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Multiple Settings Anthro Rps? OPEN (MxM FxF MxF)


Welcome to the Dex!
Let me know if there are ocs you would like to have in our rp and what sort of themes or plot ideas you may have! I'll share too.

Wanted to try and do some role plays with characters I already have pre-made. Role plays will be AU's though for these guys since they already have established universes and story. I will share a brief description that may contain some of their existing relationships but these can be changed to form a story of our own~

First a few quick set up things-
- I can change my oc's age and sexuality for this rp!
-I am a bit slow to reply sometimes but at minimum, I will try to get on reply a day or more.
-Help me tell the story as we go. I will haul my weight but I don't want to haul the whole thing.
-I would like to have my replies be a paragraph to two. I'm not in the mood to write a book for my replies, but this might change. Just looking for a fun easy role play.
-Private message please, not forms/
-I am down for just about anything. throw in wacky ideas, fiction, realism, drama, fluff, it is all good in my book and I don't bite... ;>
- I like romance a lot! just no "love at first sight", please. I'm not a fan.
-My anthro Oc's can live in the same universe as humans, in fact most technically do in my worlds but our rp can be anything. I also own human ocs

I'm not going to reread all these descriptions to see if they are worded well, sorry. Normally I will

Name: Rou Matton
Gender: Male
Species: Alien
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 30
-He is infected by parasites he picked up that are slowly eating him away
-The parasites are known as "The Frost" and are extremely infectious
-Tell tail sign of these parasites is the white pigment that appears and grows on the infected.
-Morals aren't strong
-Would backstab you
-Constantly taking meds to slow the parasite
-Owns an old falling apart space ship names Star
-Grumpy and tired.
Rou currently lives in a situation where he works under a rather powerful woman who supplies him with his meds.
-He goes on a wide variety of odd jobs for her. - These jobs can range from theivery, gathering, murder, cooking, entertainment, grocery shopping, exploration.
Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA



Name: Ezra Fate
Gender: Female
Species: West Highland Terrier
Orientation: Bisexual (Strong female preference)
Age: 17
-Listens to primarily punk music as well as a little bit of soft and classic rock
-Only dresses in black and red (her favorite colors) and her style has a lot of punk themes.
-Rough around the edges, quick to piss off, emotional, sociable, makes tight friendships
-Very much so a fairly average punk teen
-Loves pink and glitter as well. She hides this though from just about everyone except her closest friends
-her room is decorated with lots of cute pink items and colors.
- Will NOT let anyone see her room except for very very very close friends

Lives an average life, goes to school, hangs out with friends, begs to party and see her fav bands live. She goes to school, has slightly lower than average grades, and lives with her parents.
Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA​


Name: Loutan
Gender: Male
Species: Grem (Closed species, not mine)
Orientation: Unsure
Age: 37?
-Likes to Fish
-LIves in a lighthouse many miles away from any town
-Doesn't remember his childhood
-Wears loose pants and a sweatshirt
-Slow to open up but kind

He remembers little of his life before he washed up on the shores of a cool northwestern beach when he was quite young. An old man who lived alone at his lighthouse named Abel had found Lotan not long after being washed up and took him in as his own. Lotan lived with Abel for many, many years. Eventually, Abel's old age led to his unfortunate passing and he left Lotan alone with the lighthouse. Previous to Abel's death the lighthouse had long been out of operation due to it no longer being needed. After his death, Lotan had begun lighting the lighthouse each night ever since. It is unknown if he does this out of grief or not for Abel's passing. The lighthouse where Lotan lives is several hours from town and he only makes the trip there a few times a month if at all. Most of the time Lotan is fishing, growing food in his garden, watching the waves, reading books, or carving little figures into scraps of driftwood.

Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA


Name: Lux Toma
Gender: Female
Species: Saluki
Orientation: Lesbian
Age: 29
-Extreamly thin
-Lives in a crumby crime filled/low-income town.
-Owns her on fish pet shop
-Cares for fish passionately
-Will absolutely STAB YOU
-Lives alone on the top story of her shop
-Is falling in love with "Sage" (another one of my ocs, find bellow this"

She owns her own pet shop that caries exclusively fish and fish items. Here she works 7 days a week and only has one employee. Her shop is very small. She has one customer who is constantly trying to get her to date her.

Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA


Name: Sage Lavoie
Gender: Female
Species: Poney
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 27
-Lives in an apartment with her best friend and co-worker "Porsha"
-Works as a cashier in a grocery store
-Love classic rock, plants, and her betta fish
-Growing affection to Lux
-Loves to just spend time with you and chat
-Favorite color is yellow

She moved out of her home at the age of 20 into an apartment with Porsha, her long time friend. She works a simple job and likes to spend her free time caring for plants, her betta fish, and going to the local fish store to chat with the owner about whatever she can.

Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA



Name: Porsha Hillman
Gender: Female
Species: Aussi
Orientation: Strait
Age: 28
-does not own a bra
-Almost always in sweets
-Is a gamer girl and desires nothing more than to be a professional gamer
-has a heart condition and has had surgery twice
-very very low endurance do to her damaged heart

Lives with Sage. She moved out at 21 after feeling the pressure of her disapproving parents. She spends her time constantly on the computer trying to become the best as she follows her dreams of being a pro gamer. She drinks many many energy drinks and stays up all night long playing loud electronic music and gaming.

Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA


Name: Morris Smith
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon with fluff?
Orientation: Gay
Age: 29
-Captain of the Eclipses"
-Loves the sea
-Will kill you and steal all your shit
His father was a goldsmith. One night everything their family owned was stolen and in one day they went from fairly wealthy to broke. Morris began to resort of thievery and eventually became a pirate.
Nowadays he spends his days stealing and sailing the ocean.
Art Credit: Me, CrabDex on DA

I have several more but I need a break haha



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Hey I would like to run Morris Smith! I freaking love pirates and I know a few sea shanties. I would like to request playing as a straight Male. As that is simply more comfortable for me.

An idea I had would be me going out to sea every month or so to fish. And our story could be about the brief few weeks I come back to harbor to sell my wares and relax. Would work on getting to know you. Steal some of your stuff the first time around. Something like that.

Keep in mind I'm also down for anything you may have in mind. Also totally love the artwork!
I will update the with plot ideas and more organized character stuff once I get home

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