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Multiple Settings Another Eno Partner Search


Time to murder the English language.
Intro/About Me

Hey, how are you? As you know from clicking on this I am looking for a partner. I have way more free time than I was expecting, and have started to get bored. I really only do OC stories and most of the ones I make are designed to be really huge and long epic style stories. When it comes to characters I only really main male characters, they are much easier to write as I am one, but I do typically make large casts of all genders. I write detailed stories because I am a big fan of big worlds with a lot fun quirks, and well developed characters. Also, since I am old, my stories tend to be mature in nature and have cursing.

I have been writing for a while now and I would like to say that my grammar and stuff isn't too bad. I respond fairly quickly (read as within 1-2 days) unless I am having trouble thinking of where to direct the story. If that is the case I will let to know so I can get some help with that. Also, I am a very hard outliner when it comes to stories. I will usually have pretty good understanding on various events and personal character developments, before even starting the story. This does not mean that I do not like having my planing become pointless. I rp because I enjoy when a character does something completely different from what I had originally envisioned.

My Ideal Partner

I don't need much in a partner, but there is some things I require. You have to have decent grammar. Nothing kills my enjoyment like not understanding what someone is trying to say. Next, you have to help me push the story. I am all good with you reacting to what I do, but sometimes my main character will do things that have nothing to do with yours. In those moments I like to see some character independence. Other than that, please don't write just a sentence. There is a lot in the world your character can do and talk about, I would love to hear about it. Also, don't force my main character to stuff. You can control the side characters I make as much as you want, but I am greedy about my main guy. Last, and most important to me, talk to me. If you have plans or if I mess up, let me know. We are equals in this and I never want you to forget that. I think rp's are the best when we both enjoy them and work together.

Closing/ Story

Thanks for sticking with me so far, we are almost done. When it comes to stories, I am fine with most genres although I am a big fan of action and adventure. I enjoy making up new story plots so if you want we can make a new story based on what we both like. Let me know what kind of stuff you like if you interested or if you have any ideas. I am fine with doing stories in pm or normal threads, it doesn't bother me at all. So, without further ado, here are some stories I would like to work on.

Owner of All Art
There is a city reminiscent of Ancient Greece, centered in between two high cliffs with a large body of water at the back. In the city there is an building closest to the water that is a school and an art museum. Students learn learn the ways of art and play games. Above this city two mask like faces hang in the sky with the sun and travel across the sky. One is Medus and the other is his lover. When the masks are together there is no issue, but when Medus travels the sky alone one must be wary. Medus likes to scour the city while alone and look for art that pleases him. If he finds something that greatly pleases or displeases him, it automatically becomes an art piece inside the school forever
When I dreamt this one, it felt like a horror story honestly. There was a part where kids in the school were forced to preform in front of Medus and whoever was worse became apart of the gallery. Let me know if you have ideas about this one, it would be fun to see what others think of it.

Forged Spirits
In a world where when you die you become a weapon based on your life, what would the world be like? What would happen in that world if you would use another’s weapon to strengthen your own. I would like to create a story based on this world.

Weaponized Love (this will change when I think of something better)
This setting is a modern, but really beat up world clearly ravaged by the horrors of man. The story takes place in a military training facility. A group of guys were getting trained for some group. One of the people in the group uses powers while doing practicing at a shooting range. The story then pans away to a person with a dragon and the dragon dying. Energy then flows from the dragon to the person and the person proclaims that the dragon must have loved them.

(People get powers from creatures after they die if they loved them. These powered people are being used in war.)
This one is another story from a dream, which is why the description is so choppy. I could have fixed that, but I wanted you to hear the story as I got it. This one I am most interested in exploring since I have always been a fan of exploring the horrors of war, and how people deal with that.

Sofa to Emmy
After a guy who though he would just be going to a concert gets dragged into being apart of a movie. He finds that there are a lot of trials involved with acting, most difficult of which is working with his fellow supporting actor. Will the pure bread daughter of actor parents, on her debut film, be able to work with the no nothing concert goer to fulfill the lead actors dream of an Emmy before he retires.
This one just seems fun. I’ve always been a fan of enemies coming together for a goal and finding out they like each other in the end. Also who doesn’t like a good romance story. Oh yea, this is a romance story by the way.

The Storm
This story follows a detective and a criminal who discover that they have the ability to occasionally gain hyper intelligence. After learning about their ability, they work to understand it better and use that gift to keep themselves one step in front of the other.
So yea, fun story about this one, this story started out as a poem. It has since become one of my favorite projects to think about. What would happen it a thief could see a near infinite line of causality in an instant? It is also fun for me because it is the continuation story for the character in the Thieving Raven (that story is below). Anyway, I planned on writing this one solo, but I though it would be fun to see how others would tackle hyper intelligence crime/crime solving.

