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Multiple Settings Any Like-Minded People in the G/t Community want to Roleplay some Interesting Scenarios?

Pixel Berry

New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hey, hey. The name is Pixel Berry. And I’ve recently gotten back to the G/t community. If you’re asking what that is, G/t stands for Giant and Tiny. It’s a rather obscure community, but the best way to put it is like wishing for a world in which certain characters were much bigger or smaller compared to the average human height. Like as small as a mouse or as big as a house.

What I’m looking for is someone who is interested or at least curious on this kind of stuff. I am a rather literate writer, but I don’t think I would call my writing skills up to a novella level. That meaning I’m not one for one-liners and barely any response to work off of.

All of my ideas are original, so I’m not sure how to insert any fandoms or canon characters into the stories. And if none of them seem to interest you, we can always brainstorm an idea together.

So, just to be clear on some stuff, here are my desires and things I wish to avoid:

  • Either Eighteen Years or Older
  • Literate to Novella Writing
  • Creative Mindset
  • (Optional)Play More than One Character
  • Is Open to Ideas/Suggestions
  • Can at Least Make One Response a Day
  • Will Not Ghost Me
  • No One-Liners
  • Will Not Control My Own Characters
  • No Minors

Anyways, here are my ideas as of now. Some are more darker than others, but some stories are more interesting with a bit of dark or grim dark.

Setting: Modern

Synopsis: They’ve been together for a couple of years now. They presumed that they knew everything about each other. But one of them would be proven wrong in the worst way possible. Their partner tried to wait until the perfect time to tell their significant other about their secret, but most things never go out as planned.

And the big secret: Their partner is a size shifter.
Note: Can be altered to be a more polyamorous relationship with three people.
Setting: Medieval Fantasy

Synopsis: This happened when she was just a little girl. She didn’t know any better, but the fairies did not care. As a young princess, the brattiness was nothing but a planned personality that her parents hoped would fade away before she was betrothed and made a queen. But even if that did happen, the curse was still placed upon her, and she was made to experience what it truly felt to be vulnerable and constantly needing aid for the simplest of tasks.

When she was younger, she came across fairies, and treated them like living dolls. Not caring for their feelings, nor how fragile these magical beings really were. Due to these childish and selfish actions, she was shrunken down to their size(wings not included) and has been this size for the majority of her life.

The king and queen hid this secret under the guise that she had come down with a serious illness and only those within the castle walls know the true reason the princess is not allowed to leave the castle.

But after all these years, they’ve finally figured out the cure for this curse. She needs to find her true love, and only a true love’s kiss would break this curse. But how is one supposed to find her true love if she is to never leave the castle, and her parents are too worried that outside aid would spread the truth, and paint a target on the kingdom’s back?
Setting: Post Apocalyptic

Synopsis: It was supposed to be a healthier and less addicting version of steroids. One where people can only use it once, and never again. While it still seemed to be unaffected by some people, for others… it’s been worse.

It’s been a couple of years now since the newly dubbed ‘virus’ was released. Cities have been vacant of humans, and smaller towns and villages have been trampled over and destroyed. And any ‘civilization’ have been made secret and buried deep underground as to never be discovered or destroyed by those monsters.

And these monsters used to be human. They had friends, families, and other loved ones. Some of them still have a sense of humanity in them. But over time, that starts to fade away, and they soon realize that their human life is over, and they need to survive in their own way. Even if that means killing those they once saw as equals. And these monsters have been commonly named ‘Macrons’ due to their unnatural size, inhuman strength, and sometimes beastly appearance, looking less and less human.

But this story doesn’t follow these creatures(yet), but of two survivors, trying to find a ‘safe zone’ where the last remaining population of humanity is residing in. They thought they found the ticket to one of those places, but they were proven wrong. Not cause of the Macron attack they narrowly avoided, but that one of the two is secretly infected, and they are starting to feel as if this ‘sickness’ isn’t a simple cold or flu.
Setting: Semi-Futuristic Military

Synopsis: In a private military base, they house the latest means of defense called ‘Assets’, giant beings that are used for battle, or sent into fighting rings to gamble money off of.

A newly graduated recruit has been tasked to handle a ‘new’ Asset, and while this one has been in the base for months now, it has yet to find a handler that is able to control them. Will this new recruit be any different?
Setting: Semi-Futuristic

Synopsis: In a world where people of various size live in semi-harmony, a new school has been built in the center of the city, one that accepts all sizes and wishes to guide the children of the future to make the world more inclusive of every size. The size are categorized into three types: Tiny, Norm, and Giant. They each have their own piece of the city that is made for the size, but there are also sections and zones for any size to enter on their own. However, there are rules to accommodate each size, some having more rules than others. For example, no one is allowed to touch a tiny unless given permission, or is a tiny themselves. And if someone of a different size is entering a specific size only section, they need to enter with one that is allowed in. An example being a norm cannot enter a giant zone without a giant entering with them.

Both tinies and norm are given special wristbands that can be activated as an SOS system in case of emergency situations. A band for giants is still in the works. And like many other things, certain items are exclusive to some sizes due to production limitations, or inability to reduce the size to accommodate other sizes.

But back to the story at hand. This tale follows the story of a normal sized girl. She has no qualms against any tiny or giant. Even having a giant as a best friend since childhood. But what happens if she falls in love with a tiny who despises any size except his own?

Thinking that it’ll be an unrequited love, she gives up on the idea. Until her giant friend lets her in on a secret project they’ve been working on: A re-sizer band! They initially made it so they could shrink down to the norm girl’s height so they can get to know each other better. But they decided to let the norm girl try it out to see if this crush on the tiny is true or just a passing fade.

Though, with now a new facade towards the tiny, what would happen if the love is true? Will she tell the tiny her secret? Would she go even further to see the perspective of giant society? And if she doesn’t, what will be the tipping point that’ll knock down her secret walls and reveal the truth of her ‘little’ lies?
Setting: Modern to Semi-Futuristic

Synopsis: In a world where there are humans, giants, and size shifters. One family is thrown for a loop when their middle child seemed to have gone through puberty in a different way. Due to some long forgotten part of the family tree, a relative of theirs did carry some giant DNA, and so it was passed on to her.

But usually when a human and giant DNA is crossed, that’s how size shifters are made. Only they have a limited range where they can’t get too big, but can never be a ‘normal’ human size again.

It’s been years since that happened, and the middle child decides to visit home after moving to the city for college. And while her close family members know of her ‘situation’, the town as well as her old high school friends don’t. Will her family still treat her the same? What about her friends? And is it really a bother to be a size shifting giant in a town that only has normal humans as the town’s population?

Anyways, if any of these ideas interests you or you wish to come up with a new one altogether, just PM me whenever you have the free time. And if you are not fond of using this site to rp, I also have a Discord that we can share within the PM. I have it linked to this site so I will be notified of your response. Just post the subject as the scenario title you wish to do or know more about.

Thanks for reading my essay of a thread, and hopefully we can make a roleplay scenario that will probably contemplate me on publishing it as a book(joking!).

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