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Fantasy Anime High


The Optimistic Pessimist
Alrighty then! So you've decided to join our beloved school? Splendid! Now, your paperwork has already been filed we just need a few more tidbits of information. Ah, not to worry! This is strictly classified and will not be shown to anyone. So, are you ready to begin Ms/Mr.....?








Other: (anything else you want to put down not covered above)
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Rules and Guidelines:

1. Always respect RPN rules and regulations.

2. No god modding (controlling other characters, forcing them to be hit, etc)

3. No sexual content (should it happen that your characters progress that far, please fade to black at appropriate times)

4. No op characters (please be creative and balance your abilities/powers accordingly)

5. You are not untouchable (if you get into a fight, please be a good sport about it and not 'dodge every attack because I'm good like that')

6. Be considerate of other characters.

7. Have fun!​
Name: Nodakai Inugami

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: unknown

He also sports a pair of furry wolf ears and tail.

Personality: Quiet, usually only speaking in short sentences. He hates loud noises and crowds, but will stomach them if necessary or if his friends are having fun. Its hard for him to make friends, considering his lack of verbal participation, but when he has one he is as loyal as they come. He despises cruelty, liars, and traitors and will not hesitate to eliminate a threat to himself or those he holds dear.

Bio: Ever since he could remember Ichika had always been inside Nodakai, the wolf demon constantly giving him advice, and guiding him along the way after he woke up in that cave. Eventually, Nodakai showed proficiency in magic and began to train under Ichikas tutelage. Deciding that he also needed a weapon, Ichika trained him in the art of Iado (if you need clarification, just ask) style swordplay. When he became old enough, Ichika told him to head to a certain village and join the school there as it was highly important. Nodakai never asked questions, trusting his guardian completely, but still had a few reservations about being around people. As far as he knew, Ichika was the only person he ever knew. He only hoped that it wouldn't become too much of an issue.

Abilities: Magic: can also use his affinity with seals to temporarily block his bodies limiters to increase his strength, speed, and stamina far beyond what the normal human (or most beings) can but with a great risk to his health.

Space Rend: After sealing his limiters, he can force himself to move so fast that he bends space itself. However, he has only used it once and the effort of attempting it almost killed him. It is only a final resort.

Weapons: Standard Katana

Other: Can sing, but rarely does so and never in front of anyone. He can also cook.
Name: Kazuko Masunobu

Gender: Female

Age: 15


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cafebc62f_Oc5.jpg.de85ac4e6c1b56ca2547ea68c2299d82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cafebc62f_Oc5.jpg.de85ac4e6c1b56ca2547ea68c2299d82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: If there's one thing Kazuko believes in, it's money. When it comes to that, she can give up pretty much most of her morals for the right price. That being said, she's also arrogant in her abilities and aspires to be the one people rely on. Despite this, it doesn't seem as if she's vain in her looks and generally honest unless paid to keep a secret. She will tell you what's on her mind. But that doesn't mean she's without kindness or empathy, Kazuko just shows it to the right people.

Bio: Born to a poor family, Kazuko had to live frugally. She never wanted to live like that if she had to. Instead, she wanted to live as she saw the rich did. She was jealous of them and she would do anything to steal it from them.

Despite this, she had a rather loving family but she never could understand how they could be happy living as they did. Kazuko still loves them dearly and would do anything for them.


Hypnosis- Mostly works of more weak minded individuals and animals, but she can influence others' decisions and manipulate memories and make them work for her.

Weapons: Her pendulum is weapon enough, thank you very much

Other: Give her enough money and she'll do just about anything, as said before. But what hasn't been said is that she's a softie for sweets too.



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NekoQueen49 said:
Name: Kazuko Masunobu
Gender: Female

Age: 15


View attachment 301860

Personality: If there's one thing Kazuko believes in, it's money. When it comes to that, she can give up pretty much most of her morals for the right price. That being said, she's also arrogant in her abilities and aspires to be the one people rely on. Despite this, it doesn't seem as if she's vain in her looks and generally honest unless paid to keep a secret. She will tell you what's on her mind. But that doesn't mean she's without kindness or empathy, Kazuko just shows it to the right people.

