• This section is for roleplays only.
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Futuristic Another Normal Day- Rebirth CS (Work in Progress)



Harbinger of War, Chaos, Death And Toast
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
Welcome to the Character Sheet Section, where you can create your character in the World of Another Day. Please PM me your first attempt after creating a placeholder, where we can go over details.

The Character building system is in progress so simply work on the Details such as Character Backstory and such.

Character building
Character Theme: (Optional)
Image: (Recommended, FC or Art)

Player Name:
Creation Date:
Writing Sample: (Optional)
DIscord Username: (Optional

Character Name
Character Alias:

Character Ranks (Each Mark costs 5 Points except Shal, but lowering a rank will give five points)
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Intelligence 1
Charisma: 1
Wisdom 1
Shal: (Applies to Enhanced only)

Skills:(Each Cost another 5 points)
Ability’s: (Only applies to Enhanced. Common Costs 10 Points, Uncommon 20, Rare 50- can evolve with Moderators permission, costs only five points in that case, but can only go one level.)

Possessions (Quality Costs 5 per level: New, Worn, Old, Broken, Unusable)
Personal Possessions: (Free unless its a “Fathers Sword”, Or “Lucky Minigun”- if it is a weapon or type of gear, put it under the correct category.)

Current Life:

Extra Fluff
Character Ranking
Characters have certain ranks prestaining to specific areas of expertise, whether it is their physical might or the sharpness of their mind. All characters start at average (1) in each field but can buy higher ranks. Some Enhanced Abilities allow an increase in abilities, but otherwise the progression has to wait for the accumulation of points.
Skills determine the characters knowledge, expertise, and ability in certain fields. These can be granted through point purchase or through certain abilities, for example, the skill Stealth is given to anyone possessing the ability Invisibility.
(Required, Pick one for Free, costs ten each)
Melee Combat: The use of Blades and blunt objects against your enemy
Ranged Combat: The use of Firearms and other marksman based weapons
Hand-to-hand combat: The use of bare fists to defeat an enemy.
Cyber Warfare: The ability to implement technology as a weapon. (Recommend Crafting, Mechanics, Technology)
Costs Five Points a piece
History- Knowledge on World (From The Isolation to Present)
Old-World History (Knowledge of Pre-Isolation World)
Warfare: Combat Knowledge/Experience
Stealth: The ability to melt into crowds and shadows.
Survival: Skills allowing the toughest of survivalists to survive any situation life throws at them.
Determination: The sheer willpower that powers heroes to face unsurmountable odds.
Fearlessness: The Absence of Fear
Bravery: The ability to overcome fear
Honor: The Strict code heroes follow
Honour (See The Church of The Truest Seer)
Academics: The ability of a well taught scholar
Linguistics: The ability of translation and deciphering of secret codes.
Forensics: The ability to search a scene for clues.
Technology: The skills needed to operate complex technology
Crafting: The ability to create from various components
Mechanics: The ability to repair what is broken.
Demolitions: Skills pertaining to things that explode
Disguising: The ability to change ones face without enhanced abilities.
Deception: The ability to deceive an enemy
Con-Artistry: The practice of taking advantage of others for your gain.
Sleight of Hand: A skill best used for performance or thievery.
Agility: The ability to move quickly and easily in an environment.
Acrobatics: The training of maneuvering in a unique environment
Stamina: The amount of pain and strain one can take
Medicine: The art of the surgeon
Perception: The training of ones senses to read ones environment.
Pilot: The use of Water-borne transportation
Aviator: The ability to pilot Hovercars and other air vehicles.
Wheelsman: The expertise on wheel-based vehicles.
Trade: the ability to make a profit in an exchange of goods or service.
Negotiation: The ability to convince another to benefit oneself.
Artistry: The art of- well art
Religion: The faith and devotion to a certain Religion
Command/Leadership: The ability to step up and command others who need a leader
Investigation: The ability to search for clues in ones environment.
Persuasion: The ability to persuade others to commit acts or follow you.
Charm: Ability to Convince, Gain the respect of, or unfortunately seduce
Willpower: Force of Will
Pharmaceuticals: The ability to produce medical materials
Coordination: The ability to use different parts of the body efficiently.
Acumen: Mental Quickness, Attention to Detail, Creativity
Climbing: The Ability to climb treacherous terrain
Contortion: The Natural ability to escape physical bonds
Dodging: Ability to evade physical attacks
Lockpicking: The ability to efficiently get past physical locks
Burgling: The art of theft and the criminal underworld
Marksmanship: The ability to hit targets from a far.
Throwing: Marksmanship with hand thrown projectiles
Swimming: The ability to maneuver in aquatic environments.
Cultures: The Knowledge of customs, Languages, and history of foreign locations
Navigation: The ability of finding ones way in a world that has lost itself.
Trapping: The ability to set traps against prey.
Gambling: The ability to Cheat and Bluff in games of Chance and Skill.
Streetwise: The knowledge of urban life.
Tracking: The uses of ones senses to search for an object or person
Bluffing: The ability to lie to others.
Intimidation: The ability to terrify others with your presence.
Following the sudden and mysterious introduction of Enhanced Individuals, many possess supernatural and unfathomable abilities, and even though it is quite impossible to do so, the Scholars Guild has tried to categorize as many abilities. (If your desired ability is not listed PM me and we can go over its placement.)

