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hi, hello, how are you? whoever is reading this, i hope you're doing well, especially during these difficult times. thank you for bothering to read this pretentious interest check, and i apologise for its length lol. i'm leah, so feel free to call me as such my loves! i'm currently studying english and creative writing at university and it's basically kicked the shit of me, ran me over, then thrown me off a cliff. i haven't made one of these in well over a year so i think it's fair to create a new one. anything listed is what i would like to write but i would also like to hear any ideas from you, if there's something you're bursting to try! send me a private message if you're interested, instead of commenting - unless youโ€™re new ofc and are unable to.

> i'm 18+ so, for me, a minimum age of 16 is ideal. be prepared to incorporate gritty, graphic, and taboo themes/topics into our story.
> fyi, my time zone is GMT
> any gender pairing is completely fine with me. although i do feel more comfortable playing female.
> romance isn't a priority - platonic relationships are just as interesting to explore - but it is nice to involve it at times.
> i'm a perfectionist albeit not in quirky way, it's debilitating practically all the time and makes activities such as writing even more difficult than they already are. as a result, i can take anywhere from a week to a few MONTHS to write a piece of prose. sometimes i wish i could just do a ton of cocaine and write 6 pages every day like stephen king. i'm in this for the long run so how often you post is no fuss.
> although, i can still be a bit of a ditz sometimes, and i type too fast for my thoughts to comprehend what i'm writing, or even after my twentieth time of editing i accidentally skim over things: i miss out words, use the wrong tense in a sentence, add an extra punctuation mark. if you make minor spelling and grammar mistakes, don't worry about it - everyone does it : )
> we've all heard the platitude: 'quality over quantity'. but i usually write 700-1,400 words and even up to 2,000 if i'm incredibly inspired. however, i suppose in the end it really is quality over quantity. i'd much rather you provide a couple of paragraphs with profound writing than 2,000 words with no story or character development. i just ask for your post to include a sufficient amount of development that we can easily bounce ideas off each other. a writing sample isn't necessary but if you have one then i'd love to read it! i can provide one as well if you wish.
> i consider myself to be a writer, so i treat these roleplays as if i'm co-writing a novel. not in the sense that i take it too seriously and will whinge if my wants are not met. i would like to write a story with you where i will cry, laugh, feel butterflies, and etcetera; where we have multiple side characters who i'm just as emotionally invested in as our main characters; a world that truly feels alive with every location; i would like to feel as if i am writing a novel, just with another person.
> i write in third person past tense, and i ask that you do the same.
> i've never been on this site to solely write. i love making friends with those i write with; if i'm honest, my favourite roleplays are the ones where i became good friends with my partner. i love making mood boards, playlists, and hell even memes for our roleplays. i don't want to just talk to you ooc when we need to discuss a certain part of the story. connecting, to some extent, makes it easier to collaborate and furthers my interest tenfold. if you don't care to be friends, at least let me spam you with cute shit i think of about the story? my characters are my emotional support
> i'm only really looking for one or two partners atm!
> due to the length of this post, tell me your favourite film to prove you've read it! i'm a huge fan of cinema and i'm inspired mostly by films and tv shows.

> ANYTHING SUPERNATURAL! i don't know what it is, but i love to incorporate supernatural aspects into my stories: werewolves, vampires, banshees, wendigos, all that good dark and edgy shit.
> i love psychological horror films such as midsommar and hereditary so give me some of that mysterious and freaky horror shit as well.
> i've not watched all of it, but i'm very much obsessed with the show 'the boys' atm
> a nice little, cliche, unoriginal high school/college play. i enjoy the simplicity of them, and it's easy to incorporate other genres into it. give me the star athlete that has all the girls swoon over him, yet he's actually a humble gentleman. give me an outcast who doesn't want to eat alone, the bad boy who wears leather jackets and has convinced himself that he's misunderstood. i want a popular girl who believes they're superior to everyone.
> someone moving back to their old town and they end up reconnecting with an ex.
>anything set in the 70s, 80, or 90s. dear god do i love the style from the late twentieth century.
>however, i haven't explored much writing in a historical setting, but i am very much willing to try it out.
> dystopian 1984esque (how original of me!) futures with authoritarian governments, secret plots, and etcetera.
> a post-apocalyptic setting similar to fallout: different creatures, settlements, gangs, and etcetera.
> humans who discover they have superpowers and are struggling to deal with them - similar to x-men.
> as i grow up, angst isn't as appealing to me, but i still find a way to make my characters suffer endlessly
> in correlation to what i previously mentioned, make our characters suffer. it adds layers to them, gives more to write about, gives underlying reasons as to why they do the things they do

for me, fandoms are a rarity, but here's a sample of what i'm interested in (canon or oc is fine). however, i'm really looking for roleplays INSPIRED by these:
> teen wolf
> sex education
> doctor who
> doom patrol
> teen titans
> DC in general
> marvel in general
> tokyo ghoul
> death note
> mass effect
> the umbrella academy
> stranger things
> harry potter

i honestly don't care much for pairings but there's no harm in including them:
> supernatural x human
> detective x detective
> gang member x opposing gang member
> popular x outcast
> singer x bandmate
> royalty x non-royalty


> Thereโ€™s a boarding school where all students, staff and faculty are supernatural beings. Dormitories are separated based on kind. despite efforts of administration and faculty to make the school harmonious, there are tensions between kinds (e.g. vampires vs werewolves) and even between families within supernatural groups (e.g. vampire vs vampire). If thatโ€™s not complicated enough, there are halflings who are caught in the middle of all those tensions at once.

