is Montana, the other in California. Preston and the rest of his family live in Washington, in a small town at the near the border to Canada.

His parents were divorced when he was around 7. And within two years, they tried getting back together. It worked, but the two parents have arguments every so often.

Preston grew up with a dog named Ozzy, and a cat named Iggy. He loved them both very much, along with his family. Having about three girlfriends in his life, he isn't the most romantic guy. Preston is a stern guy, and really can't smile. He tries too, but physically can't. It's really weird actually. Preston loves sports, playing Baseball, and he loves Action Films and war and such. So, this scenario was quiet fitting to him.

All up to when the things ate most of his family. You should probably sit back, and be ready to red much. If I can type a lot.

It all started of day. At 2:30 a.m. actually. His Father had just left for work, working for the Border Patrol. Preston was home with his Mother and two younger brothers. He was playing on the Xbox his Mother got for him and his brothers, when he heard moaning. It was his Mom. He went to go look for her, and found her in her room. She was pale and her skin was almost see-through. And his mother was Hispanic. So, Preston knew there was something wrong. He called 911, and no one picked up. And then, all the power went out.

His brother panicking, Preston went down-stairs and looked out of the window. His neighbors were outside, walking around all weird. Preston whispered, Zombies, to himself. He ran upstairs, grabbing the family gun. His Father's gun. But it was empty. Of course. Preston gathered his brothers, ready to fight and survive. He went back into his Mother's room, and saw that she was gone. He turned around, and BAM, there she was. She moaned and screamed. Preston pushed her away, and called for his brother to run. But, she'd already got them. Or at least she got his youngest brother, Desmond, and he was only 13. Preston screamed and saw his other brother crying. Joaquin was autistic. And he'd been bitten. Preston turned to his mother and saw she was getting up, blood dripping from his mouth. Preston screamed, and killed his own Mother, crying while he did it. He grabbed his brother, not looking at his dead brother. He ran downstairs, and by the time he did, it was too late. His brother Joaquin was dead-eyed. His eyes starring into nothing. He too had gone pale and see through. Preston knew what he had to do. He broke his neck and laid him on the floor.

Preston ran to the kitchen, grabbing his Emergency Bag, with a First Aid kit and water. He stuffed it with food and cans, and a can opener. He grabbed some knives, holding one and stuffing the others in his bag. He also grabbed the family ax, and a baseball bat. Putting the ax in his bag, some of it sticking out. He held the Base Ball Bat, and grabbed some of the Family's savings. And then, he ran out the door, tears escaping his eyes as he killed the neighbors he came to know and love. Especially the sweet old lady that lived across from his house.

He's never known what happened to his Father that day. And he often wonders if he's still alive, and is trying to find him. And he's never known if his two older sister, Olivia and Isabel, are still alive.

And so there you have it, Preston has never been able to re-cover, but tries to forget about it when he knows he can't.

Equipment/Training/Extras: Well, like in his story, he has Water, First Aid Kit, Money, Kitchen Knives, an Axe, a Base Ball Bat, some food, cans, and a food can opener. He can fight, but hasn't had much training. He knows hand to hand combat though. His Father trained his a bit. He is also brave and tough, fighting to the end.
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Name: Thomas Williams

Age: 24


Bio: Originally enlisting to serve his country, just as the rest of his family was, he was never picturing that he would be fighting the living dead, which was his own people. He was an Infantryman at heart, and was searching for survivors constantly. He was raised in a family of five brothers, which all five of his brothers did end up enlisting, 2 in the marines, 3 in the army. However, he never heard from any of his siblings again after the incident. He had hoped that after he had moved out that his family would be safe on their own as well, he would like to one day find his family that was located in Boston, MA.

Equipment/Training/Extras: Remington M4A1 Carbine, Forward Angular Grip, Eotech 552, USP .45 Match Tactical, Multicam Uniform, Modular Vest, ACH(Army Combat Helmet), Multi-cam pattern Shemagh. Backpack, which usually contains 2 First Aids, 6 Extra Mags, 2 MRE's and 1 Wash Cloth.
Training: US Army, Infantry School, Airborne Assault School

Alright i'll let ya in but ONLY because your playing a military man :P They are near to my heart and i was hoping that someone would play one lol

Randell "Red" Xavier.




A young, short (5'7"), athletic, pale, male, short bright orange hair and a small goatee on his chin. His left arm is covered in a tattoo ending on the middle of his chest. Earrings adorn both of his ears and wears rectangle, black glasses on his face. Wears a watching, upside down on his left wrist and two metal chain bracelets on his right as well as two metal necklaces held together by a jade ring around his neck. Skiddish, Very cautious, Smart and headstrong, a problem solving mentality


What much can be said. Laying in his bed room he heard noises against the door. He heard the door open, then screaming. his families scream. he quickly stood and looked out the window. seeing the massive horde pulling his family away, quietly he slinks off in to the hall way in to his parents room and locates his fathers pistol, for his father was a cop. gets extra rounds and begins to board up his house some days later. It's been a while since that day. Randell is starting to run out of food.. he needs to go search..


Trained in handguns as an officers son,

Stealthy and agile,

A Beretta 92F Police issued hand gun (Fathers) A roughly sharpened machete))

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