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Fantasy Anime Decendents

[QUOTE="ghost of past]
Name: Drake the kid

Related to: Death the kid from Soul Eater

appearance: (anime preferred)


Sexuallity: Straight

Gender: boy

Powers: Can make guns out of thin air

Personallity: He's shy and calm at the same time. He is always a jokester and when a battle comes, another side comes on and he gets serious.

Bio: He misses his father a lot due to him abandoning him as a babe. Knowing that he is the bloodline of his father, he doesn't want to let him down. Her knows that his father's out there, and starts to cry when he thinks about him. All he knows is that, he has to learn life by himself.

Crush: none yet

Extra: nope

Enhanced Swordsmanship[/URL] , Intuitive Aptitude )

Personality: Clair is always calm and collected , she enjoys messing and joking around but tends to become very serious when put on the spot.

Bio: Clair grew up with both her parents as mentors , like her mother prefers to move quickly and strike fast and like her father she prefers to duel wield. She has never failed a class and enjoys most things. Shes pretty normal up until she starts fighting.

Crush:none yet

Extra: she always carries her two black swords on her back. Dresses in black
[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Name: Mizore Kuran
Age: 18, her birthday having been only recently.

Related to: Yuki 'Cross' Kuran and Kaname Kuran from the anime Vampire Knight and also its second season Vampire Knight Guilty.


Sexuallity: Heterosexual. (aka straight)

Gender: Female

Powers: All the powers of a pureblooded vampire, which include:

  • Ability to erase memories
  • When provoked extremely glass and such around usually start shattering
  • Ability to change others into vampires, a gift that only purebloods posess
  • Ability to heal quickly
  • Have more self-control concerning blood than regular vampires
  • Ability to read thoughts

Personallity: She has a bit of a calm, quiet personality, much like her father. She enjoys reading, playing chess, and observing situations silently. She prefers to make difficult decisions herself, and doesn't really do well around animals.

Bio: She was born into the Kuran family of purebloods, the only existing pureblooded vampire family. She grew up rather enjoyably with her parents, and had the option of many luxuries, however, she turned away all of them.

Crush: N/A

Extra: She always hides her true feelings, and due to an impressive poker face, most people don't really know what she's feeling or thinking.

Hope this is good! :D

All accepted.
Robertaka123 said:
Name: Yunan
Age: 17

Related to: Sinbad (Magi: the labyrinth of magic)


Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male

Powers: Able to transform into a more powerful version of himself, known as Focalor, for a short period of time. Whilst transformed he has augmented speed and strength, the ability to fly, as well as use abjuration and evocation magic. He can not use this ability for more than thirty minutes before resting. While not in his alternate form he can still use minor evocation and abjuration magic but only in self defense.


Personality: While in his normal form he is usually a care free, charming young man who does what he can to be on everyone's good side. While transformed, he becomes a sadistic, sociopath with only the will to destroy his enemy using whatever means necessary.

Bio: His father never claimed him as his child, as he actually had no idea that this was his child. Sinbad had a habit of getting overly intoxicated and waking up in different places not knowing what he did the night before. So, even Yunan can only guess about Sinbad being his actual father since they have similar powers and similar transformations. His mother was a middle class woman, so he grew up comfortably on the island nation of his father.

Crush: N/A

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]



Aleo Arlert




:Related to:

Armin Arlert and Annie Leonhardt (SnK)


Aleo doesn't look too much like his parents- there is a mixture of the two in his features though- and, to be honest, it's really for the best. His hair is a honey blond and his eyes are the same colour, the orbs being highlighted by surprisingly long and dark eyelashes. The boy stands at a pretty respectable 5'8 and his build is rather lithe







Although he is your mere human, Aleo does possess some enviable strengths.

?Aleo, like his father, is very, very intelligent and smart, and has been described as a genius many times. He loves to think outside the box, and he enjoys reading up on anything his can get his hands on?

?Thanks to his mother, he has a fantastic knowledge of martial arts and boxing, so he's pretty difficult to beat in a fight. He's very confident with his fist fighting abilities as a result?

?His eyes are like those of a hawk and are practically perfect in every sense?

