Any Experience with Roleplay Systems?


The Rotten Fruit
I am referring to things such as World of Darkness, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Cyberpunk, etc... The roleplaying books that can be bought and explain how to play a game with dice and paper.

Some could argue all roleplaying originated from the earliest table top experiences. Taking your fighter into battle and rolling dice. Taking the role of your character, and playing it out.

I ask this because as many of you know, has a large system based community. So some day there will be lots of chances to join these games and try something new, or if you have played them, to have a community that you can play with online.

I have played advanced DnD 2nd edition, dark heresy, cyberpunk, shadowrun, pathfinder, DnD 3.5. I'm looknig to expand the list of systems I have played/tried. So what about it, every play any?
DnD 3.5

Shadow run 4 and 5


World of Darkness


I don't remember all the games I've tried, but the ones I've listed up are ones that come to my mind immediately.
Oh heavens.

2nd, 3rd, 3.5, and 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons

Deadlands (classic and Hell on Earth)

Vampire: The Masquerade

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Mage: The Ascension

Vampire: Kindred of the East

Demon: The Fallen




Legend of the Five Rings

Seventh Sea

GURPs (briefly)

I am probably forgetting something, but I have played tabletop games weekly for years. We have been changing systems and settings periodically to keep things fresh, but we definitely have some favorites we keep returning to.
I've played a few DnD systems and the Serenity RPG, which uses the Cortex system. I am fond of Serenity since it's my favorite Sci-Fi show and my first role-playing game. It isn't as simplified as d20, but there's something entertaining to using all the different sided dice that you don't find in most d20 games.

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