> Muse A is distracted when an out-of-breath Muse B takes a seat by them on the train. When they finally glance over at their seat companion 2 stops later, they catch sight of smeared blood on Muse Bโ€™s fingers/clothes. Muse B signals for Muse A to keep quiet then and they calmly lean over to inform Muse A that theyโ€™re going to need their help getting away because theyโ€™ve just committed a crime.

> Muse A is looking for a spot to sit and enjoy their hot beverage and fresh pastry in a crowded cafe. Itโ€™s raining out so theyโ€™d rather stay put, at least until it tapers off. The only seat free is the one at Muse Bโ€™s table.

> Muse A has hit a rough patch in their life and decides to spend the night drinking their troubles away at the bar. Muse B occupies the seat next to Muse A and notices that Muse A seems down; Muse B offers Muse A a sympathetic ear.


> In a future world where human beings no longer have the ability to reproduce without the aid of scientific engineering (due to decades of exposure to harsh environmental pollutants and secret government initiatives to stave off the population to preserve resources), the kiss has become the highest form of physical intimacy. Kisses are reserved for your Cherished Oneโ€“a mate who is assigned by a local agency based on extensive compatibility evaluations given when someone reaches the age of 18. Embracing someone who is not your Cherished One in this special way is a crime punishable by law, with serious repercussions for both people caught in the act. Those who are caught betraying their Cherished One can be sent to an interment facility for varying amounts of time depending on the severity of the โ€˜offenseโ€™ and may forfeit their right to participate in an annual lottery that decides which couples will be permitted to bear children through in vitro means. There are couples who are rumoured to have defied the law and abandoned their Cherished One for another, but little is known of โ€˜the Disgracedโ€™ as they are called because they must live apart from society in order to avoid the reach of the authorities. Muse A and Muse B have just taken their compatibility evaluations.

> Muse A is a single parent of two who managed to avoid the draft due to a chronic limp. Living on the edge of country A, they struggle to find a way to protect themselves and their children without the resources to move closer to the capital. Muse B, the eccentric recruiter for an emerging survivalist group, brings them into the groupโ€™s compound and begins to teach them how to use a gun and patrol the compoundโ€™s fences. While Muse A wrestles with distrust of the groupโ€™s overzealous leader, who preaches anti-government in entirety, and the need to protect their children, they learn to be a militia soldier. Itโ€™s only a matter of time until the battles begin

>People tend to think that Muse A is strange. Theyโ€™re a loner who always seems to be lost in thought, devoid of sleep, and red-eyed as if theyโ€™ve been crying for days on end. There are whispers about Muse Aโ€™s tragic past, but no ever dares to ask Muse A what really happened to them and Muse A is all too glad to be left alone. Since Muse A was young, theyโ€™ve suffered from this affliction, this uncanny ability to know when someone they care for is about to die. It starts with a deep, heart-wrenching sadness, then inconsolable sobbing and then a deafening wail that doesnโ€™t cease until someoneโ€™s dead. Now, a little older and wiser about their condition, Muse A keeps to themselves, petrified to get close to anyone lest they accidentally bring death upon someone else. It isnโ€™t until Muse B, someone new to town/someone unafraid of the stigma surrounding Muse A and quite into the macabre, does a little independent digging into Muse Aโ€™s past and a bit of โ€˜investigative followingโ€™ that they realize the truth. Muse A is a Banshee- a harbinger of death. Confronted with this information, Muse B attempts to appeal to Muse A to use their curse for good. Perhaps, working together, they can thwart death.

> When Muse A (someone whoโ€™s led a comfortable life in a stable home) encounters Muse B (someone whoโ€™s struggled since birth and was raised by members of the neighbourhood gang) on a hot summer night, an unlikely romance blossoms. As opposite as the pair of them are in circumstances and attitudes, they click somehow; initially, Muse B sees no reason to share that theyโ€™re affiliated with a notorious gang. As long as theyโ€™re careful it wonโ€™t ever be an issue, right? Muse A and Muse Bโ€™s relationship progresses in a positive direction until one night when Muse Bโ€™s car is tailed by someone from a rival gang while Muse A and Muse B are on a date. Without warning, the blissfully-ignorant couple are caught up in a drive by. No one is critically harmed, but Muse A is definitely shaken. Though grateful that they both survive with minimal injuries, Muse Aโ€™s entire world is turned upside down when Muse B admits that they were the intended target due to their gang ties. Muse A- who couldnโ€™t be further removed from that type of lifestyle- is devastated. Despite Muse Bโ€™s attempts at reassurance, Muse A is fearful for Muse Bโ€™s life and also for the safety of their own loved ones now that they know the truth of Muse Bโ€™s background. Muse A has to wonder if the feelings they have for Muse B are enough to justify putting themselves and their friends/family in danger. Will Muse A end up giving Muse B an ultimatum? Will Muse B choose loyalty to the one they love or to the only family theyโ€™ve known?

> Muse A and Muse B were in a tumultuous relationship years ago. It was full of lust and desire, but the young lovers had a tendency for hot-tempered, vicious arguments. They broke up mutually and moved on, realizing that the situation was never going to give way to something healthy, but neither truly got over the other. Even though Muse A and Muse B are both in loving, stable relationships in the present time, it lacks the fervor of the connection they had with each other, and thoughts constantly wander to their old flame, wishing their new relationship had that same passion. Late one night, Muse B picks up the phone and dials Muse A, simply wanting to hear their voice. Muse A is shocked and hesitant to speak with Muse B considering their significant other is sleeping in bed in the next room, but is unable to hang up, emotions running high. The calls continue nightly in secret. After several conversations, both agree they need closure to move on, and decide to meet in person.
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โœจ bump โœจ
โœจ bump - me falling off the face of the earth for months because i donโ€™t understand how to take care of my mental health? WAY more likely than youโ€™d think โœจ

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