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One x One antiestablishmentarianism turned meet cute (storage)


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once upon a time there was a knight and a princess.
one bound by duty to protect the other with their life.
one bound by duty to serve their people no matter the cost.
both fairly inept for the duty of saving their country alone.

what could possibly go wrong?


thread for our characters, world building, npcs, and more!
for NotPoisonousIvy NotPoisonousIvy &. spooooooooder spooooooooder
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so wip it's not even funny

name(s). Jehan Edward DeLarcc
age. 24
gender. Male
role. The Honorable Knight

height. 6’3”
build. bulky and muscular, but not ‘cut.’ there is clear power and strength beneath his armor.
hair. dark brown, bordering on black were it not for the auburn like gleam in the sunlight.
eyes. jade green.
scars. one deep scar down his left eye, starting above the brow and slicing down to the middle of his cheek. earned by infighting at a young age.
identity. sees himself as a warrior at heart where duty is everything and anything else can be a distraction. he ignores the trauma that haunts him and has built this ideal.
faceclaim. undecided.

weaponry. two handed sword, a dagger, and a small mace.
notable item(s). a golden sun necklace with a sapphire at the heart of it. a strip of fading blue taffeta tied to the pommel of his sword.
family. mother passed a year after the birth of his sister. father is estranged. a younger brother (19), and a younger sister (11).
likes. extensive training. new foods. being put to work. working with animals.
dislikes. sitting idly. politics. being kept in the dark on important matters.
fears. having no purpose. trusting others. criticism. losing a loved one.

pos traits. protective. decisive. ethical. observant. assertive.
neg traits. self-destructive. cynical. materialistic. temperamental.
strengths. brave. natural leader.
weaknesses. stubborn under command. impulsive. easily swayed.
virtues. independence. heroism.
vices. servility. intemperance.

Jehan was born into a peasant family, his father worked the docks and his mother was a seamstress. She worked for Ricard de Reymes, the Earl of Syfra, and his wonderful wife. It was because of his wife that she was able to secure a sponsorship for Jehan’s training. He was sent away to live with Sir Burchard, unaware of the cost of this opportunity.
The first five years of serving under Sir Burchard were spent as his page, learning to handle small weapons, tend to the animals, and building the foundations of his morality. He trained daily but it was rare for each day to feel the same as the last. New weapons, new tasks, new people to see and serve. It wasn’t until the age of 14 where he was truly tested in his knowledge before his promotion from page to squire.
Until he was the age of 20, Jehan served Burchard and his wife each day. While they had servants he was not above them and did not think himself of it either. When they mucked stalls, he was there beside them. If he was not training, he was aiding them in cleaning weapons and armor, polishing tack, and filling in the gaps where work needed done. The pride that shown in the couples’ eyes at his ceremony was a memory that Jehan would look back on any time he found himself doubting for many years to come.
By the time of his knighting, the man had become skilled in many ways. He’d been a natural taking to swords of any kind, with maces being a second favourite. His archery skill was decent, capable of taking down large targets but little else. Horseback riding came easily, as did the use of javelins and jousting.
Knighthood granted Jehan many things but even with all of these opportunities opened for him he lived in the castle’s keep amongst the other younger knights, still earning their way towards land and status.

While Jehan was away for his training, he was not completely separated from his family. Once a month he would return home for a few days, perhaps a week around holidays if the Earl decided he had earned it. At home his father slowly turned to the bottle, becoming more and more distant from Jehan despite his attempts to prove himself and impress him. Their relationship deteriorated with each visit as he saw the consequences affecting his family.
His mother and younger brother were always elated to see him, asking questions of what he was learning and what he was doing while he was away. For Jehan it was hard to talk about his life away from them, how much easier he was realizing he had it than them. He was unaware of how hard Ricard worked his mother, never thinking twice about the state of her behind her bright smiles and gentle touches.
Between the age of thirteen and fifteen Jehan did not return home by request of Sir Burchard. He did not argue and accepted it as a necessity to focus his energy into training and honing himself into a weapon for the king. He only returned upon the news of his mother’s passing. In his absence so much had changed, something he would never forgive himself for.
After the birth of his little sister Celene his mother had fallen ill but was worked harder and harder. The Earl’s wife had left to live with her family as her father aged and in her absence her husband’s temperament could not be kept in check as well. His mother had taken the brunt of it dutifully to save her children.
Eventually she fell when Celene was not even two, the child whisked away by the Earl’s wife to raise as her own. Jehan never had a chance to see his little sister until his knighting ceremony. She was the spitting reflection of their mother, with his father’s honey-coloured eyes.
Jehan had had little worry for his younger brother, knowing from a young age that the child’s curiosity would do him well. It was with pride that he watched his brother grow from a boy to a young man, having found a tutor in one of the Earl’s scholarly friends with ties that landed him a position as a scribe for the church.
He paid little attention to what happened to his father after his mother’s passing.

jehan was lucky that his mother worked for a man of high nobility, he sponsored his knighthood. the cost was essentially indentured servitude for the rest of her life. he would visit infrequently and watched his brother grow up to be scholarly, his father became a drunk, his mother worked herself to death, and he never got to see his baby sister until his knighting ceremony.
theme by esbees.
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~Out-WIP-ing spooder with an even WIP-er WIP~




His Majesty, The King
Frederick Henry Fitzroy
60 y/o



Her Majesty, The Queen
Clara Fernanda Fitzroy
53 y/o



His Highness, The First Prince
Felix Hugo Fitzroy
29 y/o
The first in line for succession
Resembles his father quite well, in the sense that he likes to play it safe and never ventures past his comfort zone. Doesn't have any notable talents, nor has he ever caused significant problems. The vast majority of the nobles openly support him.



His Highness, The second Prince
Herman Boris Fitzroy
26, turning 27 y/o
The second in line for succession, although very few openly support him
Is extremely short tembered and has a talent for wielding the sword. Lately there have been rumors of him falling in love with a peasant woman, despite already having a noble fiancee.



Her Highness, The Archduchess of Arnes - currently
The first Princess - formerly
Calliope Arabella Arne (née Fitzroy)
25 y/o
Reknown for her beauty
Married the Archduke of a borderning nation 3 years ago
Is very happy with her current life, at least according to the letters she regularly sends her family



His Highness, The Third Prince
Aiden Oliver Fitzroy
24 y/o



Her Highness, The Second Princess
Cassidy Willow Fitzroy
22 y/o

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