Antonia Abraxxas


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With eyes that resemble the deepest zones of the ocean and hair black as midnight, most think me intimidating. Well…. that and my sharpened teeth. It’s not everyday when your friends set you up for a blind date and then you end up making them flee in terror. However, it is for me. It’s a necessity though, coming from my background. My tan athletic build is natural for someone raised to fight and kill.



Antonia Abraxxas












District Two




My background has established an immaculate sense of loyalty to those I care about. I am however, dominant in all aspects of everything I do. Fighting, planning, etc. I am calm and collective in times of stress and chaos, making training with most very lethal. Most of the time, I’m considered to be the leader in pressing situations, though I really dislike this role. I shouldn’t be in charge of their lives. My temper is ignited quite easily and transforms into raging inferno in a matter of seconds. Causing extra adrenaline which allows my fighting to take a more brutal and merciless turn.However, there is a sort of calming aspect to my personality which gives comfort to those that lack calm in times of chaos, fear, or other raging emotions.



-  A little girl, Elyna, who was drawn as tribute in my district. She was twelve. At her tear stricken face I volunteered as tribute. She was my best friend’s sister.

My best friend, Allison, was my training partner for 16 years.

My parents Jacobi and Adira Abraxxas are directly descended from a Victor on my Mother’s Side, where I received most of my training from.



As I live in District Two, I’m trained to kill. It's where most Peacekeepers are recruited, trained, and where weapons are manufactured for them to use, but it originally specialized only in mining and stone cutting. That’s almost a lost tradition these days, though most of the oldtimers are still at work.  I suppose I’ll always be coughing up rock dust.


I grew up in one of the small villages like everyone else from my district, situated around the stone quarry Ark-109.  My family suffered much like other members of the other districts, albeit, not as bad due to the Capital’s preference of us due to our loyalty after the other district’s rebelled. We were the one’s who fought them, our forefathers did, I mean.


My parents: dad’s a stonemason, and mom’s a plasterer, so we live pretty well. We sometimes get luxuries, but when we do it’s often sold later when we are in pinch, and it doesn’t matter really, we’re trained not to get comfortable with our surroundings.


Some of district one participate… in the Bloodworks, admittedly, I’ve done this multiple times to test myself. It’s… the reason I sharpened my teeth into what they are now. The Bloodworks is a secret underground arena. Where we fight, till we can’t anymore. I’ve only ever won, but I can’t help but feel guilty when I see the losers.



(Combat) Vigilant Reflexes - Having been trained in areas of complete silence and overbearing noise  I can detect even the slightest noise and react accordingly to the potential threat.

(Non- Combat) Language Memory - Using known description of things by words. Instead of photographic memory, which could possibly fail most in times of fear, my brain comes up with directions, descriptions, and mantras in my head while doing everything.

(Combat) Hyperactive Adaptability - From the second I enter a training / combat exercise / arena I immediately know how to survive. What types of shelter are most effective, supplies and hunting tactics, and combat techniques that would be most effective in the area.

(Non - Combat) First Aid - Having patched myself up alone after every fight and or training exercise I know what measures to take when it comes to repairing myself.

(Combat) Strength - With a stonemason’s background brute strength is more of a necessity.


   - Strengths -     



Strong Instincts / Logic

Disciplined Metabolism and Resourcefulness



Social Bonding


Open Space Fighting



-Weapon/Fighting Style-

Weapon - War Axe and Teeth
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