Anime High School 2.1


She's alone

Character Sheet

Should Include:


Age: [15 - 18]


Grade: [1 - 3]

Appearance: [Anime. 3 pics +]


Personality: [Paragraph]

History: OPT [Paragraph]




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Fuko Ibuki






Fufu and Fu-chan



Birthday: July 20 (Cancer)

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 43 kg

BWH: 78-54-79

Blood type: B

Fuko has a petite body type with long brown hair that is tied back by a large blue bow. She has large golden hazel eyes that remind you of a cat's. She is flat chested and doesn't really have a distinctive shape to her body. Unlike most girls who are tall and beautiful, Fuko is small and cute. Fuko has a very soft spoken voice and a weak looking body. However when she has her starfish in hand she can beat someone to the ground. She has a secret weapon during school that activates the upperclassmen guys to come and save her. All in all Fuko is a a resourceful tiny girl.


Second Year


If someone is able to become her knight in shining armor she'll like him very much.



Fuko is the type of girl that is friends with everyone. She always seems to have a faraway smile on her face or stars in her eyes. She loves anything cute which is why she's very much drawn to Akira even though Tomoyo doesn't like he all the time. Fuko is young and naive at times and it makes you think that she is the perfect club president. Because she's so young she takes advise from the older members and uses it wisely since she doesn't like to disappoint people. She warms the hearts of those around her with her happy-go-lucky personality and contagious smile. She rarely can be seen with a frown and when she has one it's when she's crying which upsets basically everyone. Fuko is often treated like a small animal or child since she has a very immature and childlike moments. Often referring to herself in third person, Fuko is quite the girl. She lives alone in an apartment, however her sister and brother-in-law tell the landlady that they are in fact living with Fuko, but are also staying at their parents house. The reason they have to lie is because Fuko's sister recently got married to her brother-in-law so she didn't want to trouble them by living with them so they found the perfect apartment near to their house. Fuko is grateful for everything that everyone has done and loves to make everyone smile. She is quite popular with the older boys and even has her own army of older guys that'll come to her rescue whenever she whistles for them. She is quite the space cadet and often drifts off to her own world which makes her extremely vulnerable to pranks. Fuko is as gullible as they come, so if you want to preform a prank on someone make sure to use Fuko.




[Favorite Animal]


[Best Friends]

Tomoyo, Akira, and Yukino


No one



- Carves starfish out of wood

- Will dance whenever she feels like it

- Often talks in third person


- Wood carving

- Being a friend

- Baking

- Sleeping and eating


Parents - Unknown - Deceased

Kouko Yoshino - Older sister - 26 - Alive

Yusuke Yoshino - Brother-in-law - 24 - Alive








Tomoyo Yano









Third Year


Tomoyo has long grey/blonde hair that reaches past her thighs. Her eyes are a gentle yet fierce sapphire blue and her pale complexion makes them more noticeable. Her build is that of an hourglass, yet she is muscular from all the sports she partakes in. Though she is short for her age she is still able to hold her own against larger men and women. During the summer her hair seems to turn a bit lighter as do her eyes, making her seem more innocent and gentle. Tomo's hair is always messy in the morning and won't be fixed until she is out of the house since she is too lazy.

Birthday: October 14

Constellation: Libra

Blood type: O

Height: 161cm

Bust: 86cm

Waist: 57cm

Hip: 82cm

Weight: 47kg


Ahem I believe that she likes- //gets thrown into the river//



Tomoyo is the quiet student body president, a straight A+ student, that is often referred to as a princess for her ladylike charm and personality. However this is only part of the complicated Tomo. Tomo is like a painting. She is made up of many different things and without them Aoi couldn't be the person she is. She is silly, shy, oblivious, violent, romantic, dorky, mature/immature, and many other things. Her silly side comes out when she's around the people in life that she can trust and will go to great extents to bring a smile to their face. This can be something like dressing up as a bear for the entire day. It's well known in her old neighborhood that she has a temper and is quick to jump to violence if necessary, but that doesn't describe Tomoyo completely. She can be incredibly shy and embarrassed when she actually opens up to someone and is able to be vulnerable in front of them. She is also a closet-case romantic and dreams of the typical things, however if it interferes with her studies she will literally rip it to shreds. Since Aoi is the student council president she has a reputation that she tries not to stain for she things everyone would hate her if they knew the real her. She has many other sides to her such as her musical side. This side of her really captures her emotions and makes her feel as if all her responsibilities have been lifted off her shoulders. Tomo loves the piano and violin which are the instruments which she plays however she doesn't let anyone know since she doesn't think that people normally play these instruments. [this is a bit of her naive and immature side] Tomoyo rarely cries, but when she does it is a truly amazing sight to behold. The reason that this is so amazing is because she usually never shows any weaknesses or emotions other than determination. Since coming to school she began to open up to everyone and is now known for how she chases the delinquents away from the school.



