Anime/Manga Characters Brought To Life


New Member
Hi there!

I'm wanting to do a role play where there is a large private boarding school that has a covert ring of mad scientists. These crazy intellectuals are a mix of students, teachers, and other faculty that have hatched a wild scheme to bring anime/manga characters to life. They want to see how well these characters would adapt to the real world.

The role play would start with the mad scientists secretly meeting to discuss which characters to bring to life, how many, and when to do so. As the selections are made, the characters are brought in as transfer students or staff members. At first, this would be characters that are human or can blend in as human effectively. They would also be good characters, as evil ones would cause havoc.

However, a bit later, the ring of mad scientists have started to form into two divisions. One side wants to stay on the safe side and only bring "safe" characters to life. The other side wants to bring to life characters that are not necessarily human or on the side of good.

I'm thinking the roles people can take are mad scientists, regular students or staff members, and the actual characters brought to life.

Also, what characters are brought to life would be discussed and coordinated among us. This way there will be no spoilers since we will make sure everyone has watched/read that respective work.

If there are any questions, suggestions, or you are interested, please let me know!
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