Bio: Born to a poor family, Kazuko had to live frugally. She never wanted to live like that if she had to. Instead, she wanted to live as she saw the rich did. She was jealous of them and she would do anything to steal it from them.

Despite this, she had a rather loving family but she never could understand how they could be happy living as they did. Kazuko still loves them dearly and would do anything for them.


Hypnosis- Mostly works of more weak minded individuals and animals, but she can influence others' decisions and manipulate memories and make them work for her.

Weapons: Her pendulum is weapon enough, thank you very much

Other: Give her enough money and she'll do just about anything, as said before. But what hasn't been said is that she's a softie for sweets too.
Alright, good to go! I guess Dev will post later if he's still interested
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.c6bd19536f390487cfc1872ce50595cf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.c6bd19536f390487cfc1872ce50595cf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Bio: Jojo was raised in the circus, the boss of the circus kept him and named him "Jojo" once he saw the powers he had, knowing it would get him more customers. Jojo knew he was being used as a tourist attraction like some animal or freak, and he didn't like it so he broke out and found his way to the school looking for a new life as something more than a circus show.

Abilities:Bionic Physiology


Other: (anything else you want to put down not covered above)




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Aaron775 said:
View attachment 301878




Bio: Jojo was raised in the circus, the boss of the circus kept him and named him "Jojo" once he saw the powers he had, knowing it would get him more customers. Jojo knew he was being used as a tourist attraction like some animal or freak, and he didn't like it so he broke out and found his way to the school looking for a new life as something more than a circus show.

Abilities:Bionic Physiology


Other: (anything else you want to put down not covered above)

Go right ahead and post! love the power.





Half ling






He is a half shape shifter, meaning he can alter some parts of his body at a time, but he can't complete a full body transformation. The main transformation he has mastered is allowing four tendrils to sprout from the lower end of his back.



He also has a regeneration ability, that he uses when he injures himself. It works quicker if he does this on purpose, but when someone else injures him, it takes longer to heal.




He's the type of person who hates to be social with anyone, and I mean anyone. But that is because of how he was raised and the type of place he grew up in. If you're in trouble, he is the last guy to come to for help, especially if you have done or said something bad to him, but he would, if you manage to befriend him.


He wasn't always the type of person to be alone all of the time, in fact he used to want to make friends all of the time, until his kidnapping. You're probably wondering why he didn't use his powers to defend himself at the time. Well he didn't really know how to defend himself against people with his powers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-19_22-47-31.jpeg.bfdd67f3780ace0513343331dcac22ae.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-19_22-47-31.jpeg.bfdd67f3780ace0513343331dcac22ae.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His kidnapper.

When he woke, he found himself in a red room, with dried blood on the floor and torture tools spread across a table beside him. He was chained to a chair with a shocked expression on his face. Someone walked into the room, a tall one, who looked like the type of psycho who could handle himself. He'd explain a few rules, one of the rules was "If you don't obey me and fight, then you'll get tortured in ways that you only see in fiction.". By fight he meant that he needed to win fighting competitions, that he could be beat near death from. And if he lost then he was going to be healed up, just to be tortured until he was near death.

About five horrible years later

I'm not going to go into detail about what happened, but what I will say, Is that his power to regenerate came in very useful. He ended up becoming powerful enough, to overthrow his kidnapper and end up killing him, in a brutal way. When he snapped though, one of his eyes turned a charcoal black, with blood red veins coming from the same red color around the black pupil. It is still stuck like that to this day.



His weapon, is himself.



"You think that is going to hurt me, after all I've been through?"

Before the kidnapping:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-19_23-16-34.jpeg.f18d2d486b1a52f91247fc7c8112b814.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-19_23-16-34.jpeg.f18d2d486b1a52f91247fc7c8112b814.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name: Erin/ "Rin" Carter

Gender: female

Age: 18

Species: Elf




Rin is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Erin actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".