I believe that is it. If you are interested, or want to know more let me know. Thanks for reading. You are awesome. My old stories are below so you can see what kind of stuff I come up with. I would prefer not to do some of those again though. They are my babies and it feels bad to have them die over and over. If you believe you have a never give up attitude and passion for the story, I may consider it. Also, I was lazy and just copied them, so there will probably be errors. Who am I kidding, there probably has already been errors. Sorry about that, hope you enjoyed nonetheless.

Death Row Heroes
The kingdom of Sienne has two princesses that have been fighting for who would get the throne. Their hate for each other has continued through the years and has only grown as the king grew closer to death. When the king finally died, his will read that both of the girls would rule together and make the kingdom grow through their cooperation. Their fathers last wishes fell on def ears and the sisters continued to fight.

The sister's attitude only starts to change when two lone warriors show up in town, both of them having been sentenced to death by the strict and unreasonable laws of the land. While the princesses argued and fought, the neighboring kingdoms plotted to destroy their now weaker rival. The princesses abruptly find out about their neighbor's plans when during the men's execution they are attacked. The two men swiftly get loose from their bonds, save the princesses, and retake their spots on the execution platform. Moved by the display and their pure power, the two princesses agree to let them live under their servitude. After, the four of them work to save the failing kingdom and punish those who would rise against them.

The Thieving Raven
The Thieving Raven is about the relationship and adventure between a master thief and the daughter of a police officer who is hunting him down. As the Raven gets more deeply involved with the daughter will she learn who he is, and more importantly what will she do with the information she has gained? How will this relationship change the two of them? Will the relationship destroy the Raven once and for all or will he come away with his greatest prize yet?

Live Long Enough
This is the story of a group of heroes that saved a massive city called the Citadel but, were then outcast by the very people they had once saved. The heroes in their last quest learned of an attack from the heavens that would destroy the world. When the sky turns black and the horn of the end is blown there will be twelve creatures that fall from the sky one after another, each with the strength to kill millions, and each stronger than the last. Since they were cast out before telling the masses, the majority of Citadel lives it's life in ignorant bliss unaware of the end that draws closer, and those who do know don't believe the threat is real. The heroes now face the choice of will they protect the place that turned its back on them of would they let the world burn?

The short version is that this woman has to survive in a world of monsters and find not only the person who caused the world to change, but also a way to prove that the people of the world are worth saving. I plan for it to be in midevil times like most fantasies, I think it would fit best. If you are interested, have suggestions, or questions let me know. Here is some fun backstory stuff if you want to read it.

"Kill her," A man yelled from the crowd. " Burn her," A woman shrieked from behind her torch light. " She is the reason our lives are hell," Another man hollered " She is a sin against god." The chant of " Burn her " then made its way through the crowd until the roar of the mob overtook the sound of the woman crying on the pyre.

A man in robes walked next to the pyre with torch in hand and the crowd quieted down. " For too long has our city been the play thing of evil," The man said " Too many of our family members have been taken from us by this spawn of evil. Today we take retribution for our suffering and lost ones. Today we end our darkness and return to the light."

The woman screamed her innocence, but the crowd would not hear it. The woman then bowed her head and prayed " Please god do not let this evil win. Let justice be done to those who truly deserve it and mercy to those who do not. In you name I pray." Her prayer was interrupted by the smell of fire and a burning on her legs. The woman began to scream as she was engulfed by fire and her screams were once again overtaken by the roar of the crowd.

" God will not hear you," A cloaked figure in the crowd said " But I will give the people of this land their just reward."

The fire of the pyre was instantly snuffed out leaving only the torchlight of the crowd to provide light. As shock and questions spread through the crowd a dark wave began to spread from the pyre and make its way through the crowd. As it touched the people their bodies began to break and change. The woman on the pyre looked out at the crowd as they screamed and cried, ignoring her own pain. Her eyes widened as her potential killers transformed into monsters of varying terror.

She looked around and to her left sitting on the pyre with her was a cloaked figure. " The darkness will spread and the true form of their evil will be revealed," The figure said " The darkness will spread and all evil will receive..... justice." The woman looked at the figure shocked. " This is not what I wanted," She said " This makes me no better than them." A white smile showed through the hood of cloak. " The fact you are not like them proves otherwise," the figure said " Now go before their transformation is complete and they can attack. I hope you are able to find others in this world who are deserving of the mercy you spoke of."

As the bonds on the woman fell free she looked back at the figure who sat casually on the pyre. " How can I undo this," the woman asked. The figure smiled again. " You really are a shining beacon in a dark world," the figure said " If you can find me again and prove to me that this world is worthy of mercy, I may consider it. Grow strong child because the road will be filled with monsters." The woman gave the figure a nod before jumping off the pyre and running out of the town.

The figure watched as the screaming stopped and the monsters rose complete. They turned and began to rush at the cloaked figure. With a wave of its hand the creatures fell to their knees unable to move. " I think I will give her a little help in her journey," the figure said. With another wave of its hand a sword appeared and with one more the sword vanished.

