Other any astrology nerds here


are you even trying?
o k so like i'm really into astrology and i love incorporating it into my rp's! i was just wondering if there were any other ppl who were into astrology too.

do y'all have some kind of prejudice against some signs? like for me if i find out someone is a virgo i'm just like "bye" like i cannot get along well with any virgo at all lol
i try not to be interested in astrology, not gonna lie, but idk i sometimes just can't help reading into it.

my sign is taurus, lmao. i take it you're a scorpio?

i tend to read the daily horoscopes at night just to see.. if they match every now and then. ;p

it's freaky when it does.. o_o
yeah, october 30th is scorpio !
my friends make fun of me a lot for believing in it, but i've gotten into it sm and a lot of my friends' signs align perfectly with their personalities so i'm a believer hehe;;
i see where you're coming from. of course, i support that you believe it but i dunno. sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. in my religion, we aren't meant to believe it. i don't really know the reason why not, but yeah. i've always been told not to, but i've had previous friends that do and because of them, it's just gotten me interested. ;p
hi hi hi. i literally saw this calling my name and clicked it once i saw "astrology". anyways, that just proves how obsessed i am with astrology. like i literally relate everything to it, and ask people their sign before becoming friends with them so i know what i'm getting into, lol. 

with that said, i'm a scorpio. born november 17. apparently im a scorp/sag cusp, but there's still some debate with that, and on my chart it just labels me as scorpio, so yea. but i legit fit every single scorpio personality trait, both positive and negative, rip me. 
yeah, october 30th is scorpio !
my friends make fun of me a lot for believing in it, but i've gotten into it sm and a lot of my friends' signs align perfectly with their personalities so i'm a believer hehe;;

we're obsessed with it because we're known for being interested in the occult and the unknown and astrology fits under those .. kinda 
but as things against a sign, can't ever and i mean, ever fully befriend a gemini. like every friendship ive ever had with a gemini has ended in a fight. 

and a sag. like, sags are cool tbh. but in the long run, we dont work out. but very cool people.

all my aquarius relationships have ended bad, or is rocky af and/or just dormant. 

tauruses, bestest friends. we always play fight tho, but i love them to death. past two best friends were taurses. not best friends anymore. but always ended off on good terms with them. they're adorable. 

aries, they're crazy AF. like, A LOT. but so freaking nice. so adorable. funny as hell. truly has good intentions. theyre good people. this also goes with leos. but theres always a fall-out, even if its a small one. 

virgos, are sweet to me. i havent had a lot of interaction with virgo people, believe it or not. but theyre cute. the ones i know are smart as hell. (stereotypically) 

scorpio, i mean, im one, so i love them, but ive never had a close relationship with one, tbh, so idk. 

cancers and pisces, OMG, love them. probably more than i do with myself. 

capricorns, we always start off on a horrible note. but i stg these people are my ride or die. i'll die with them, seriously. my best friend of three years was a capricorn. still love her as a sister. shes real. a lot of capricorns that ive met are real as fuck. lots of respect for capricorns.

welp, those are my experiences/views. 
AHH yay i'm so happy someone else is crazy for astrology like me!!

i'm most compatible with capricorns and aries', like my three best friends are those signs (and i've been friends with each for over 5 years).

sagittarius' are SO FUN to me!! like i don't know many but we always hit it off IMMEDIATELY it's awesome

and taurus' ... omg ... i feel like taurus' were made for scorpios and vice versa lol

i've been in a relationship with another scorpio, and omg ... it ended ... terribly ... like he tried to manipulate me and i was like "hm well u know i'm a scorpio too so like. wyd?" lmao it did. not. work. but now we're good friends; that was a long time ago.

also like ppl say cancers and scorpios are compatible but like. cancers irk me sm like they always try to one-up me in tragic life occurrences... same with virgos... but i can't talk to virgos anymore it's bad for my skin
I like it because of how unknown It is. I mean the largest thing we know about Is the Sloan wall I bet there are things bigger than it in the universe
I'm an aries myself. I find it fits really well with my online persona and when I'm around friends, but around my own family they joke that I'm a pisces that couldn't decide whether to come out yet or not LOL.

I'm interested in astrology, as they make a good roleplay premise and add a lot of interesting flavor because of all of the fantasy shit you could mix in. I definitely don't claim to be an expert; I can barely remember around what months each sign falls under.
ahaha, @monopoisoner yeah i'm definitely not myself/how  you'd think a scorpio would act around my more formal/uptight family or strangers. even on platforms that i don't know too well i kinda have a softer persona haha. like on tumblr i'm harsh n cynical but here it's as if i have to be cutesy and careful n idk why!! 

but yeah i actually made this thread bc i thought of how fun it'd be to create a zodiac inspired rp here!!
My religion talks against the signs, but I didn't really know that until recently, lol, so I've got some knowledge of the Leo as I am one. The description hasn't always been dead on for me, but I think upbringing/foundation plays a lot into molding which might be why it isn't always accurate.

An ex friend of mine was a taurus, however, and I saw the train wreck coming before hand but with the sign explanation and how eerily it calculated him I opted out, haha. My sister is a cancer hands down, super bashful, but a deep thinker, underestimated though silence is her power in it's own right. I think they're... interesting from time to time, but again my religion depicts them as something more spiritual and for that I mostly keep away from it all. 

....Mostly :D
cancers and pisces, OMG, love them. probably more than i do with myself. 

<333 this is about me isn't i love you too my lil bean <33

we (V and I) tried to make a zodiac rp once but due to some.... issues, it never lasted. definitely want to reboot that soon.  *HINT HINT V*

I have some opinions on some of the signs tbh.

like i've dated 2 aquas and been friends with 2 and none of that ended well, so i tend to avoid them.

scorpios, pisces, and cancers are my three faves <33 (i'm a cancer and my mom is a scorpio. clearly v is a scorpio, which is where my love for them came from.)

gems are iffy for me. i either love them or don't.

the rest i'm kind of neutral about. i seem to know more water signs than any other sign and i either have great experiences or shit experiences.
@Syzygy i know like. one aquarius. and she's kind of an acquaintance. i feel like aquarius' have avoided me my whole life lolol
ohohoh and i'm a capricorn moon, aries rising, cancer sun, gemini dominant!! which is weird bc i don't get along with most geminis??

i love astrology. i'm not like an expert at it or anything, but i love it a lot.
Never really got into astrology, but I'll occasionally look at it. (I like learning :p)

Im a Capricorn, but I self identify as an Aquarius because the description fits me the most. 
ooh, i'm a pisces moon (pisces moon + scorpio sun = the Ultimate Crybaby ;;), capricorn rising. my dominant sign is def scorpio!

@LennyTheMemeGod you could have your moon in aquarius~ your moon sign is the sign that kinda determines your emotions. ok, not determines, but like. guides? i guess?

@Syzygy both of you can take this chart quiz thingy; it gives a lot of insight on what the venus/moon/whatever signs mean you. i bookmarked mine just in case i forgot and i found something about the specific alignments haha;; 
i had it saved on my phone aND DELETED IT. but i know venus, mercury, and... mars?? are in gemini then the next two are cap. i'm a crybaby bc cancer and really closed off about my emotions bc of the cap moon tbh. it's an awful combo.
god u would not believe having a scorpio sun and a pisces moon ... like any emotion i feel is like x10 because my scorpio sun analyzes it too much and my pisces moon just cries lol
my mom is a pisces and she can't do anything without feeling it x1000

i keep telling her "mom find your birth certificate so i can find out your chart" but has she??? nO.

then again my cancer sun watches dog food commercials and starts bawling so i can't talk about her too much rip


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