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Fantasy ✩ Another Medieval Fantasy // Novella // Deep Storyline


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Greetings, fellow storytellers!

I'm seeking a creative and committed adult male to embark on a journey set in a rich medieval fantasy world. I am looking for 2/3 paragraphs-novella style and 3rd person past tense please :) Here's the backdrop of our tale:

The World: The continent of Mireya, once home to the majestic Elven Kingdom, now lies abandoned and tainted after a brutal war between the orcs and elves. The orcs, in their bid for domination, hired mercenaries to poison the wells across Mireya, leading to a devastating disease that wiped out the elven population. Unfortunately, the orcs themselves were affected as the poisoned land seeped into the earth, threatening the entire realm.

As panic spread, humans flocked to mass in unprecedented numbers, fearing the disease would decimate all life. After a long, harsh winter, rumors begin to circulate. A pigeon delivers a message—a ship has spotted signs of life on the shores of the once-dead Mireya.

The Plot: Your character, a leader of men and explorer at heart, whoever you wish, decides to send a fleet or group to investigate. Among the ruins of the elven palace, your people discover a hidden chamber. Inside, they find my character, the long-lost daughter of the elven emperor, locked away since she was a toddler. She is now the last elf, sheltered from the outside world for 15 long years.

Though she has survived in isolation, she is unaware of the world beyond her chamber walls, save for the books that teach her about a kingdom she does not remember. As the ruler of Mireya in name, she is uneducated but not ignorant. Together, our characters must navigate the complex politics of this post-war world and decide the fate of our characters.

About Me: I can commit to one substantial reply a day, typically around three paragraphs, as I balance work and school. I'm looking for someone who enjoys detailed roleplay, character development, and plot-driven stories.

If this setting sparks your interest, I'd love to hear about the character you'd like to bring to this story. Let's create something memorable together!

Please note: Everyone must be 18+. Thank you!

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