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Multiple Settings Anyone interested in these plots? (MxM)


𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧
Hello! So I've had these plots for a while and am looking for a few people to do them with. Some I've done before and they've just fizzled out and others are brand new. For now, I'd like to keep them as MxM only but that could change later on. Now, just a few things before I list the plots:
  • Since I'm over 18, I'd prefer that you are as well
  • Flexibility is key. I'm currently in college and there are some days/weeks where I'll be able to post multiple times a day and some days/weeks where I won't be able to post at all (but I'll definitely let you know)
  • Be able to post in paragraphs
  • Enjoy chatting OOC. I'm a huge chatterbox and really enjoy talking to my partner outside of the RP (:
  • Lastly, there are some plots that I have Muse preferences. These will be listed at the top
  • Now, without further ado...
Muse A and Muse B are both in bands. Different bands. Bands that are rivals due to their similar sound. A few years ago, the founders of the Eurovision Song Contest got together and decided to create a similar contest, though this time, it was strictly for bands (think Battle of the Bands). Similar to Eurovision, each participating country is to submit a band to perform on the radio and live TV and will then vote. Against all odds, Muse A’s band and Muse B’s band make it to the final four of the contest. Though they appear amicable and warm towards each other on stage, they are bitter rivals off. The bands can’t be within a few feet of each other without spewing insults at each other. It’s especially bad between A and B, though no one really knows why.

(I'd prefer to play Muse A)
Muse A has known nothing but small town life. Growing up in Carran, Arizona, he’s never stepped foot out of the town, except for to go to the neighboring city. Muse A is the golden-boy of the family, the goody-two-shoes, the one who does everything his parents ask without question. Unlike his older twin siblings, who constantly rebel against their parents. Muse A idolizes them and does anything they ask of him without question, just like his parents. So it goes without being said that he covered for them when they wanted to go out, something that still haunts him to this day. They were both killed in a car accident, and life took a 180 for Muse A. In wake of the accident, his father, the pastor, banned loud music, dancing, enforced a curfew for those under 18 and a whole bunch of other laws that would take away everything teenagers would deem fun. His father also seemed to close himself off, neglecting Muse A in his entirety. Muse A decided to take matters into his own hands and began to dress differently, act differently, started hanging out with the wrong crowd, broke curfew, anything to get attention. Well, he was certainly about to get it, but not from who he thought.

Muse B couldn’t be more opposite of A if he tried. Growing up in Brooklyn, New York, he has only known the hustle and bustle of city life. His mother died when he was young, leaving him to be raised by his father, an owner of a successful company. The two got along very well, and lived happily for many years. When Muse B was going into his junior year of high school, his father got very sick. After various diagnoses, they found out he had stage 4 terminal cancer. Muse B juggled 3 jobs along with school to try and help pay for the bills, but when he was just about to start his final year of high school, his father passed away. Muse B had no idea what to do. He had never been on his own before. Just as he began to research Real Estate companies, he got a call from a cousin of his father, a cousin he had met 3-4 times in his life, who had heard about what happened and offered Muse B a place to live. Not knowing what else to do, Muse B packed away his things and left the only life he ever knew. The second he stepped off the bus, he knew Carran was nothing like NYC. With only one grocery store, gas station, church, movie theater, etc., he knew this was going to be a big change for him. When he stumbles upon a certain Muse A the next morning at church, he retracts the thought from yesterday. This is going to be a huge change.

Muse A is all the rage in Hollywood. Voted as the year’s top young actor, he’s all everyone can talk about. Every director wants him to star in their movies, every TV show and magazine want to interview him and every celebrity now wants to be friends with him. He’s surrounded by paparazzi no matter where he goes and can hardly step foot anywhere without cameras in his face. Many would think this bothers him, but Muse A soaks in the attention. His ego has inflated tremendously and he’s let it all go to his head. He’s set to star in an upcoming movie as the main male lead, with Muse B as his on-screen best friend. In order to prepare the two for their role, the director sends the two on a retreat to bond. But after spending an hour with him, Muse B can’t stand Muse A, and the feeling is mutual.

Muse B has very little experience in acting, having occasionally participated in school productions, but nothing beyond that. Having recently finished university with degrees in entrepreneurship and dance (hip-hop), he decided to move himself to Los Angeles and started a job in a dance studio as well as a marketing firm. One day, he stumbles across an ad for a casting call and despite having very little experience, decides to go for it. Much to his surprise, he beat out the hundreds of other guys and got the role of the second male lead. Though he had no idea who his costars would be, he went into it with an open attitude. That attitude was changed as he spent an hour with Muse A and knew that filming would be interesting. If he couldn’t stand the guy off screen, how could he act as his best friend on?

(I'd like to play Muse B)
**also, despite the plot, you don't need to know anything about horses for this one**
Horses. That’s pretty much all Muse A has ever known. Growing up in Ocala, FL on a farm that served as a thoroughbred training center, he has lived and breathed those horses ever since he was born. He had to, since his father is the head trainer and mother is an on-site veterinarian. Ever since he could walk, he accompanied his father to the main training grounds to see the young horses being broke, trained and learning everything they could about being a racehorse. At fifteen, he began to do some of the breaking and training himself. At eighteen, he went off to school and got a degree in equine science and management. However, while at school, he found that he wanted to pursue other areas of equine training, not just racing. So that’s what he did. He went around to local barns and was soon hired as an assistant trainer. Fast forward four years to graduation where he has become, although quite young, a top trainer for eventers. He soon gets a call that changes everything.

Muse B is different from A in the sense that horses are all he has ever known. In fact, he hadn’t even been on a horse until he was seven and that was only for ten minutes. However, it was enough for him to grow more curious and develop an interest in riding. He started taking lessons shortly after and within a year, found himself on the show circuit. He continued to move up in classes and soon caught the eye of Frankie O’Neal, a former Eventing Olympic gold medalist now coach. Though he had no idea who Frankie was, based on the stares the older man received, realized he was someone important. After gaining Frankie as a trainer/coach, Muse B switched disciplines to Eventing and became a top junior rider and at 16, became a top youth rider. By eighteen, he was traveling internationally and was about to compete in his first ever FEI World Equestrian games, he got the news that Frankie had passed away suddenly overnight. Devasted, Muse B quit riding and refused to set foot anywhere near the barn. Two years have passed, and he’s kept that promise until one night, he finds himself wandering to the barn and a few days later, resumes riding. When it comes time to compete, however, he finds that he isn’t doing as well as he used to. Figuring it’s due to lack of a trainer, his parents make a call to Muse A, hoping he can help their son return to his winning ways.

Yeah so those are the plots! I also have a few more stored that I'd be happy to share over PM. If you're interested, comment below or send me a message! Look forward to hearing back from you (:
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I like the Rock of ages plot but would like to hear your other ideas as well if you don't mind sharing them in a PM? =]

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