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Anyone care for a onexone?


New Member
Hey I'm Amanda. I've been on this site for a few months but disappeared for a bit due to medical reasons. I'm back now though and am craving a few onexone roleplays. I'm ok with any parings, though I do prefer MxF and prefer to double at that. It just gives more to the story in my opinion. Don't control my character and I wont control yours. Please be semi-lit to literate. No one liners and dnt tlk lyk dis. Please, I will throw an English book at your face. Now onto what I want to roleplay. :)


Pin Cushions: (Doubled MxF pairing preferably)

The year is 2116. It isn't the future that most people thought it would be. The world is actually, almost completely opposite. The world had been on a standstill for almost a thousand years. Except for one thing. The government has gone into hiding and had been for almost 50 years. Churning out these...monsters as most people call them. Children, are taken away from their families at young ages. Usually about 10 years of age when they start to show signs of strength, that aren't seen in other human being and are raised in this facility, never seeing the light of day, until their eighteenth birthday. On their eighteenth birthday they begin to receive serums. These serums change the sequence of their DNA turning them..well...into monsters is the best word that fits. Now most of the time these serums don't work and the specimen dies and are cut up into pieces to see what went wrong and to learn how to change the serums. But sometimes, every once in a while the serums work and the person becomes sometimes entirely different. Some people get special powers. Others are able morph into different type of animals. Others can fly. Whatever they turn into the suffering doesn't stop. There are always more serums to be injected and more tests to run. They are the governments personal pin cushions. They have to get out!

I am always up to any add ons to the plot. And if you're not interested in this please feel free to pitch something else to me. :)



Step Brother x Step Sister

Jock x Geek

Soldier x civilian

Soldier x Soldier (deployed)

Soldier x Soldier (home)

Vampire x Vampire

Vampire x Werewolf

Doctor x Patient

Doctor x Doctor

Patient x Patient

Prince x Princess

Price x Princess Arranged Marriage

Student x Professor

Coffee shop

Boarding School

Magical Boarding School

Pen Pals Meeting in Real life

Race Club (I prefer to play female or double on this one. You must at least know something about cars)

I'll add to this the more I think of ideas. :)
There are multiple pairings that interest me here;

Pen Pals

Magic boarding school

Boarding school

Jock x geek

If you're still looking for a partner, feel free to PM me.
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Pin Cushion seems like a GREAT plot, and I would love to RP it with you. Shoot me a PM if you'd like another partner!
[QUOTE="Kawazoe Gem]I like the idea of pin cushion if you still looking for a partner I am interested

Sure PM me :)
Hey, PM me, I have an idea of a Modern plot that I could do with your step brother/sister pairing! Can't PM people yet :(

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