Rin was brought up in an Russian convent in secret due to the fact she was born looking "unnatural". There is no clue as to where she came from since her parents did the cliche leaving her in a basket at a door step. Her guardian, a nun, would treat her like a demon and disliked having the burdened with her, mean while when locked away alone the girl trained herself and it resulted to her being built like a brick shit house. After twelve years of being locked away from being a baby the now young girl escaped. From then on she got into the dark business, up until she found the high school.


She's covered in tattoos that give her varing magical abilities yet thes abilities also vary in strength. Such as age is 10x as gas and agile as a human, but her healing powers can leave people scarred.






Russian, but if English decent. So her name isn't Russian but she is.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Name: Erin/ "Rin" Carter
Gender: female

Age: 18

Species: Elf




Rin is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Erin actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".


Rin was brought up in an Russian convent in secret due to the fact she was born looking "unnatural". There is no clue as to where she came from since her parents did the cliche leaving her in a basket at a door step. Her guardian, a nun, would treat her like a demon and disliked having the burdened with her, mean while when locked away alone the girl trained herself and it resulted to her being built like a brick shit house. After twelve years of being locked away from being a baby the now young girl escaped. From then on she got into the dark business, up until she found the high school.


She's covered in tattoos that give her varing magical abilities yet thes abilities also vary in strength. Such as age is 10x as gas and agile as a human, but her healing powers can leave people scarred.






Russian, but if English decent. So her name isn't Russian but she is.
Accepted, when you're ready just jump in!
Name:Reggie Jenkins (Nitro)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e47936d719a816cbfeedc2435dc710d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e47936d719a816cbfeedc2435dc710d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Stands 6ft 4in weights 215lbs very athletic build.

Bio:Reggie has almost always been the center of attention in his life. Except at home,his father Dante was basically catatonic sitting in a drunken stupor in his chair, he used to put his hands on both Reggie and his mom. However Reggie stopped that when he was fifteen, by punching his old man out. There was legal trouble sure but his last threat seemed to stick with the man, "touch us again...and I'll kill you." Was the threat.

His mother Daria on the other hand was always working, paying to take care of Dante. Reggie got a job to help him mom but it wasn't enough, but he's always had a gift,one that he had kept hidden for most of his life, Reggie was a living bomb. He finally blew his cool when his mom got mugged on her way home, he put on his hoodie and a ski mask and found them. He blew the men to pieces and got the money they stole back...and not just what they took from his mom.

He quit his job the next day and now he spends his nights hunting down criminals and killing them,taking their ill gotten gains for himself.

He always wears his mask now , red to match his hoodie, and never tells anyone where he goes or what he does.


Reggie can generate,manipulate, shape, absorb, and empower explosions.this power manifests itself in three ways

Explosions empowerment: Reggie can absorb the kinetic energy and heat of an explosion and use it to empower his physical abilities,while it greatly enhances his physical capabilities far beyond the average person, he can be overpowered by other physical based metahumans.

Deflagration:these are explosions that expand below the speed of sound, typically these are easier for Reggie to control and generate.

Detonation: these explosions expand many times faster than the speed of sound,usually accompanied by a powerful pressure wave,intense heat, and sometimes radiation if the explosion is big enough.these are hard for Reggie to control and takes time to generate

Deflagration & detonation are the true manifestations of his powers, his explosions can range in size from a firecracker to an atomic bomb.

But the more power he puts behind the explosion the more strain is put on his body this includes when he absorbs them. A Hiroshima sized explosion would likely kill him, because of a lack of proper testing areas, his upward limit is merely an estimate.

Weapons: anything he picks up.

Other:his friends and family worry about him, he has grown darker in the past year, he often has fresh bruises sometimes is out of school for days at a time. Ex-Football superstar, He quit the team without telling anyone why, the general assumption is that he might have joined a game or started doing drugs.



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Alphaius said:
Name:Reggie Jenkins (Kid dynamite)



View attachment 302089 Stands 6ft 4in weights 215lbs very athletic build.