?Aleo is a master lockpick and pickpocket thanks to his upbringing as a child; he can steal anything without stirring a noise or the attention of anyone, and has very rarely been caught?



Aleo is a pleasant mixture of quiet and bubbly. He's not withdrawn at all times and whispering, nor is he bouncing off walls with loud laughter, rather, the blond smiles, keeps his hands on his pockets and admires from afar. If you want to talk to him, that's no problem! Go right ahead and speak to him; you'll have a lovely conversation with a pretty sweet guy. If you don't want to speak to him, that's okay too! He won't mind. After all, he can continue thinking and wander into his own world for longer. Also- surprisingly- Aleo loves joking around, and finds nothing better than a prank or two. Once in a playful mood you better watch out; he won't hold back, and you might find yourself dipped back in his arms as he shoots you a charming smile. Yes, this even applies if you're a guy. Reactions to these things are the best, after all, and that's what make silly comments and pranks all the better!


Growing up, Aleo and his parents were constantly on the run. Annie was wanted dead by the people inside the walls due to her betraying humanity, and Armin was now wanted dead as well due to escaping off with her once she emerged from her crystal. They had to adapt a completely different look to help blend in without suspicion and they had to trust no one but themselves. After about a year of the two being together, Aleo was born, and it was a bittersweet time for the new parents. Armin had to resort to stealing to feed the family of three- going anywhere was a huge risk, even with the change of appearance- and when Aleo was old enough, he was taught the skills to defend himself, the proper steps of thievery and how to read and write. All was well for the family until the boy reached the age of fourteen... They were discovered, and to shake off a death sentence for their innocent child, Armin and Annie sent him off in a completely different direction from them as the couple ran off together. They haven't been seen since that night and have been reported dead, but Aleo thinks otherwise; he has a feeling deep down that they're still alive and together, and nothing anyone says can change that view.

Since being abandoned, the blond male lived on the streets, supported himself through stealing and honed out the skills that his parents taught him





He holds a huge fondness for cats, and if one is within his line of sight, he'll dart after it and cradle it to his chest as quick as possible

A small ring with a sapphire gem is on his person at all times (it was given to him by his parents from a very young age)


[/QUOTE]Accepted. Ask any questions needed.
kawaiipanda09 said:
View attachment 186719

Akira Jaeger

"You can call me Kira..."



"I'm seventeen..."

View attachment 186720

Related to:

Mikasa Ackerman & Eren Jaeger(SnK/AoT)

"They never gave me the life I wanted to have..."

View attachment 186721


View attachment 186722

She got some genes from her father,having brown hair. She usually ties her hair using ribbons.

"I-I like ribbons!..."

She stands at 5'6,has fair skin,and long,brown hair.





"Are you blind?...."

View attachment 186728


She has none, But she uses her 'inteligence' for advantage.

"I use intelligence for my advantage..."


Growing up to be the only child, she felt lonely. She hides her problems in her fake smile,so the people she love doesn't need to worry about her. She often has positive expressions. She's kind,understandable,respectful,brave, and sometimes, she's apathetic. She has little desire to put any effort into pointless,useless things.

"I don't want to waste my time over techniques,but I was forced to,anyway...."


When she was just a child, she wasn't allowed to go outside. So she spent time reading books.

"I had a dream to explore, and that dream got broken by my parents..."

View attachment 186729

She waits until her parents,which she rarely sees, get home. She never had any friends, which she was sad about. She cried at times, hoping someone would come, but no one came. She learned to do things herself,to cook, to wash the dishes, even to iron clothes. She felt like a maid. Her parents were too busy trying to 'find' someone, that she never got to play with them. She only sees them at night time, which she loves. She grew up to be brave,strong and stoic. She hid all her problems. She buried all her burdens and problems away in a smile. When she was a teen, they finally let her out. She enjoyed being outside,watching clouds,looking at the stars, and finally, they taught her self-defense and others. But she enjoyed exploring around unseen places, which her parents don't allow her.

"Do my parents even love me?..."

View attachment 186731


None yet


She knows mixed martial arts, She's afraid of cats, She's never been outside Wall Maria,Her favorite Martial Arts\Fighting technique is Muay Thai,which she learned when she was young.