Each Common Ability is Fifty Points, an Uncommon Ability is Seventy-Five, and Rare abilities are One-Hundred Points. One can ha've multiple abilities, but must check with a moderator. Additionly, all abilities are ranked from One to Ten, each level costing Twenty-Five Points.

Light Manipulation
Light manipulation is the category of abilities involving light, Ranging from the Absorption of Light or the manifestation of Physical Light in the form of Physical Blasts.
Common: Illusions, Light Manipulation, Camouflage, Photonmanipulation, Light Energy Generation, Light Absorption, Light Vision.
Uncommon: Invisibility, Photoportation, Force Field Generation, Light Creation, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Camouflage.
Rare: Physical Light Manipulation (Lasers), Light Mimicry.

Psychic Based Abilities
Abilities based
Common: Telekinesis, Suggestion, Mental Apathy, Telepathy, Fear Manipulation.
Uncommon: Hypnosis, Mind Control, Precognition, Divination, Clairvoyance, Memory Manipulation, Psionic Blast.
Rare: Prophetic Ability, Complete Fear Control, Mass Mind Control.

Superpowered Transportation
Superpowered Transportation follows all forms of transporting oneself in ways that break nature, such as teleportation or Flight.
Common: "Jumping", Mirror Walking, Portal Window Manipulation, Levitation
Uncommon: Shadow Walking, Multiple Person Teleportation, Portal Opening Manipulation, Random Teleportation. Flight
Rare: Material Based Manipulation, Multiple Dimension Hopping, Complex Portal/Window Manipulation, Instantaneous Teleportation.

Nature Manipulation
The ability to change forces/process' of nature, such as changing gravity.
Common: Gravity Manipulation, Sonic/Sound Manipulation, Adhesion, Cohesion,
Uncommon: Dream Walking, Growth Manipulation, Electromagnetism, Energy Manipulation
Rare: Air Manipulation, Elasticity, Organism Nature Manipulation

The abilities pertaining to changing human nature, from gaining certain animals appearances and abilities to shapeshifting.
Common: Organ Adaptation, Minor Mutation, Superhuman Strength,
Uncommon: Major Mutation, Animal Adaptation, Clairaudience, Face Changing
Rare: Transformation, Substance Mimicry, Shapeshifting

With so many abilities on record, many don't fit into the current categories of abilities, even as new systems are created every Year.
Common: Single Duplicating, Magic
Uncommon: Merging, Animal Control, Resurrection
Rare: Spontaneous Object Genesis, Mass Duplication, Temporal Duplication, Disintegration, Necromancy, Animation
Last edited:
Equipment includes all of the Gear and Weapons your character possesses. The quality and upkeep of these items can determine many things, for example- if one owned a cheep, well used rope- there is a good chance it may break, which would be indicated by me sending a DM, or a Moderator indicating the failure of equipment in a post.

Out of the many weapons created either by the rebellion movements, Security Agent Factory's, or horded since The Isolation. There are four categories, Firearms, Improvised, Blunt, and Blades. Firearms and Blades being the most common, due to the underground not possessing the right of independent weapon production, with Undergrounds arsenal restricted to hoarded, stolen, or illegitimate made weapons.

Rifles, Swords, and Clubs cost Twenty points with a five point increase or decrease changing the quality to worn to well maintained. Smaller weapons such as Pistols, Knives, or batons cost Ten, with the same quality rates applying to them.

Gear determines the equipment a character uses, categorized as Individual Tools, Technology, and various Kits containing small gadgets and tools used for various trades and activities. Tools cost Five Points, Technology costs Ten, and Kits cost Fifteen points.

Player Name: Gears
Creation Date: 3/25/2024
Availability: Daily
Discord Username: Gears#3090

Character Name: Eddie Gears
Character Alias: Abyss, Subject E-11

Character Ranks
Strength: 2
Speed: 1
Intelligence 3
Charisma: 2
Wisdom 1
Dexterity: 3
Shal: 0
Skills: Melee Combat, Survival, Stealth, Ranged Combat
Ability’s: Shadow Walking

Weapons: Worn Custom Rifle
Gear: Chemical 23A, Origin Unknown.
Personal Possessions: None

Backstory: Eddie was a victim of one branch of the Security Agency, seeking to further enhance destitute orphans, parents killed during the War, Outbreak, and Chaos of Enhanced joining the fray. Eddie escaped through unknown means for some time before disappearing as a teenager
Current Life: An adult Eddie Gears has reemerged, changed. He is more rage filled, violent, and haunted by... Something. Eddie donned the mask of Abyss to resist the Security Agency's secret projects, but the question is- Ten test subjects escaped alongside Eddie. but they did not reemerge alongside Eddie.
Allegiance: Himself, the Underground Citizens
Ally’s: None
Enemies: Security Agency
Arch-Nemesis: The Revenant
Character Theme: (Adding later)

Player Name: Gears
Creation Date: 3/18/24
Availability: Daily

Character Name: Eral Spades
Character Alias: Baseplate

Character Ranks
Strength: 4
Speed: 1
Intelligence 1
Charisma: 1
Wisdom 4
Dexterity: 3
Shal: 4

Ability’s: Enhanced strength, Speed, Agility, Etc.