Student Council - President

{Favorite Animal}


{Best Friends}

Yukino and Fuko





- Beats guys whenever they deserve it

- Will make bentos for everyone in the club

- Takes responsibly or the actions of her younger friends

- Tries hard to make Akira more like a guy

- Will beat up those who bully Akira


- Student Council

- Tennis

- Softball

- Singing/Composing

- Full time older sister

- Enforcer


Anatasia Yano ~ 48 ~ Mother ~ Actress/Composer ~ Alive


Motoharu Yano ~ 47 ~ Father ~ Police Chief ~ Alive


Akira Yano ~ 15 ~ Little brother ~ Student ~ Alive




Tomoyo lives in a happy home with her little brother, mother, and father. They are all close and do lots of things together, however due to the cold and composed personality of Tomo they can't really enjoy anything. Since she was young she's always been conscious of what everyone thinks and says about her so she became the 'perfect' person. She used to be a very happy girl that laughed at everything and seemed to find anything fun. Tomo and Akira were very close since they were young. Tomoyo would always protect Akira whenever he got bullied for his looks and she would tell him that he was perfect the way he was. However since her first boyfriend broke her heart brutally to date her best friend, Tomo hardened up and became rather cold. She doesn't enjoy things like love anymore and tries to stay away from it. Akira and Tomoyo then developed a rocky relationship, however she still protected her little brother from any bullies.




Akira Yano






Aki and Ai-chan



First Year


Akira has a soft, feminine appearance, and on occasion is mistaken as a female by Hachiman. He has short, light brown hair, almost silver hair, large, sparkling blue eyes, and light skin tone. He is seen wearing his gym uniform throughout most of the series, often accompanied by his tennis racket, a towel around his neck or both. In school, his outfit consists of a dark and light green sports jacket, similar colored shorts with black knee length tights underneath, and wears a v-neck shirt that is long sleeved and a lighter shade of green in color. During summer he will wear a baggy off the shoulder shirt with a tank top underneath. He is self conscious of his pale body so he wears a large white zipped up shirt for swimming.





Akira has a soft, and kind demeanor, as well as a feminine appearance, which confuses boys on multiple occasions to mistake Akira as a female. Because of his feminine characteristic, most girls call him "prince". He is kind and loving to everyone. He is able to get along with everyone without any hard feelings. He is often shown blushing, especially to Hachiman. He looks fragile and doesn't go against anyone even if they go against his way (for example, when someone wanted to use the tennis court, he didn't say anything.) Hayama pointed out that Akira could get along well with girls. Yuki describes him to be cute and popular among girls. Hachiman witnessed his girl fans who address him as 'prince'. Even with the boys he's extremely popular so it makes it hard for him to do anything without others. He tends to bond quickly with males since he tries to be more like them, however he fails miserably at it. He bonded with Yukino's friend Hachiman and so he gravitates towards the male often. Due to his cute girly appearance the boys and girls often do many things for him without him even asking. Akira is a very humble boy who doesn't like to take advantage of people so if someone is nice to him he gives them his best thank you. Whenever he gets worried he instantly flags down his friends so they can help him out. Not only is he popular for his looks, but also for his adorably sweet and friendly personality. Though for some reason he has problems talking with girls, especially his older sister.




Favorite Animal:


Best Friends:






- Hugs people whenever he's happy

- Unleashes his moe factor when he's really happy

- Fidgets with his clothes when he's nervous

- Cries whenever Tomoyo yells or hits him

- Passes out when he gets a sugar crash


~ Tennis

~ Drama

~ Painting

~ Going Home Club

~ Baking


Tomoyo Yano ~ 17 ~ Older sister ~ Student ~ Alive


Anastasia Yano ~ 48 ~ Mother ~ Actress/Composer ~ Alive

xD ]

