Another New Guy!


New Member
Hi guys! I'm new here, hoping to join in some really awesome RP'S. Just graduated uni and hope to do a Teacher Course after a gap year. I want to keep my quality of writing up whilst also playing with some creative writing. I've had a lot of experience with RP's before, especially in the Superhero and Supernatural genres.

I'd like to make some awesome RP buddies and take part in some awesome stories. The best kind of RP's (for me) are the ones that have a set time, in which events happen and eventually the story itself ends with everyone having to find their way to their characters conclusion. Sometimes I organize such RP's when I get a great idea, so keep an eye out!

Anyway... HELLO!
Welcome Neon aka Other New Guy to RPN. I'm sure you'll be able to polish up your skills and create some awesome RPs on here. Have fun and enjoy yourself!

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