Weapons: Standard Model Pistols with Duraliam body
Gear: Jetpack, Wrist Communicator
Personal Possessions: None

Backstory: Eral Spades lived in one of the many Urban Modules that dot the City Center, each habitat cube home to a family. After developing his abilities, Eral joined the Heroes League- First Generation. As a Gen-1 and Accomplished Hero, Eral gained much respect and money, was able to live comfortably, and even was approved for a Strike Team, recruiting three squads of Security Agents and the child of his best Friend- Wraith, whose parents had recently died in a tragic and mysterious accident.
Current Life: Eral now lives an aristocratic life, to his dismay. He misses the glory days of his prime before the Heroes League became more political.
Allegiance: Genisis
Ally’s: Wraith, Enhanced Strike Team 12A
Enemies: Smiler
Arch-Nemesis: Silver Reaper

Extra Fluff
Player Name: Jackson123
Creation Date: 5 Dec 2024
Availability: Weekly

Character Name: Teresa Andersen
Character Alias: "Tracy", "Manhunter", "The Bloodhound of Northern Sector"

Character Ranks (5 points per rank):

Strength: 1
Speed: 3 - 10 points
Intelligence: 2 - 5 points
Charisma: 1
Wisdom: 3 - 10 points
Dexterity: 4 - 15 points
Shal: 1

Total for Ranks: 40 Points

Skills (5 points per skill, one free):

Marksmanship (Free skill – core sniper ability)
Stealth - 5 points
Perception - 5 points
Survival - 5 points
Technology - 5 points
Acumen - 5 points
Dodging - 5 points
Tracking - 5 points
Warfare - 5 points
Total for Skills: 40 Points

Abilities (Enhanced only):
Uncommon Ability: Invisibility - 20 points
Common Ability: Sound Manipulation (to muffle the sound of her gunfire) - 10 points

Total for Abilities: 30 Points

Government Issued Mk 13 Sniper Rifle (Well-Maintained) - 25 Points
Tactical Kit (Ghillie suit, climbing gear, survival tools) - 15 points
Personal Possessions:
Father's Locket (sentimental item)

Ranks: 40 Points
Skills: 40 Points
Abilities: 30 Points
Weapons: 25 Points
Gear: 15 Points)

Teresa's father, James, was an Army Special Forces operatives in the Century War. After the war ended, James Andersen became one of the "old guards" at the establishment of the Surface, as he was the commander of the bodyguard service to high ranking officials at the time. Teresa grew up idolizing her father, when she was in middle school she saw news about the Reckoning, which inspired her to join the Security Agency out of a desire to maintain order. She enlisted to the Security Agency the same year that she graduated high school. Her reputation as "Manhunter" was forged during the underground rebellion, where she was active in eliminating key insurgent leaders.

When the Enhanced emerged, Teresa became known in neutralizing rogue individuals and protecting the Surface from threats. Her relentless pursuit and commitment to her duty earned her both admirers and enemies.

Current Life: Teresa now operates in the volatile Northern Sector, a region abandoned after the Reckoning, tasked with eliminating the criminal elements that have taken root there.
Allegiance: Security Agency (Special Operations Division)
Ally’s: The Surface
Enemies: Criminals, Rebels
Character Theme: (TBD)

Player Name:
Creation Date:
Writing Sample: (Optional)
DIscord Username: (Optional

Character Name: Graham
Character Alias: Agent-67E

Character Ranks (Each Mark costs 5 Points except Shal, but lowering a rank will give five points)
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Intelligence 5
Charisma: 3
Wisdom 3
Dexterity 3
Shal: (Applies to Enhanced only)

Skills: Melee Combat, Warfare, Old-World History, Determination, Honor, Academics, Linguistics, Medicine.
Ability’s: (Only applies to Enhanced. Common Costs 10 Points, Uncommon 20, Rare 50- can evolve with Moderators permission, costs only five points in that case, but can only go one level.)

Weapons: Worn Pistol, Worn Baton
Gear: Medical Kit
Personal Possessions: (Free unless its a “Fathers Sword”, Or “Lucky Minigun”- if it is a weapon or type of gear, put it under the correct category.)

Backstory: (No Spoilers)
Current Life: Security Agent Ground Agent
Allegiance: Genesis
Ally’s: His team
Enemies: None

Extra Fluff

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