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Multiple Settings Anyone Up for A Dark or an RP with Dark-Themes?


"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit"
Edit: I will only RP with people 18 and older, thank you. I am eighteen (almost 19) and I do not think content like this is suitable for children, and I do not want to be a creep, so yeah. Sorry you youngin's, no-can-RP.
So, I would first like to define what I think a 'Dark' or RP with 'Dark Themes' is. There are lots of ideas that people tend to decide are dark, and while some of them are what I'm talking about, some of them are not allowed on this site (and I am not looking to get banned or anything) so those topics (like smut) are not what I'm talking about.

When I think about a 'Dark Theme' I tend to think about violence, horror, gore, typically some sort of manipulation that is not just 'manipulation' like a spy or something would use, but manipulation that is twisted to the point of harming or damaging people mentally. Some common (and site-appropriate) Dark Themes are, well, typically not pleasant for the characters, but as writers and viewers, we someone derive some sort of, well not amusement, but entertainment from their pain? Oh, God, that sounds terrible, but is it not the truth? Some things that I consider 'Dark' but I don't see others often thinking the same thing of is the downward spiral from relative, typical 'sanity' to so lost that its impossible to comprehend or decipher between 'right' and 'wrong'. Also, stories with characters that somehow 'logically' prove that there is no such thing as good and evil, or that good and evil are actually very similar. Psychological Horror is one of my favourite types of 'Dark Themes' because, well, because I just enjoy it, that's all there is to it, really.

Anyway, I would like to feature original characters, but I wouldn't be opposed to a fandom if I can be convinced. Which may be difficult, but you're welcome to attempt to persuade me :)
Also, just a note, I am not open to any M/F ideas, I will only do M/M and F/F. This is not a point to be argued. It is how it is, sorry if you don't like it, but that's just how this will work.

Not all of these roleplays will/can be romance, but I think I have the most experience with writing romance. I am also decent with genres like Fantasy or Sci-Fi, but I think Romance and Horror are the most suitable for the 'Dark Themes' that I have spoken about.

I have several characters, but I will only list a few, and give brief explanations. They will be followed by a list of possible scenarios/'pairings' (if you will) that would be interesting, or suitable to this sort of RP.

There is my character Wilhelm who is a forensic pathologist-turned professor due to, uh, unstable mental state that rendered him incapable of preforming his job at a level needed in a forensic field. He was a great pathologist for years, about ten years, before a case involving the untimely and cruel death of an innocent, in this case a child, he simply could not tolerate the emotions he had felt and lapsed into a self-destructive mental state. He was hospitalized for about six to eight months. He became a teacher. He was forty when he was released from an inpatient facility, and he became a teacher. His wife of eight years ends up divorcing him, but he does not care because he has gotten to the point where he no longer liked her or could be around her very often.
The idea for this character, is that his psychologist/doctor/psychiatrist or some other professional who is supposed to help him, actually uses his/her power and position over him and influences him and sort of twists and corrupts him into something unrecognizable. He's distinctly human, but he is flawed (like us all) but he hurts more than most over less serious things. He is typically very emotional, so much so, that it becomes easier to numb and isolate himself to keep himself from feeling anything. -- Yeah, he's your typical Will Graham if you catch my drift. C:

There is also a genetically enhanced assassin character I've created. He doesn't know his real name. (He's sort of like the Winter Soldier from Marvel, but he is, uh, worse I would say). He, at seventeen (nine years after he was taken from war-torn Belarus, and nine years since he became a human test subject for a corporation that thought they needed to help people by testing on people to create more helpful vaccines, but had to do this in secret due to human rights but then became twisted by politics and money into creating weaponry and certain chemicals/serums/medicines/formulas to enhanced and make people stronger) was given yet another experimental drug from his main doctor, Dr. Price, and this drug manages to turn him into a sort-of-vampire, but also more of a efficient murder machine. In a rage caused by this new serum introduced into his system, he kills the doctor and destroys the lab he was kept in, burning and therefore ruining all samples and records of this drug. He is kept by the company for a few years, tested on, etc. Blood samples and tests were often preformed in an attempt to recreate this drug. In the end, he is trained and becomes an assassin. This story doesn't really start until years later (seeing as he was born in 1936, is sent to assassinate his first target in 1957, escapes the facility in 2014, and it is now 2019) approximately 62 years since he first assassinated someone. He is very fragile despite, in all sense of the word, being a predator. He survives on human blood, he has killed over four dozen (main) targets on orders from the company that 'made' him, and he is not only extremely dangerous due to extensive training and superhuman strength, but he is extremely unstable mentally. He is more likely to hurt someone he cares about than understand and show them any sort of affection. He needs help, but he doesn't like people, and often considers himself above normal humans, and when he does find humans he likes, he doesn't understand the emotions and he does what he does best and, well, takes them apart in an attempt to figure out exactly why they affect him like they do. He has no medical training beyond years of learning how to torture and cause pain, but yeah. He's generally moody and mean, but when he has moments of 'clarity' he is very vulnerable and tries to, well, he sometimes doesn't like 'being a monster' and other times he enjoys his ability to hurt people. He's odd, I don't really know how else to describe him other than he is physically young and agile, and doesn't look like someone would expect a dangerous murderer to look. He is almost cherub-like, think a younger Lestat de Lioncourt, but more violent with a more intense dislike and disregard for human life. (Also, he speaks a bunch of languages, but I only know English and a bit of Spanish, so if he does speak any other languages, be aware that it will likely be translated online and will likely be wrong -- he prefers Belorussian and Russian above the other languages he knows.)
This story, in my mind, would be best if y/c is somehow a 'handler' as in, he (who calls himself Crimson, since it was his 'codename' while he was an assassin) seeks y/c out, decides he 'likes' y/c and then obeys y/c, but also likes to hurt or intimidate y/c because he's cruel like that. I don't want to tell you how to make y/c, but he/she should probably someone just as sadistic so they can either keep up with him or torture him back. (That sounds really weird if you say it out loud, just an fyi.)