Motoharu Yano ~ 47 ~ Father ~ Police Chief ~ Alive




Akira had a rough childhood because of his looks, however he was protected by Tomoyo. Tomo became his hero and he looked to her for guidance and reassurance. Whenever he had a problem he could always trust his older sister to help him out. They had a very close bond that children rarely formed, however it ended quite horribly. When Tomoyo's boyfriend brutally dumped her for her best friend, Tomo became depressed and locked away all of her emotions. She grew cold towards her family, including little Akira. At first he thought she would grow out of it, but when she didn't he realized that they were no longer really brother and sister. Tomo rarely speaks to him and only saves him when he has nobody else, but even then she treats him like a stranger.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/akise_aru___mirai_nikki_by_akisses18-d68hewr.jpg.b1e3dc39befa6ba75366ca701e709fc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/akise_aru___mirai_nikki_by_akisses18-d68hewr.jpg.b1e3dc39befa6ba75366ca701e709fc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Takumi Shino






Taki, Takumi-San


2nd year




January 17 ( Capricorn )


5'7 ft = 169 cm


110 lbs = 49.8952 Kl

Blood type:

AB Negative

Takumi has a skinny-like physic, not really to the point where he is nothing but skin and bone, having some muscle at the least which usually helps him if he is trying to protect himself, the person who ever gets in a fight or is about to get hit with something will put his guard up but never attack the person who he is getting beaten. He makes a moral rule to not hit people unless it is getting to life-threatening which would never happen. Right? He wears a lazily worn necktie, as well as a popped up shirt.



Takumi lived with his father and mother, being a only child he had no siblings. He did not mind that, although that did make his parents want to push him to be slightly better because he was their only child. Again he did not mind that, once he went to school and some small debates took place in classes like history recreating the actual debate. He always ended up as the equalizer, the person who made it clear that no one person was at fault or responsible, which is weird to those who believed in the zodiac signs fake . Takumi abstained for most election votes not wanting people thinking that he was against one side or preferring the other side more. Which made him surprised when he was elected for the Vice-president seat, he never figured out who did that though. Once receiving the position, he either took ideas from the 'best' ideas and made a Frankenstein out of it. A little more less serious than Tomo in his position. He gets Mid A's most of the time, with the occasional High B or High A.


Takumi is serious, again not as much as Tomo, kind of like a 'normal' person, while he is in the club room at the least. He stays in his neutral position everywhere unless it seems unwise to do so. Takumi is not one to ask for favors from others, not because he likes to work without others more because he doesn't want them to think that he was going to rely so much that it could bother them. In the 'Groups' in school, he is the one that won't fit in any of them but fit some if not all their ''requirements." The person who talked to everyone but never really made friends, just 'acquaintances'.



"Me, huh, er..."


Student Council (Vice- president)


- Neutrality

- Henry Clay

- Compromises in History

- Sweets

- Games (not only sports)

- Mixing Ideas

- Creativity


- Bitter or Salty food

- Wars

- Civil War

- A sole Idea

- A tyrant

- One man Army's



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Promising to do something tomorrow with someone is the same as promising that you'll be alive tomorrow.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_m942coRhla1qau345o1_500.gif.4fa5a8290ad972beeb9890a091b479d3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49275" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_m942coRhla1qau345o1_500.gif.4fa5a8290ad972beeb9890a091b479d3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Enoki 'Cika' Naomi


Glitch, and Lesser





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_m5hv3xJdp31rr9fac.gif.7ececa038e889a6c3531417e0d1a9fef.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_m5hv3xJdp31rr9fac.gif.7ececa038e889a6c3531417e0d1a9fef.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


1st Year



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Oreki-Houtarou-3-kakukun-34672337-500-281.gif.3818361b0c22bfd89b0b97c7b9ed3185.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Oreki-Houtarou-3-kakukun-34672337-500-281.gif.3818361b0c22bfd89b0b97c7b9ed3185.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Enoki is a dull teenager, he will rarely smile, and barely has fun. He talks without a question and even defends his act of doing nothing. He rarely pays attention to anyone whose talking to him, and will pay tiny attention if it's important. Just cause, he says random quotes from random people, an example is, 'Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.' or 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Why are you wasting your time with me.'. You'll find him not taking a conversation at all, and not even trying to fit in.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_makyn0VOE61r2pvg2o1_r1_500.gif.8f98775fa78b459c7b0ddf2dbfe316f8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_makyn0VOE61r2pvg2o1_r1_500.gif.8f98775fa78b459c7b0ddf2dbfe316f8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




