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Multiple Settings Anyone Welcome to Roleplaying With Me?


there’s a bug in my e y e . . . ?
Hi. I’m Melody, and I’m looking for someone to roleplay with.

I’m going to try and keep this short, but I haven’t been doing very well as of late (mentally, that is), so I’ve been looking for some ways to take my mind off of my problems.

I’m pretty open when it comes to genres of roleplay, although I consider modern most of all. I can write from a few sentences to a paragraph, and I mainly write in third person. If there are any plots that you have in mind, please let me know, but if not, I’m willing to share some of my own or help come up with something together.

And I want to apologize if I do take forever to respond, as I’m pretty perfectionistic when I write my roleplay responses, and I don’t want to seem like I’m disinterested or that I don’t know what I’m doing.

So yeah, if you are open to roleplaying with someone, please let me know!

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