This is a female character. She is actually a novelist, or well, she has written a autobiography about herself and her crimes while sitting on death row in prison. The thing about her, is that ever since she was young, she wanted to be famous. She wanted attention, and somewhere, in her early teenage years, she decided to receive the attention she wanted, she wanted to be put on death row and be killed in front of an audience. Her name is Jessica Briggs and is completely average in every physical way. She isn't particularly educated, she has an Associates degree and a High School diploma, she never got any 'high profile' or 'powerful' jobs, she wouldn't be considered a psychopath at all, no traits of Antisocial Personality Disorder, she was unsuspecting. This story would start a few years after she is convicted of about twenty or more murders, that she admitted to upon being found out by police, and then admitting guilt and describing how much she had enjoyed these acts of violence and cruelty publicly in court. She has written and published her autobiography and it has become a best-seller. Somehow y/c would become obsessed, but that's all I've thought about. Obviously, I'm open to suggestions about what y/c wants or how to plan this out (because this was originally a idea for a novel -- may still be adapted into a novel). I'm open to suggestions, the only thing I ask is that y/c be a female.

There are a bunch of other ideas that I have, but I do not have characters for them yet. They would be written depending on what you would like, or the plot we come up with together.

Now, for the ideas/'pairings' that can be used. The bold role with be the role I will play, if they are both italicized then I am fine with either role, but I will specify how experienced I am with playing each role.

Alright. Here it goes:
Serial Killer/Victim (Tickle me murder, I think I could play an interesting serial killer, and I know I have played one, and a 'victim', in the past, but I don't remember them so I don't remember if I was 'good' at it, but I would like to try again. I have a TON of ideas.)
Serial Killer/Obsession (So, I have technically played a serial killer before, and the obsession of one as well, but I think I find playing the obsession of a serial killer more appealing than a victim. They're totally different :p)
Psychologist/Patient (I could be both, I'm sure. I don't remember playing either, but I know I have in the past.)
Psychiatrist/Patient (I could be both, I'm sure. I don't remember playing either, but I know I have in the past.)
Psychiatrist or Psychologist/A Patient -- under their immediate and direct care (ie trapped in an inpatient facility); (I would like to experience this power imbalance, and see how it feels to be completely out of control of, well, m/c. He/she will be so lost and pretty much open for suggestion and manipulation and that seems like an interesting situation I'm interested in seeing unfold)
Demon/Summoner (I make a good demon, and I'm great at being mean but in a fond manner -- on paper, I'm actually an awkward and anxious person irl)
Demon/Demon (I make a good demon.)
Assassin/Handler (I have experience with both of these, but outside of a RP setting. I have written two main characters of both professions in short stories/unfinished novels. I would be interested in playing both and having y/c be both because I have never RP'd something like this and I like new experiences)
CEO or Boss/PA or Intern (I have honestly played neither of these, but I feel like I would be a better Boss/CEO because I like to be in control most of the time, but I would be very interested with someone attempting to be the CEO or Boss of m/c because I have never thought or written being someone not in power or control. It would be... amusing.)
Vampire/Victim (I have experience with playing vampires, I really like the idea and concept of most vampires, so this would be a role I am well suited/used to playing. I haven't played a victim of a vampire very often, but I am very curious to try it. Bonus points for a Vampire believing that the Victim is a poor unsuspecting weakling and then the 'Victim' turns out to have been using the Vampire the entire time to suit and fulfill their own sadistic wishes)
Vampire/Demon (Demons are all good, but I like portraying a vampire more than a demon, I think.)

Open for suggestions because while I have so many more ideas and pairing suggestions, I cannot think of them at the moment.

Please ask if you have any questions, I am actually pretty nice despite the content of this post. C:
I also ask that you be comfortable with OOC conversation because I like to know who I'm rping with. It makes things easier and will make confronting with ideas or problems easier.

Thank you for reading, skimming, whatever. Let me know if you want to RP. If at any point you want to stop the RP, let me know and I promise to respect your wishes (I'm not a weirdo) and if I want to stop the RP, I ask that you respect my wishes as well. Quid pro Quo and all that :D
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Going to be honest with you friend, that is a great china wall of text - in short: do you like Macabre? Such as American Horror Story?
AliceNWeb AliceNWeb
Alright, so I'm going to be honest, and this is sort of odd for someone who is into things like this, but I have only seen two seasons of AHS, and I hardly remember either of them. So, macabre in general, yes, AHS based, not so much.

Also, yeah, I do like my wall of text. I don't like things to feel empty, ya know?

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