"This is the first technique my parents taught me..."

View attachment 186734

"The Best feeling on the world,is when you know your parents are smiling because of you,But not ever have I felt this in my whole life..."

"Parents break more dreams than anybody else."

"Not all
scars show,not all wounds heal. But what you can't see is the pain I feel."

"It's sad that I never saw the love in my parents....."

-Akira Jaeger
@Mikazuki Akita[/URL] , can you tell me what anime your father's from? I just need to know so that he's not made up.
ghost of past]Both accepted. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23716-mikazuki-akita/ said:
@Mikazuki Akita[/URL] , can you tell me what anime your father's from? I just need to know so that he's not made up.
Ah! Sorry about that! I just added the anime he's from. Thanks so much!
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SoulDestroyer445 said:
View attachment 187016

Katsuo Hiroshi Ackerman

"You can call me Hiro.."



"Do you need to ask?..."

Related to:

Levi Ackerman(SnK/AoT)

View attachment 187025

View attachment 187027

"I don't care if I don't have a mom..."


View attachment 187028 View attachment 187029

He has black hair, and red eyes. He stands at 5'10 and usually wears black.

"Black is my favorite color..."


Because he's a human, he has none. But he is aerodynamic,strong,smart, and fast. He can memorize five languages in a few minutes.

"I know how to speak Japanese and Spanish."

View attachment 187030


Like his father,He prefers his environment spotless and clean. However,he will not hesitate to touch filth if he deems it necessary. Despite his preoccupation of cleanliness, He is abrasive and not very approachable.He rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others. His manner of speaking tends to be blunt and insulting. But he has a soft side,which only shows when people are sad.

"I don't mean to interrupt,but if you want to throw trash all over the place, do it somewhere else..."


For the past few years, Hiro and his father were dealing about wanted criminals which had been caught and put in a deep,secret dungeon. They'd been thinking if they were to be executed, or punished. Hiro left this important decision to his father. He didn't care if he had no mother. Over the years, he'd been training about swordfighting,mixed martial arts, and even how to handle guns. For all those years,he didn't care about no one except for himself.

"I never wanted to deal with 'criminals' wanting to be executed..."

View attachment 187033


None..for now.

"I don't want to waste my time over the word 'love'."


When he was a child, He'd steal money and buy what he wanted, he didn't know what was good, and what was wrong. He ended up killing an innocent man, that he stole money from. And his father never caught him. This event was long forgotten, and he never did bad things again...

"I'm the only one who remembers this...is it bad I don't feel bad about killing him?"

Vequa said:
Name: Kirai Sasaki
Age: 13

Related to: Kaneki Ken/Haise Sasaki (Tokyo Ghoul taking on aspects of the manga as it is more realistic and makes a bit more sense)

appearance: Has white hair like Haise and blue eyes like her mother from what she was told.


Sexuallity: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Powers: Has the power of RC cells which creates a Ukaku/Rinkaku unlike most Ghouls. Her hair with her wings becomes gold. Eyes become red and is a one eyed. Can be too painful for a transformation mentally (like down below) so it is only used in times in extreme hunger or threatening situations.

Other than a transformation:

Sense the soul (like kaneki inside of haise I guess though I am not sure how far that idea will go other than from the past/bio)


smelling (blocks away)

sight (miles worth)

hearing (a room away, (through a wall(?)))


Personallity: Always a bit depressed, possibly passed down a a trait from the father, and yearning for love. Always tries to show when she is happy but usually contorts to a confused, or more like a crest-fallen look (like in the appearances). She is also observing.

Bio: Born and raised by Haise Sasaki she wanted warmth but was not reciprocated. Though he was very nice to her she noticed he is distant, almost repulsed by her. Instead she felt the warmth of another entity inside of her father though she wasn't sure of what it was. She found out that her father had a despise for Ghouls and there was her 'real father' named Kaneki Ken inside of the one who she thought was her father (like a real personality or something like that). The one and only time she met Kaneki Ken was when she was about to die. While he was stotic and had a deafening stare he told her that he wanted to protect the ones he loved and was glad he finally could. Though it wasn't evident that Kaneki was gone she could sense it. Before any part of her father could come back to their senses she decided to run away as she did not feel anymore love radiating off of what once was her father. She still remembers her father's character clearly even if it was in his dying breath.

