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Realistic or Modern Anime High School Days - Mechanics


She's alone
Classes/Club information will be posted here shortly. Along with the list of students in each class or club

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The Music Club


Here students learn about the different genres of music all throughout the world. If you have joined this club then that means you must possess some amount of musical talent. Whether that's playing something as simple as the maracas or singing, you still must possess a sort of talent in the musical field. Not only do you learn about different types of music, but you also must learn to play at least one song from each genre. This makes it interactive and a bonding experience for the students. However, depending on your musical capability you may be able to branch out in the bands that have formed their own clubs, but are still tied to the regular Music Club. Right now there are two groups that are still looking for members. The Classical Club and the Light Music Club. If you are interested in joining either club, or perhaps starting your own, you must get approval from the advisor of the Music Club. If you do in fact join a branched club, you will also have to participate in school performances. In the Music Club, you do a big one at the end of the year, to celebrate all of your hard work.

Music Club Members:

Akiyama Yui - 1st year

Saitou Akiria - 2nd Year

Light Music Club Members:

Akiyama Yui




Saitou Akiria

Lead Vocals:

Classical Club Members:








The Swim Club


In this club, the students will learn the true meaning behind hard practice and teamwork. This isn't just an individual sport, but you have a team who you must make proud. Whether one is participating in a team or individual races, everyone still trains and practices together. The swim team is defiantly a big family and they don't like people to be left out. Boys and girls are welcome since they have two teams and they really are good. When joining this club, you should already have experience in competition swimming. If not then you will probably just train for your first year. Even the freshmen are allowed to compete, depending on their abilities. Don't feel upset if this club isn't fit for you. The advisor and captain would hate it if you were only staying on the team because you didn't have another club to turn to. Now don't go thinking that this club is stuck up or anything. No, they are just a serious club that enjoys bringing back first place medals and trophies.

High School Boy's Team:

High School Girl's Team:

The Art Club


Art is a fantastic way to vent your emotions into many many drawings. Art is just another way to express yourself in different ways. It's a way to get your feelings across without verbally having to say them. In this club you will be welcomed by a calm and warm environment which will create a welcoming space for students. This club is very relaxing and helps ease away your stress for two hours. If you were to join this club then you really don't have to have much experience in art since it's main focus is to help students realize that they can put all their negative or positive feelings into a painting or drawing. The advisor of this club is like a mother figure to everyone which makes the club really easy to take part in. On occasion she will take you on trips for taking pictures or drawing sights. It's a very fun club to be part of and they never have enough members.


Nakamura Hiromi - 3rd Year

Akiko Sinclair - 2nd Year

Hayashi Kiyoshi - 1st Year

The Basketball Club


The Basketball Team isn't just another team. No. It's a family. A Family that works together to make sure everyone on their team succeeds. A family that helps each other through school, sport, and personal problems. A family that's their for you when no one else it. Practices are sweat inducing and full of hard work. Team members are often pushed to their physical limits during practices while running drills and such, but at the end of the day all the team members know it's well worth it. Especially when a shot is made or the defense is successful. Whether you're just starting out and have no idea what a layout it, or you've been playing for years there's a spot on the team for everyone... Well almost everyone considering only 12 make it on the team after try outs. However, don't feel discouraged! The team plus their manager are more than happy to let you join their practices in order to become better and make it next year!

Boy's Team:


Girl's Team:



Seo Koi - Boy's Team

The Track & Field Club


Track and Field isn't like most sports. You don't have to conform to one type of thing. Instead, there is a spot for everyone. Perhaps you have a great sprint time? Well it looks like some of a shorter meter dashes are just for you. Or maybe long distance is more your forte? Well then we've got the 1500 meter run and the 3000 meter run you can try out! Or maybe running isn't you're thing at all. If you have great arm strength you can join in on the discus throw or the shot put. Track and field is the only team were you can sore threw the sky! With the pole vault that is. Either way track is a place you can call home. This is a team filled with love for one another and will support you through out you're entire high school career.



The Softball/Baseball Club


Are you prepared for both a mental and physical workout? Are you ready to test your endurance, strength, and mindset? Well then baseball/softball is the sport for you! Learn to work together as a team while also heighten your own individual skills. This sport requires you to think fast and make individual decisions that will affect a whole team. Baseball/softball is a great way have fun, get some fresh air, and hang out with friends. Just be ready to work your tails off! It may look like fun and games, but as soon as competitive season starts the baseball/softball team is as serious as it comes, ready to win no matter what it takes.



The Soccer Club


The crowds cheer as a you line up your target. You can hear the blood rushing in your ears, your heart thumping. With only a few second left in the game you take a chance, dodging a person running straight at you. You take the chance. "GOAL" you hear being shouted and the next thing you know you're being lifted up on the shoulders of your team mates. You made the scored the final points, landing a victory for your team. This is just one thing you'll experience if you join the soccer team. Not only that but you'll also make memories and learn life lesson that'll last you a lifetime. Join us and let soccer be your getaway. Your go to stress relief. And don't fret if you can't kick a ball very far. Our experienced coach and players will take the time to teach you everything you need to know to become a great soccer player, and an even better person. So come join today!


Sousuke Takimura - 3rd Year -

Fujioka Syo - 2nd Year -
Co Captain

The Kendo Club


Kendo is sport dedicated to accuracy and being courteous. In this club it doesn't matter if you're good if you can't learn to respect others. In this sport one must bow before each contest starts, and after it ends. The motion expresses a person's wish to win, respect to their instructors, and gratitude to their friends who helped them practice. However, when the faux sword hits the strike zone and you are declared the winner there is a feeling of success one will feel. This sport will allow you to stay discipline and also have fun. That's the most important thing in this club. To have fun.


Chiharu Yukihana - 3rd Year - Captain

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