Anyone up for a Game?

Evening, darlings. I'm new to Rpnation, but not at all new to roleplaying, I've been at it for quite some time now. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who would care to game with me?

I really enjoy all kinds of games, but one thing I


have in a roleplay partner is


to the best of your abilities. You don't have to write novel-length posts or anything dramatic like that, just as long as you're doing your best to write well and give me something to respond to, we're all good! (:

Things I'm very interested in:

  • Steampunk
  • Medieval-Fantasy
  • Modern Fantasy
  • Modern Realistic

I don't actually have any plots in mind, but those are the settings I'm most comfortable with. I'm not actually feeling a Steampunk game right now, but exceptions can be made. I like to play male characters, usually, and I only do straight couples when it comes to romance. But to be honest, there doesn't have to be any romance for me to enjoy the game, so either way (romance or no-mance) is good with me! I'm open to just brainstorming plots for any of these settings with you guys! So if you're into any of the stuff I mentioned, let me know and perhaps we can work something out? Or if anyone has any ideas, just let me hear them!

P.S, a quick list of things I do not do: Vampires (gets so boring), High School games or high school aged characters, demons, and very mature content.

Thanks for your time! (:​
I could do Medieval-Fantasy :D but I have no plots for that, drop me a message and we can chat about it? :D

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