As the woman ran she stopped when she felt a weight on her side. She looked down and found a sword on her waist. The woman pulled the sword out of its sheath and looked at the blade. A smile came to her face when she read the word written across the spine of the blade, redemption.

Tale of Two Cities
What if being poor was a crime? In the country of Arsenal it is. Arsenal is split into two major locations, the first is Arsenal City (Haven) a place of wealth, pleasures, and plenty. The second location is Arsenal's prison island, which has become a civilization of its own. While the people of Haven use the prison island as a form of entertainment the people of the island work hard to survive in their unforgiving home.

The Impact
The Impact is an action, adventure, fantasy, survival, story where you jump into the role of a member of an expedition team who risks their lives to travel to the meteor crash site to try to find a way to save humanity. Here is a little extra to explain it better, it is only a drop in the bucket, but it should help. Sorry about the not keeping it short on this. Think of it as a writing sample)

"The world was running just fine. Man was the top of the food chain, industry was thriving, and life expectancy was high. Nobody had expected that to change in just an hour. On the news they said that the meteor would miss the earth. Then they said that it would burn up in the atmosphere. Then they said it would land in the ocean away from people and there wouldn't be an issue unless you lived on the coast.

They lied

On April 30th the meteor hit Washington D.C. On contact it caused an EMP like effect that not only took out electronics, but also took out other wave dependent communication. Ten minutes later the earthquakes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and tidal waves hit. 20 minutes later the sky is covered by a think layer of dust and debris. After ten minutes in pitch darkness the dust cleared to reveal the destruction nature caused. After another ten minutes people just started dropping in the street. I was on of them so what comes next is what I learned when I awoke after. During the last ten minutes the earth went into overdrive and the world became covered in vegetation and some the plants and animals underwent rapid evolution.

Now humans are not the top of the food chain. Industry has been destroyed and has reverted to near midevil infrastructure. Life expectancy is a thing of the past. All this happened in one hour but that's not the biggest kicker. Plants and animals weren't the only things to undergo rapid evolution. Most of the humans that had dropped during the fiftieth minute had not awoken, but the ones that did woke with strange abilities. They could do things that normal humans couldn't, and of course they were hated and feared for it. At a time when humans should be united, we of course divided ourselves.

Now it's Humans, verses the Elevated, verses Nature. As expected humans in both forms are loosing. Nature is unrelenting, unmerciful, and unchained. Does humanity stand a chance, we hope so. It is to find a chance that some of us are trying to make it to the meteor drop sight to learn about what caused this. The only problem is the closer you get to the meteor the stronger the evolution is, which means everything is more deadly the closer you get.

We are the 42nd expedition team. We are leaving from California which has one of the last handholds of human civilization. The others have not returned so we assume the worst. This only serves to move use foreword, because we know that humanities only chance rides on our success. Who knows, maybe we will get our faces in a mountain if we succeed?

To those who come after me. I leave this message to let history know what has happened to the strong and proud human race. I hope that I can tell this message myself after we return, but sadly I'm a realist and I know we will most likely die. If you chose to follow me remember to write something for the people who come after you, and also remember we cannot give up. If we give up that's really when we are done for."

We do it for the Family
The government is overthrown and controlled by a single dictator. The last pocket of resistance is the city of Naples and the Mafia who calls it home. Out of necessity the family become defenders of the people. In order to end the conflict an elite group is sent in to bring down the new dictator.

Love Your Enemy
This is an action, drama, and romance story. It follows the lives and relationship of the head hitman of a mafia family, XIII, and the survivor of one of his first jobs. When XIII was just a child he was charged with the killing of a business man. XIII killed the man and everyone who saw him, as he was ordered, but he let the women and children live. This included the daughter of the businessman who watched him as he killed her father. Years later after much growing and changing XIII and the daughter meet again as strangers.

Things from our Past
This story is about the trials of a man who is cursed to be chased by a creature every night. His only escape is to be surrounded by water which the creature can't cross. While he runs at night, he uses his day to find a way to break his curse. He then ends up finding out that he is connected to a woman in the city, and that their ancestors are the cause of the curse that plagues him today. The two then work together to find out what in their past caused the creature to hunt them, and how to stop it.

The Sealing Swords
Deep into the vacuum of space far away from most intelligent life is a lone planet that circles a single sun. Those who discovered the planet named it B-12. They named it this because of the blackholes that surrounded the system, making it nearly impossible to get close.

Those who first landed on the planet found a place of terror and diversity. The massive planet was home to the worst creatures across the universe. The people who landed were saved thanks to weapons they found in temples. The weapons empowered them and allowed them to fight against the creatures and return home.

Upon their return, the firsts, realized just how strong these weapons had made them. They were no longer the same as those around them. They then showed their dominance to those species foolish enough to challenge them, and the fame of the firsts and their weapons spread across the universe.

Now every species attempts to find a way to B-12 in order to claim a weapon for themselves and their people. While they search for the prize of their dream, these hunters may find a prize they were never expecting.
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Love Your Enemy is very intriguing, care to elaborate in Pms

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