Bio:Reggie has almost always been the center of attention in his life. Except at home,his father Dante was basically catatonic sitting in a drunken stupor in his chair, he used to put his hands on both Reggie and his mom. However Reggie stopped that when he was fifteen, by punching his old man out. There was legal trouble sure but his last threat seemed to stick with the man, "touch us again...and I'll kill you." Was the threat.

His mother Daria on the other hand was always working, paying to take care of Dante. Reggie got a job to help him mom but it wasn't enough, but he's always had a gift,one that he had kept hidden for most of his life, Reggie was a living bomb. He finally blew his cool when his mom got mugged on her way home, he put on his hoodie and a ski mask and found them. He blew the men to pieces and got the money they stole back...and not just what they took from his mom.

He quit his job the next day and now he spends his nights hunting down criminals and killing them,taking their ill gotten gains for himself.

He always wears his mask now , red to match his hoodie, and never tells anyone where he goes or what he does.


Reggie can generate,manipulate, shape, absorb, and empower explosions.this power manifests itself in three ways

Explosions empowerment: Reggie can absorb the kinetic energy and heat of an explosion and use it to empower his physical abilities,while it greatly enhances his physical capabilities far beyond the average person, he can be overpowered by other physical based metahumans.

Deflagration:these are explosions that expand below the speed of sound, typically these are easier for Reggie to control and generate.

Detonation: these explosions expand many times faster than the speed of sound,usually accompanied by a powerful pressure wave,intense heat, and sometimes radiation if the explosion is big enough.these are hard for Reggie to control and takes time to generate

Deflagration & detonation are the true manifestations of his powers, his explosions can range in size from a firecracker to an atomic bomb.

But the more power he puts behind the explosion the more strain is put on his body this includes when he absorbs them. A Hiroshima sized explosion would likely kill him, because of a lack of proper testing areas, his upward limit is merely an estimate.

Weapons: anything he picks up.

Other:his friends and family worry about him, he has grown darker in the past year, he often has fresh bruises sometimes is out of school for days at a time. Ex-Football superstar, He quit the team without telling anyone why, the general assumption is that he might have joined a game or started doing drugs.
@Alphaius accepted, post when you feel like it!
BBCode Template made by Eunoia!



Name: ? Vie Sequenzia

Gender: ? Female

Sexuality: ? Heteroflexible

Age: ? Sixteen

DOB: ? February 29th, 2000

Species: ? 'Gifted' Human

Height: ? 158cm / 5'2"

Weight: ? ???

Hair Color: ? White/Silver

Eye Color: ? Violet

no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide
no slide
Vie Sequenzia
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Ibuki said:

Vie Sequenzia



Name: ? Vie Sequenzia

Gender: ? Female

Sexuality: ? Heteroflexible

Age: ? Sixteen

DOB: ? February 29th, 2000

Species: ? 'Gifted' Human

Height: ? 158cm / 5'2"

Weight: ? ???

Hair Color: ? White/Silver

Eye Color: ? Violet

no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide


For some reason the post didnt display properly. Anyways, accepted just post when you're ready. @Ibuki
TheWhiteLion said:
For some reason the post didnt display properly. Anyways, accepted just post when you're ready. @Ibuki
Sorry, I had to make a minor edit, and when I saved it, it kinda just messed up the entire BBCode. I'll be fixing it in the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for accepting!
Ibuki said:
Sorry, I had to make a minor edit, and when I saved it, it kinda just messed up the entire BBCode. I'll be fixing it in the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for accepting!
No worries! Just post when you're ready. oh and make sure you include the @ whoever you're speaking to because i think the notifications are being screwy. @Ibuki
TheWhiteLion said:
No worries! Just post when you're ready. oh and make sure you include the @ whoever you're speaking to because i think the notifications are being screwy. @Ibuki
Fixed the character sheet! And yeah, I'll include tags, thanks for the heads up! Notifications are always like that, aha.
Name: Joseph Saion

