Anyone else here annoyed with the Wallpaper contest?



I'm sure if you have visual art skill, you're not.

But for those of us who make stick figures that are deformed monsters begging for death, how the hell are we expected to compete? Where is our chance to win Exalted 2 love?

I mean, the winners barely even use the so called folder of elements. My 3 attempts so far have been humor based, cause I know I'm not getting anywhere with what MGI photosuite can make.

They should at least have a lottery for the losers...  print up the names, cut into strips, put in basket and draw one. Or maybe even 5. One loser per week.

To be honest, I don't really see a problem with it? :S

It's an art contest... so people get rewarded for good art?  That's like saying that in formula one it sucks that it's always the GOOD drivers who win! :P
No. I am not remotely annoyed by this.  It bothers me not in the least.  Not because I can draw or paint, but because I just don't give a rat's butt what's on other peoples' plates...
I had renders left over from the castemarks I made, so tried to use them as anima flares:



I, ah, may have gotten a little carried away with the Lens Flare effect.
Alright my fellow brothers and sisters, I need help. Only recently have I become interested in photographs/ digital pictures/ photoshopping etc. What I'm looking for is a program to do it with. now I need something easy to learn with, but more importantly something free. Any ideas?
I have in the past:

Made a child cry.

Have people throw things at me.

Parents threaten me for saying their child was a thief (man o man this is

such a great story. I'll have to tell it sometime.)

Have teenagers threaten me.

Once had a women tell me I was a part of a government conspiracy tracking her purchases through checks.

Had a handicapped man threaten to set my truck on fire.

Broke my hand punching something.

Knocked a hole in a wall.

Threatened that "all hell is about to break loose".

That's all I can think of right now. To be honest I really do enjoy being a part of the gaming industry. However, I do get all the positives and negatives of working in the retail sector.
I have in the past:

Parents threaten me for saying their child was a thief (man o man this is

such a great story. I'll have to tell it sometime.)

 Quick tangent: every two or three months, I help run chess tournaments back in southern California--hundreds of competitors, tens of thousands of dollars in prize money, blah blah blah. Thing is, side events at these tournaments often include scholastic--kid--tournaments.

 At one of these, a player came up to me, saying that the result sheet had been changed to say that he lost the game, instead of having won. I found his opponent, who denied the whole thing, and said that he won. Parents and coaches converge, all screaming that their son/student has always told the truth, and accusing the other child of cheating and worse.

 The parents and coaches were just about to tear into each other (and me) when I asked the players for their scoresheets--the sheets the kids write their moves on. The complaining player produced a scoresheet of the game; the other kid muttered something about having thrown away his scoresheet, and walked away. Boy, were there some sheepish faces from the parents and coaches of the lying kid.

 The parents and coaches of the wronged kid, to their credit, refrained from gloating, and took some effort to reconciliate the groups--they represented two of the larger scholastic chess organizations in southern California.

 Now that I've finally gotten around to my point, QC, what did the parents do when they found the stolen item in the kid's bag/pockets/whatever?
Read on my fellow forumites and observe a tale of stupidity and woe:


Erik -the thief

Nate -Co-worker

Erik's parents -'nuff said

Josh -dumbass #1

Jeremy -dumbass #2

George -dumbass #3

and other assorted cast members

And now onto our story!

We were having a Yu-Gi-Oh (henceforth referred to as YGO), and the children were all assembled and playing their game. Nate and I are dealing with both the group of kids and incoming customers. Suddenly a disturbance breaks out as a Josh asks Nate for help because Erik stole one of his cards. Josh proceeds to tell us that Erik walked over to the table where he was and while Josh wasn't looking took one of his cards, and stuffed it down the front of his pants. Jeremy saw all of this. Erik claims he doesn't have that card, and doesn't know what they're talking about. After a short bit of time in which the brothers Jeremy and Josh's mom arrives on the scene. To say that she was irrate, would be an understatement for we have to find the card. It is at this time that George approaches us saying that earlier Erik had handed him a card, and asked him to hide it.

So Josh gets his card back, and his mother is appeased. So now that Erik is caught completely, he is told to leave, and not come back. Later that day Erik's parents and grandmother come and wishes to speak with Nate and I. We all step outside, where Nate and I are verbally accosted by Erik's family. "He's not a thief!", "Why did you throw my kid out?!", "It was that George kid, he's no good!", "If your callin' me a liar, I'll take it up with you personally!!!". The end result of this little "discussion", was that on Monday they could appeal it before the store owner. Nate quit, on the spot. Leaving me to finish the day. This put me at fourteen hours that day. I promptly broke a table and my fist /wrist. I later went home home and played XBox. No, I didn't go to a doctor, because that costs money!

Erik wasn't allowed back, and while Nate walked off the job, he did get to come back. Weeks later Josh, Jeremy, and Erik were all busted at another game store in a scheme to steal some poor kids cards. The were all convicted and sentenced to massive hours of community service.
It's funny how youpicked that one and not the one where my truck could potentially be set on fire.

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