~Being bored

~Looking out a window

~Saying famous quotes

~Being dull


Akira Naomi ~ 17 ~ Older Brother ~ Dead

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/32088710.jpg.cc681cef276d3cc37058d3b50c93b50a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/32088710.jpg.cc681cef276d3cc37058d3b50c93b50a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Krystal Naomi ~ 14 ~Younger Sister ~ Dead

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/T.gif.142f35599583f9d3366da8776d682576.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/T.gif.142f35599583f9d3366da8776d682576.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ling Naomi ~ 32 ~ Mother ~ Dead

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Nui.png.97a6dc0e3f1056fdd02dc647ad2e6aac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Nui.png.97a6dc0e3f1056fdd02dc647ad2e6aac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Enoki Naomi ~ 35 ~ Father ~ Dead

Do you really need a picture? It's a dead Father, it's gonna be sad for him man.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/----.gif.151f8c182d060f275014d0ba6d92b625.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/----.gif.151f8c182d060f275014d0ba6d92b625.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Here's a brief summary. Death, destruction, sadness, anything else?




~Famous Quotes




~Etc, Etc



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mxm9w0ECxB1rwvbmlo1_500.gif.389af428b945e2923faa03bf157f3e8d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mxm9w0ECxB1rwvbmlo1_500.gif.389af428b945e2923faa03bf157f3e8d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Did I do alright? PM me or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything! Bye!)



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Name: Amano Kei

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: 2





Crush: none for the moment

Personality: He’s kind and easygoing with people, tends to be nice and friendly to everyone, always smiling and laughing, but few know this is just a mask of him and that there is much more to him than what meets the eye. There’s few people he actually considers as a friend and he only shows himself as he is to them.

In truth behind this mask he’s a quiet person, and usually tries to stay away from big crowds because they make him uncomfortable, he’s cold but shows awkward caring for the people close to him, he also tends to be weird in certain comments and likes, but all these he keeps hidden to everyone who’s not a close friend.

He often looks for quiet and isolated places for him to be, since he considers tiring the act he puts on every time he’s with others, and isolation is one of the easiest ways to be himself.

He loves drawing but sucks epically at painting, this annoys him greatly since he would really love being able to use different kinds of paint, he’s currently trying to self-learn how to draw properly with colors (so far he only draws black and white picture though he’s very talented at it), he doesn’t want to ask help from anyone since that would affect the image he’s trying to keep.

History: When he was a little kid he was in an abusive family, with an alcoholic and abusive father, and a mother who hated him, due to this at school people tended to reject him and bully him because of the bruises and rumors of what happened at his home. At 7 he was taken away from his family by the authorities and a more gentle family adopted him, but due to what happened to him as a kid he tries to have an image everyone loves and is less likely to cause rejection.

Through his life he had few friends, one of them being his little sister from his adoptive family, and even despite she’s only a year younger he always tries to protect her and has gotten into several incidents due to that. His adoptive family moves often due to work and recently decided that to avoid him and his sister to change schools they would let them live alone at the new city they just arrived.

His adoptive parents completely trust him and rely on him for most of the household chores due to their schedules being busy, he doesn’t really mind doing it since he has always felt a debt towards them for giving him a caring and good home, his family is one of the places he can always be himself.









Noisy people


Attention seekers

Abusive People

Other: He’s new at the school



Character Sheet

Name: Amano Sakiko

Nickname: Sakki

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Grade: 1st

Appearance: 1.60m tall




Crush: Her brother (She will always deny it and it will probably change through the roleplay)


She’s kind and caring, always trying to look strong to other people and the only person she would admit weakness to is her big brother. She gets annoyed when someone jokes about her height and usually reacts smacking the other person somewhere. She’s usually sarcastic while talking to others since it’s her way to appear distant and strong to others, people usually think she’s in a bad mood because of this but in truth is she’s just scared of letting anyone close to her.

She’s a tomboy, and doesn’t know how to act girlish and cute at all since she’s used to treat with her older brother. However she does have a girlish side though it doesn’t surface often, she loves animals and takes care of any she may find. She usually takes care of her brother even though he thinks he’s the one that’s protecting her. She seldom considers anyone her friend and people often avoid her due to her personality.

She loves acting, it’s one of her preferred activities and one of the few things she feels comfortable doing. She plays the violin and she’s good at it, mostly due to the fact that she has taken classes since she was 8, this mostly due to her parents’ wishes but with the pass of time she has taken a liking to it.