Crush: Drake the Kid

Extra: Has a special liking to Katsuo Hiroshi Ackerman (like father/daughter because I thought he was in some ways like keneki when he was by the end of the anime if that's ok)

I had such a hard time making this OC half the time because I thought I was too evil D: also because I made a lot up combined with the anime and manga so here's the finished product TBH this process took like 3 hours, like what am I doing with my life xD . But anyways hope you like it!

We will now begin the roleplay.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Name: Isamu Hyoudou
Age: 15

Related to: Issei Hyoudou and Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD)



Sexuallity: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Powers: He wields the Red Dragon sacred gear, Ddraig, which his father also had. This was highly unlikely because Ddraig could have been on any other human. But, due to Ddraig, Isamu's power doubles every ten seconds. The only limit is how much he can handle. He can transfer this power to someone or use it himself. The power of the sacred gear relies on the users will. Ddraig also lets Isamu fire a small ball of energy from the the sacred gear. Isamu can also use a balance breaker, where he turns into the dragon. If he wasn't trained, this would be really dangerous to use and would cut Isamu's life span. But, due to his mother knowing how to train the emperor of Red Dragon, he is trained to use it. Plus, due to him being a demon, he can only die by someone killing him.


Personallity: Like his father, Isamu is a pure pervert. He loves everything about a woman. To him, they are the only reason why he lives. They are his everything. And he would do anything for girl. If he finds out about someone's powers, he will think of ways he can use it to his advantage, just to touch a girl. He also wants to protect and help his friends despite almost dying at the hands of his opponents. He is oblivious to the girls who like him.

Bio: Isamu Hyoudou was born to find out that his dad was dead. His mother was still upset over the death of Isamu's father, despite the fact that he died just after she found out she was pregnant. Of course, his father had died to the hands of the Emperor of White Dragon, as in each life, they both kill each other in battle. Rias soon found comfort in Isamu. She gave him Issei's last name to remind her of him. He even grew up to be almost an exact replica of him. He was even the emperor of Red Dragon. This surprised his mother as it was really rare for someone in the same family to get the sacred gear as the last. She trained him up with the knowledge she had and made him the best he could be with Ddraig. His limits has never been found as he has no limits.

Crush: Every...single...GIRL!

Extra: "My dad was the Harem King...does that make me the Harem Prince?"

Ldybug123 said:
Name: Jirou Okumura
Age: 15

Related to: cousin of Yukio and Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)




Powers:inherited the blue flames of Satan and uses them to fight

Personallity:kind, will protect the people he cares about, smart

Bio:even though his cousins were both exorcists, he had no intrest in becoming one for some reason. he is younger than Yukio and Rin. his parents decided to send him to a school for anime decendents like him.


has some of his power infused in it and also uses this to fight

@Newtype what anime is your characters dad from?

AnarchyReins said:


Marcus Leo Shiba



Related to:(ad which anime it's from too)


Tatsuya Shiba


Son of Tatsuya Shiba

appearance: (anime preferred)







The ability to cancel all magic attacks, Two magic powered pistols,

Mind body inhancing magicmagic casting


Caring, Loyal, Quirky, Rebellious, Funny, Mischievous.


His dad Tatsuya, raised him as a battle ready kid. He trained him to use body inhancing magic, and to channel magic into the two pistols he passed down to him.


Akito Kis


Plays soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. There is no rule stating he can't use his body inhancing magic, so he uses it to help him improve, and perform in those sports

Libra259 said:
"What?! Never seen a Loli girl?! Just because im loli doesnt mean Im not strong!" -Kalina Ayano
"Who said you could judge me?.. I didn't judge you." -Kalina Ayano

Name: Kalina Ayano

Age: 16

Related to: Cousin of Keikl Ayano (Silica) from SAO


Sexuallity: heterosexual

"Well whats this to yeah?!"

Gender: female

"Can you not see me?.."

Powers: like her sister she is also a beast tamer, though this isnt a power, she is incredibly fast and agile but not very strong.

