Another new kid


little pumpkin
Hello there!

I'm technically 'new' here since I just created a new account a week ago but I have been on this site last 2013. I was planning on using my old account but I wanted to start anew since the site changed a lot the last time I was here. I'm still new to the whole forums and things but so far impressed by the different RP's! I'm still a bit rusty but I hope you guys don't mind RPing with me!
Welcome back to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Hello there!

I'm technically 'new' here since I just created a new account a week ago but I have been on this site last 2013. I was planning on using my old account but I wanted to start anew since the site changed a lot the last time I was here. I'm still new to the whole forums and things but so far impressed by the different RP's! I'm still a bit rusty but I hope you guys don't mind RPing with me!
Hey, ^-^ I've Been Here Since 2014. Maybe We Can Be Frans? And I'm Also Dazzled About How Different It Looks And How Much This Site Has Developed. It's Moved So Far Without Meh ;-;
Welcome back to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Thank you for the warm welcome! :D
Hey, ^-^ I've Been Here Since 2014. Maybe We Can Be Frans? And I'm Also Dazzled About How Different It Looks And How Much This Site Has Developed. It's Moved So Far Without Meh ;-;
Sure! I would love to meet new people here lol. I know right, Im surprised to how much it changed but it's great for the community! Although I am trying to understand the different forums and coding and all. xD
Welcome back fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3
If you're looking for partners I'd suggest checking out our Searching for Partners (or group) threads ^-^
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions ^D^

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