She was a lonely kid during her childhood, even though she wanted to make friends and have fun most kids didn’t like her being as honest and straightforward as she was, so she spent most of her childhood alone. When she was 6 her parents adopted a kid, at first she disliked him due to the attention her parents gave him, but over the years she started liking him and thinking of her as her older brother, he was the friend she had desperately looked for through all her childhood.

Due to her parents jobs she had to move constantly from town to town, so she never got to live a normal life, and the only constant persons in her life were her family. Through all her travels she got to meet an acting club in middle school and she has loved acting ever since, it made her feel better and less lonely. She’s really excited about living alone with her brother since this is the first time she’s going to spend more than a year at a city, she considers this opportunity like a start over and will try her best to make friends and have fun.



Her brother

Playing the violin


Reading her brother’s stories




Attention seeking girls

Girls who crush on her brother

Long study sessions

Spicy food


She’s ashamed of her girly side and always tries to hide it, however she almost never succeeds

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Kazami Neru


16 Years Old




Kaza-chan or Neru-chan



Birthday: 12 March

Height: 1.68 cm

Weight: 56 Kg

BWH: 90-58-85

Blood type: O

+Neru is a pretty normal girl, with long brown hair, usually in two ponytails, and eyes of the same color, her skin is a little pink and she usually wears a make up on it, her chest is a little bigger than most of the other female students, thing that makes her a little ashamed specially in sport class, Neru is considerate attractive but she doesn’t think so, she likes to keep a healthy body and her figure, she likes to wear cute clothes and usually have a lot of accessories for her hair+


First Year


No one for the moment...could change



Neru is a loud girl, she loves to make every situation a drama and is really exaggerated, for Neru there is no such things as "calm down" or "keep composure" since she was always a girl that can get excited over the smallest things, even though Neru has a lot of self-confidence sometimes she can get a little depressed because of what other people can say. Some people mind find her a little annoying and over dramatic, but for Neru every day is a wonderful adventure that must be lived to the maximum.

Neru have a tendency to judge people instinctively and because of that people thinks she is sassy but the true is that how she is, she does it with no ulterior motive and people usually misunderstands her. Also she has the habit of make every situation a drama, over reacting about any possible situation and being a cheerful girl.

Neru doesn’t really like to be alone and that’s why she usually tries to have a lot of company in the school and breaks, she loves specially to go to places where she can be loud and herself without caring about what others could say.

When her friends are in troubles or there are people being mean with them Neru changes and becomes a really sassy and sarcastic girl, showing coldness and even being mean with other people but this is just in order to protect her dear friends.


Drama Club and Baseball Club



-Listen to Music

-Make Noice


-Play Baseball


-Cold weather

-Being quiet

-Quiet places


-Fruits or vegetables



+Kazami kuro + Father + 39 years old + alive + Bussisnes man

+Kazami Shiru + Mother + 37 years old + alive + Model



Is the only daughter of the a young couple and they raised her to be a cheerful kid, what they didn’t expect was that she was going to become such a loud and expressive person, the problem become when she entered the school, and the other kids found her annoying, making her lost all her self-confidence, and becoming somebody more sad and shy. One day in middle school after finished her homework’s and be coming back home she found herself looking at a practice of the drama club and discovered her passion, becoming again the cheerful kid that everybody knew.

Her relationship with her family is good, becoming her a cheerful kid like his dad and always making jokes with him, and they have a childish relationship, with her mother Neru is really respectful and charm in which the two of them have a more a close friendship.

And it was in middle school that she meet what she could call her best friend, a girl that was like her before finding her passion, the name of this girl was Sakiko, Neru show her about the passion that could be acting and both of them become really good friends, sadly Sakki was moving after some months to another city, separating the two friends but that doesn’t mean that Neru forgot about her.

@kawiibunnygirl ok i hope everything will be ok, if something is wrong can you send me a Pm?

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Tomoko Kuroki


17 years old




Toku, mad, insane.




Tomoko is pretty small, and light weighted for her age. She has charcoal hair, and grassy green eyes. Her hair is a mind of its own. She is like a young adult inside of a child's body.




"A loners gotta be alone!"


You would find her usually after school in the principal's office. She has an attitude if she doesn't get her way, and usually is cranky. She is dull, but when she is smiling, you'd think she is about to go full-on insane. She will usually threaten to hurt people, but she rarely does due to her size. She is never a good influence around other people. When she is made, she'd usually break something. she doesn't care what it is. She takes jokes seriously, and never laughs. She is not a flexible student, either. She would get bad grades. She doesn't care what other people think of her. Tomoko can be over protective about her friends, if someone tried to pick on them, she'd be right next to her friends, about to put on an act.

