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Fandom another my hero academia thread ~ ccxoc, ocxoc, ccxcc


Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
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  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
[ currently open ]​

hi there friends, here’s my new and improved mha-themed search thread! it mostly contains canon x oc stuff, but there’s also a few oc x oc prompts and some possibility for canon x canon (if i can try playing ochaco) too. details will be below for those maybe interested!

please keep in mind that i’m not up to date with the manga anymore - i stopped (i forget why) sometime around the beginning of the final battle. i’ve seen a ton of spoilers about the ending though, as spoilers don’t bother me at all (so if you happen to slip up a lil, it’s perfectly okay)! i don’t remember where i left off at in the anime.

with all that being said, canon divergence and/or au’s are preferred! i’m just not a fan of just strictly following canon, so i’m very sorry if that’s what you were hoping for. i’m okay with referencing canon events here n there still of course, but i’d really prefer to create our own story with the characters we choose to play as!

but yeah - please do read everything n if you decide you maybe wanna give things a shot, please privately message me a brief intro about yourself + what specifically you wanna do - thank you!! ^^

note: if we tried to plot before but things didn’t work out for whatever reason, but you still want to try n give things a shot, please do message me again because i’m probably so so down!!

18+ (or 20+ if possible) partners only please! please no minors.

third person pov only & replies at least a paragraph or two in length - longer replies are welcome, but just be aware that i may not be able to replicate the same length right now. please no first person pov or one-liners! i can write in all lowercase or with proper capitalization ic - whichever you prefer, really. :]

reply whenever you want to / are able, there’s no rush at all, i promise you!! i want this to be very laid back. that being said, PLEASE do not expect rapid-fire replies from me, as i reply very slowly ic & (sometimes) ooc. if i ever forget to reply for a bit, feel free to bump me (just please don’t constantly spam me or pressure me for replies in general)!

i’m ghost friendly - i totes understand farewells can’t always be given! i will try my best to give a heads up if i must be absent / leave for whatever reason, but PLEASE understand that sometimes i get WAY too anxious to send a message and may end up poofing on ya. it’s never anything personal, i just get REALLY overwhelmed VERY easily.

romance (preferably at least somewhat slowburn) is a must!

MxF (with me as the female) is greatly preferred, at least for my end if we double (see below). if we double, your side can probably be any pairing (though if it matters any, i’m significantly more familiar with / prefer MxF and FxF)!

i can try my best to double if you want me to, so please do present your ocs / ideas to me if you have any already thought out (it’s okay if you don’t though, just please tell me that)! doubling isn’t required if you’d just like to play a canon character. i could be convinced to double for oc x oc depending on the prompt, but i won’t double whatsoever for canon x canon.

i’d really like to use discord for this if possible, so we can make a server and organize things better!! if you absolutely require it to be onsite though, it’d have to be in pm’s (just please keep in mind that i don’t log on everyday).

please tell me your triggers at some point before we start! as for me, i don’t really have any triggers atm (that i know of) - i’ll definitely let you know if this ever changes. please don’t expect me to write smut though, it’s not really my thing and it’s against site rules to begin with.

i’m may be open to creating a small mha-themed group instead (depending on the premise we go with), if anyone would be interested in running one with me.
you can call me rattie, stray, or katie! whichever is easiest for you.

i’m a 24 y/o incredibly-anxiety-riddled artist (i usually like to draw my ocs whenever i’m able)!

i use she/they/it pronouns at the moment!

currently a cat mama of two, Eli and Miss Kitty! i can totes send pictures of them if ever requested!

i only write in third person pov, and i typically write multiple paragraphs of varying lengths! i usually use proper capitalization for ic and all lowercase for ooc, but i’m okay using all lowercase for ic too if you’re cool with it. ^^

i’m a VERY slow responder ic and sometimes ooc too (bumping is encouraged if it ever takes me a while to reply). i’m also usually very slow at coming up with plot ideas because my brain is silly. PLEASE do not rush me!! if you want / expect rapid fire responses, i’m not the rp partner for you.

i absolutely LOOOOVE ooc chatter and being friends with my rp partner (if possible), even if i may not always respond right away!! making headcanons, moodboards, playlists, art, etc for the rps and just yapping about everything and anything in general is always so fun to me!!!

i usually tend to play female main characters, but i can certainly try to play a male character for you only if we double!

i’m always down to give multiple rps a shot, if you’d ever want to! that way we can explore multiple different concepts, and reply to said concepts whenever we have ideas for them!

i’m a huge lover of shoujo animanga (and romance stuff in general)! i love to incorporate some good ole shoujo-themed tropes in my rps whenever i’m able to, haha. :3c

i’m currently looking for aizawa, bakugo, dabi, kaminari, or kirishima!

i can try doubling up as ochaco, izuku, toru, mina, kaminari, kirishima, tamaki, mirio, hawks, oboro, or a-probably-very-pg midnight! i’d also love to try out playing pro-hero!toya or aizawa (but only if you can play him for me in a separate rp) at some point, but i fear i might butcher them a little bit (at least at the start). i may also be down to try playing present mic, shinso, iida, or shouto, but again, i may butcher them a tad (so you’ve been warned)! i will not play endeavor because i do NOT like him (to put it nicely), and probably not any of the villains as actual villains because i am CERTAIN i will butcher them. :’>

for canon x canon, i’m only looking to try playing ochaco rn. while i do love ochaco x bakugo and ochaco x toga the most, i can probably be convinced to try out a different ochaco pairing instead if you have one already in mind - just ask! i don’t have any prompts in mind for her rn, though, so we’d have to come up with one.

  • maybe our own rendition of a college-aged hero course class with dif pairings? or just one student x student pairing rather than multiple? like, we could each play one main, or multiple!! idk, it’d have to be discussed. may be very selective with this particular prompt.

    civilian (me) x villain (you), in which your character becomes intrigued by my character for some reason despite the difference in their roles. or maybe my character takes your character in to tend to their wounds after finding them badly injured somewhere, not knowing their true identity? i’d be open to including darker themes for this particular pairing, if you’d want to include them!

    civilian (me) x pro-hero (you), in which my character is a big fan of your character and has been for a while. they could finally end up meeting face-to-face one day when my character tries to protect yours from a surprise villain attack, resulting in my character getting injured and ending up in the hospital for a period of time. feeling responsible / guilty, your character visits mine whenever possible, and their bond grows from there! or something like that haha. OR, your character is the one who comes to like my character first, and there’s like drama n such cuz my character is just an ordinary girl (also maybe quirkless, if you think that’d be more interesting) and yours is a popular pro-hero! :>

    maybe we could try out a rp that focuses on a small group of pro-hero (or other role) friends and their daily lives n relationships with each other? i think that’d be so so cute n fun!!! would maybe be down for us to play multiple mains each for this particular prompt.
bump - i would absolutely love to do a shoujo-inspired rp with any of the canons i've requested,,, bonus points if it's a college au, or an au where quirks never existed!! ;u;
If you are still interested i would be willing to play Dabi for you if you want. My discord is soul_004

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