Anyone interested in RPing?

Spirit Fox

New Member
Heyo, I'm looking for person/persons to RP with. I'm most familiar with 1x1 for the most part, but I might be willing to try a multi-RP.

Ideas? Not yet. I'm fairly flexible, for the most part. I really dig romance in anything (straight only, sorry). I love fantasy, sci-fi, and I might be willing to try an RP based off something (ex: Kingdom Hearts, video games, anime, manga... )

Interested maybe? Message here!
Well, I haven't seen a ton. I read a bit more manga if anything (but those frequently cross over). I can't do RP where you be a certain chara from a anime (ex writing as naruto from, well, naruto.) But I can do things like being from that world, such as be a ninja in the Naruto set world. Does that make any sense? .-.

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