Yep. That's Tomoko.







Dubstep Music



Any other kind of music

Any other animal





Birth Mother;


Birth father;



She had a horrid past. Her family abused her and that sent her an orphanage when she was five. Two years later she was adopted by a lovely woman and man. She was sent back to another orphanage when she was ten because the man and woman got pregnant, and couldn't care for two. She then was adopted a few months later by a woman in her 60s who was never able to have children, and wanted one so bad. She had a kitten named Vinegar, who was Tomoko's and the women's only friend. When she was sixteen the woman died, and her and Vinegar were left alone. She did not want to leave Vinegar to go to an orphanage, so she started attending school, and working at a part-time job. She now lives in an apartment caring for herself, and Vinegar. The two are best of friends.


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Michi Futago

Age: [15 - 18]




Grade: [1 - 3]

2nd Year

Appearance: [Did not have the resources for three pictures]



None, however he is a homosexual but there was no room to provide this information.

Personality: [Paragraph]

Michi is often considered smart because of his studious looking glasses, and he is. Michi is extremely perceptive, to the point where it might seem like he's treating you like you’re stupid. But hes not, he just thinks that people should be well informed about their surroundings. Hes typically perceived as cold, which he sort of is, its hard for him to hold a true conversation because of how awkward he is. So he just ostracizes the person or people that hes talking to, a sort of defense mechanism if you will. This is different from bullying, which he never does. He does not attempt to converse with people unless he needs something. However when people try to understand or befriend him he treats them as a nuisance but typically hes happy to have someone around. He’s very responsible and acts more like a protector and older brother around his friends.

Michi was born in a normal, middle class family. Despite, having a twin that he didn't exactly like the company of at first. Michi still dealt with his annoyance over his twin brother Masao. Though, enough with the relationship with his brother. Lets get to his history. Mchi's family had worked at pretty normal jobs, but often had multiple jobs to support twins that liked the opposite things most of the time. When Michi was only 14 years old, his father had gotten a job to work at the military. He wasn't exactly happy with this, but knew it would be a good way to support the family. A year had passed, and the Futago family had gotten the news that their father had died during war. Michi was horribly depressed about this, since he had a strong bond with his father. It had took Michi quite awhile to get over his father's death, and when he did. He had decided to actually get along with his brother, and soon enough the twins had made a strong bond.






Quiet Places


Loud Noises

Lots of People


Wasting Time

Yumiko Hinayori






2nd Year


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82657" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/3f7783fd0261677b7d2340d77e4c7220.jpg.f589eb8339526c8c86febe83cac1e453.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82658" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/3f7783fd0261677b7d2340d77e4c7220.jpg.f589eb8339526c8c86febe83cac1e453.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She's the isolated,exclusionary type;friendships don't come to her easily. She was never seen smiling and often has emotionless expressions. She is apathetic and somnolent,with little desire to put any effort to pointless,meaningless,and useless

things and instead focuses on her studies.Despite her cold and calm demeanor, she chooses to show new expressions to the people she trusts.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c55d59ea4_images(2).jpg.80274152905c214ed04cec92aaab251c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c55d59ea4_images(2).jpg.80274152905c214ed04cec92aaab251c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She used to be a sweet,charming,kind,respectful, obedient girl. Until the bullies came in. She wasn't bullied, but she was invited to be one. She had no choice but to join.They'd pick on her if she didn't. And later, she ends up burning the whole school, and sending countless students to the hospital. A few days after that, She asked her parents to enroll her to every other martial arts school.

She came from:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/8cab7b7fe1972193031de156343ed8035e3af21d_hq.gif.ab8b78c4ebe93dc16d520ff70b66bf70.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/8cab7b7fe1972193031de156343ed8035e3af21d_hq.gif.ab8b78c4ebe93dc16d520ff70b66bf70.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-A sweet,charming,kind,respectful,obedient young girl turned into a:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mkbs2jZxjK1rkx6y0o1_500.gif.ac500fbfdc8c2c31b2167b7ec1e76272.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mkbs2jZxjK1rkx6y0o1_500.gif.ac500fbfdc8c2c31b2167b7ec1e76272.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-merciless,strong,disrespectful,brave,rude,isolated,apathetic,somnolent girl.


+Kind people,ice cream,training,sparring.


-Bullies,rude people,being teased.


Her favorite martial arts/fighting technique is Muay Thai.((on the GIF above))



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