"Only a beast tamer in SAO! Hell yeah im fast and agile! Being short has its perks!"

Personallity: Kalina might have the loli look though she is a Tsundere. She can be seen as rude, blunt, rash, fiery, feisty, cute, stubborn, nice, caring, daring and brave. It really depend upon what mood she is in.

"Oi! Im not a Tsundere!!"

Bio: TBR

"You dont need to know my history, thats my business not yours.."

Crush: None

"Males annoy me.. Along with most people on this earth.."

Extra: Kalina currently does not have a beast tamed since she has be preoccupied with other things. Her and Silica are very close though they can act very different. Kalina took on a more tough personality since she was always underestimated and because of her Loli appearance. Kalina's hair is really the same colour as her sisters though she made her avatars hair pink and ended up dying it.

"I hate being mistaken for my cousin!!"
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]
The ever watchful eye
"I am always behind you, my love..."

Full Name: Mika Kirishima

Nickname: Miky

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Weight: 100 lbs

Height: 4,11 feet

Eye Color: Blue

Related to: Shouko Kirishima, Baka to Test

Mika Kirishima





Being near the one she loves


The one she loves interacting with other girls

Spicy food


Losing the one she loves


Pouting when not getting her will.


Mika is, just like her relative, a person that loves full force. She is nice and kind, very intelligent, but if the one she choose to love does something, that she does consider cheating on her, she will punish her beloved cruelly.

Mika has the ability to suddenly appear behind her beloved. She can sense that one person, where ever he is.

She also has a taser, just like her mother.

To be revealed...


[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Hm. Alright, i may bump into you then after i looked at the cs of you two to see who those two are :)

Ok. I look forward to meeting you in the rp.
[QUOTE="ghost of past]Ok. I look forward to meeting you in the rp.

I will be gone for about 1-2 hours. I will wait till i am back becore starting a interaction :)
Blackrose7 said:
Name: Ami Kaname
Age: 15

Related to: Madoka Kaname



Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Powers: Ami can fire slash projectiles at her enemies when she is in her magical girl form by using her axe.

Ami also can regenerate any physical damage she took by automatically healing herself, or she can heal others.But the downside to this is that if the physical attack is way too strong, or someone cuts her head off. Ami will be permanently dead.

Personality: Ami is very kind and shy girl, who ended up being involved with the magical girl business. Because she ended up making a wish to cure everybody who has cancer, since her little brother has it.

She doesn't like to fight unless Ami is fighting against a nightmare, since not only did her mother: Madoka already got rid of all of the witches. So no future magical girls can become one, but she still needs to purify her soul gem. Since it does vanished into a purify sparkles when it is defeated.

Ami is very caring towards her friends, and doesn't like it when they ended up figuring out who her mother is. Since she doesn't want them to know that her mother is a goddess.

Bio: Ami and her little brother: Max are both created by Godoka, since she was getting pretty lonely in her dimension.

It did work after a while, since Madoka was happy that she created her own kids. Because now she wasn't lonely in her dimension, but as both of them started to get older, since Madoka created them to be a demigod.

Ami asked her mother if she can go to earth, since Madoka told Ami a bunch of a stories of what earth looks like, and her adventures in the different timelines.

This however worried Madoka, since she doesn't know if Ami will be ok. Because Ami never been to earth before, but she also trusted Ami. Since Madoka knew that she can handle herself, so Madoka created a house just for Ami on earth, putted fake parents, and told her that she can always come back to her dimension through any mirror.

Ami said thank you to her mother, hugged her, and left through a portal to explore a new world.

But things didn't went well afterwards, since Max ended up getting cancer one day.

So Ami took Max from Madoka’s dimension, and bring him to a hospital, so they can cure them. But nothing seems to be working for Max, since being a demigod was also preventing the cure to work properly.

Ami was losing hope that her brother was going to die from the cancer, but when Kyubey ended up appearing. Everything started to change, since Ami did wished that everybody with cancer to be cured. Her wish was granted, Max was cured from his cancer, and Ami ended up becoming a magical girl, who hunts down nightmares.

Crush: N/A

Extra: Ami is not as powerful as her mother: Madoka, since Godoka created Ami and Max to be a demigod.

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