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Anyone Up for a Pokémon One-on-One?


The Songstress
All right, so, since I am relatively new here, I figured that it would be best for me to begin roleplaying here by starting off small and testing the waters just by dipping a toe in for the moment. To begin, I'm wondering if anyone might want to do a Pokémon roleplay with me? Small-scale and contained between us and maybe one more person if more than one person ends up showing interest in my idea. I'd like to keep the whole thing small, no more than two or three people. . . .

I have a general idea for plot, characters and whatnot. It might be a bit more of a mature take on the PokéWorld. The general premise was provided by an off-site friend, and this is that; "One character seeks out the other, for the sake of revenge, like a legitimate vendetta." I took that with her permission and twisted the concept to be a bit more specific. The concept of one character seeking out the other for revenge remains intact, only, the need for revenge has taken an indirect approach now . . . which may sound strange.

Basically, how it goes, and what I'm thinking is this; I am playing the character who is being pursued for the sake and desire of revenge on behalf of the character who is played opposite of her. This does take place in the Pokémon world too. . . . My character is wanted for the crimes of her father, who is currently missing, and whom is none other than Giovanni, of Team Rocket. What it was that he did to the pursuing character to make them want revenge so much, that would be entirely up to their player, but it's Giovanni, so there's is a plethora of options there, considering of what we know regarding Team Rocket's activities. I don't mind more mature subject matters myself, so long as it adheres to site rules and regulations.

Okay, so this is going to sound a bit convoluted, so forgive me because I am not the greatest at explaining things. . . .

But these are the specifics, my character is a girl, and the character played opposite of her would be pursuing her because of her father's actions because Giovanni is missing, and he wronged them greatly. I would prefer if the character played opposite of mine would be
male, considering mine would be female.

There is a twist to all this though, though I will be playing a female character, she'll actually be disguising her as a boy, and the world will otherwise be unaware of her, no one will actually know that Giovanni will've even had a daughter only that he ever had a son. Basically, the world would think that Giovanni only had one kid, but actually had two. A boy and then a girl, later on. The character opposite of her will actually think that she's Giovanni's
son due to the world otherwise not knowing of her what-so-ever.

So, as it would go, the character opposite of her will have finally managed to track her down, whether it's again or for the first time will be decided later, and in an attempt to take revenge, however they want, some stuff will go down--I think it might be Giovanni's actual son--and the whole shebang will end up requiring both my character and the opposite one to have to work together to get out of it alive and intact. During all that, it will come to light that my character is female and not a male.

The general idea of the situation that would force the characters to work together is something I have in my head for the moment, I also have a general location set up too for our characters to explore and experience. And I also think I know who the villain would be. . . .

Specifics to note:

Okay, so this might sound picky since I am a total neophyte to this site, but, it might be a good idea for me to list this so someone doesn't get involved with me here and end up disappointed or irked with me. > < I don't want to grind anyone's last nerve!

Post Length: I am someone who can be really wordy, if this post here doesn't reveal as much. . . . So, I might ask that you be willing to write in excess of 300 words a post.

Character Opposite of Mine: I'll be playing a female, who is disguised as a boy, I would prefer the character opposite of her being male.

Plot: I'll get into more specific plot elements if or when someone shows interest in this!

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