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Closed Aowyn's BBCode & Sweets


Witch, Writer, Artist

Aowyn's BBCode & Sweets

Why Hello There!

Come in, come in! Would you like some chocolate cake? No? Well then how 'bout a cookie? ...What's that you say? I can't feed you sweets through a screen? ...Well. I suppose you're right.

No matter, no matter. I suppose I should introduce myself then. Ahem: My name is Aowyn. I am fifteen years old, on summer break, and I've come to open up a shop that sells BBCode and digital sweets! The best part? It's completely free!
(Don't actually eat the sweets though. Computer screens and electrical wires aren't good for you.) There are two reasons I'm offering these services for free. One, I am quite literally brand new to BBcode. I discovered it and started practicing this ancient art on June 6th, 2016. I am mainly opening this shop to expand my skills and help people out at the same time. Two, why would I charge for these services anyway? This is a resource for you, not a corporate trap. Screw those things.

I will code just about anything for you. I'm still new to this but in the month I've been studying, I've actually gotten quite good. There are, no doubt, plenty of people who are way better at it than me. But if you give me a chance, I might surprise you. Plus, there's also the fact that the more practice I get in, the better I'll get. If you're interested, check out the stuff below for more information.
Ciao darlings~




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Hey! Look everyone! It's a FREE in-character format! Yay! No request sheet necessary.

[border=6px inset #8f3270][bg=#662350][font=Shadows Into Light][b][border=6px outset #8f3270][size=6]
[center][color=#fde5ab]Character Name[/color][/center]


[border=6px outset #8f3270][size=5][color=#fde5ab]Your text goes here[/color][/size][/border]
[column=span2][color=#662350]This is invisible...[/color][/column]
[column=span4][border=6px inset #8f3270][size=5][color=#fde5ab][u]With:[/u]



Character Name

Your text goes here

This is invisible...




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O hai there

How'ya doing?

I don't need anything, just wanted to comment you are awesome for learning BBCodes so friecken' quickly!

(me be jelly, cuz' it took me four month >-<)

Anyhow, you are quite awesome.

I have a nickname. It was given to me by my mother, my teachers and my good friends. I am the informational sponge. I soak up information like it was water. Plus, I already knew three other coding languages before this. So why not one more?
Aowyn said:
I have a nickname. It was given to me by my mother, my teachers and my good friends. I am the informational sponge. I soak up information like it was water. Plus, I already knew three other coding languages before this. So why not one more?
That explains it... Lol. Well, I might request something from you sometime, but the thing I would request need to be completed beforehand. Hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Might ask you for request from now on when I need them. I hope you go far with this little experience in coding cause I sure am not doing to good.
NekoQueen49 said:
That explains it... Lol. Well, I might request something from you sometime, but the thing I would request need to be completed beforehand. Hopefully I'll get it done soon.
LilyannaGaming said:
Might ask you for request from now on when I need them. I hope you go far with this little experience in coding cause I sure am not doing to good.
Noted. I will always love coding. :)
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]teach me how to code
omg these are beautiful, your skills vs. mine lol

Hah. I'm a terrible teacher. Tried teaching one of my classmates physics once and they didn't get it at all. Fourth attempt they finally got it.

Also, thank you very much dear! :)
I have a request if you're taking them! A simple, minimalistic format for a character sheet. Colors wanted: monochrome (grays) and blue (not too bright or dark, can be a blue-gray). That's all, thanks!
Elowyn Elowyn

The last active reply to this thread before yours was Jun 29, 2016. I don't believe they are accepting requests anymore. You should check out who is offering requests at the BBCode Center
Elowyn Elowyn

The last active reply to this thread before yours was Jun 29, 2016. I don't believe they are accepting requests anymore. You should check out who is offering requests at the BBCode Center
Ah, thanks Fyuri! That's helpful! I hadn't noticed~~ I'll go there right away~

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