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb03e5156_aloneemoanimeboy.jpg.ca44a8c2b369690accf505ef41de4d96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb03e5156_aloneemoanimeboy.jpg.ca44a8c2b369690accf505ef41de4d96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True form : <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/thanatos____smite_by_kala_a-d6n44ze.jpg.6528ca54d8c1dfff8f4b5b09ba8c8ed3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/thanatos____smite_by_kala_a-d6n44ze.jpg.6528ca54d8c1dfff8f4b5b09ba8c8ed3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Shy, Quiet, Fearless, and just a tad sadistic is how most would describe him. He is the god of death

Abilities: Can control time and can summon his true form, or just parts of it. When in his true form, his abilities are pretty much anything. He gains unimaginable unending wells of power, and is almost unstoppable. Few beings can hope to match him in this form. (I'll probably never use that part, just put it there for the bants :3)

Weapons: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/smite_thanatos_s_scythe_by_htmpaius-d6nnfy4.jpg.21fde160aca3e2015d016f7caa8a59c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/smite_thanatos_s_scythe_by_htmpaius-d6nnfy4.jpg.21fde160aca3e2015d016f7caa8a59c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hmm, he has to touch whatever he wants to manipulate the time of, and can only speed up and slow down time, not stop or rewind it.
Name:Setsua Nanasai



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-opening-setsuna-speed-after_images-pose-cool-hand_out-five.jpeg.ec9b57f111cc5c56bdb895ef44d25a4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-opening-setsuna-speed-after_images-pose-cool-hand_out-five.jpeg.ec9b57f111cc5c56bdb895ef44d25a4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-12-setsuna-shoujo_butai-villain-speed-fighting-smile.jpeg.86d152a38f36c56f67a6c9b036047ab8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-12-setsuna-shoujo_butai-villain-speed-fighting-smile.jpeg.86d152a38f36c56f67a6c9b036047ab8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:Setsua or Set as she was called by the few friends she had, always loved running she was faster than any of the other kids. But one day while running she didn't notice but she passed three cars going 70mph with ease. After that she only got faster but the kids she called friends began to avoid her. Setsua understood that they were just scared of her powers afterall she found one ability aside from her amazing speed that scared even her. Scared it could end up hurting others or herself she began to distance herself from others becoming a loner. She got into anime even becoming an otaku. But her parents were determined to help her and found the perfect school for her with others like her she agreed only at the promise she'd learn to control her destructive power.

Abilities:Setsua has super speed and due to her otaku ways has named specific skills and moves she can do with it, she calls them the Dean Drive Series. Running doesn't tire her out but her Dean Drive Series can when tired she can't move and needs an hour to recharge. She can recharge in seconds if she absorbs some kind of elelectricity.

Dean Drive Foxhound-Moving at highspeed she disappears from the eyes of an unprofessional fighter, breaking the sound barrier causing a sound similar to a dog howling. While doing this she chops with her hand moving so fast she can cut someone not deep enough to hit vitals but enough to bleed. This is the second hardest move in her series and the second most tiring having to go from 0 to 200 in a second to use it correctly.

Dean Drive Blackbird-Setsua punches at rapid speed throwing 300 punches to four seconds but her hits don't have a lot of impact to them meaning someone with a lot of defense or a strong barrier would have no problem tanking her hits.

Dean Drive Rocketsled-A slide meant for defense more than offense Setsua uses this to fake people out by running at them like she'll attack but then slids under them then attacks their back or escapes.

Dean Drive Impact-The move Setsua is most scared to use she moves at high speeds then stops then goes at high speeds again creating after images that hold in the sonic boom she makes from her speed, the sonic booms are released when something touches them or Setsua snaps her fingers, the explosion is less of a grenade and more a huge gust of wind which can hurt. Almost like being punched by someone all over the area hit by the wind.


Other:She seems like the type to not want friends but she actually is quick to accept them if someone ask.

Quote:"My speed it's pretty amazing isn't it? It's ok not to praise me a loner like me understands!"



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